Saturday 14 September 2024



Main Text: Revelation 3:8 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 22:22, 1 Corinthians 16:9, Acts 16:25-26, Matthew 7:7-8

By Rev Samuel Arimoro

In life, doors represent opportunities, access, and progress. When God opens a door, no one can shut it (Revelation 3:8). As believers, we must recognize and walk through the doors God opens in our lives. Open doors signify divine opportunities for promotion, spiritual growth, and fulfilling destiny. This sermon explores the concept of open doors, how to recognize them, and how to respond when God opens one.


a) God Has the Key of David (Isaiah 22:22) 
Isaiah 22:22 speaks of God holding the "key of David," meaning He has the authority to open doors that no one can shut and shut doors that no one can open. When God opens a door, it is an indication of His divine approval and direction.

b) Divine Openings Cannot Be Hindered
Revelation 3:8 assures us that when God opens a door, no one can close it. Human opposition, spiritual resistance, and even personal limitations cannot stop what God has set in motion.

c) God Opens Doors of Opportunity
In 1 Corinthians 16:9, Paul acknowledges a "great and effective door" that has been opened for him, even though there are many adversaries. Open doors do not mean there will be no challenges, but they signify divine opportunities that must be seized.


a) Door of Salvation (John 10:9)
Jesus declared that He is the door through which we can be saved. The first and most important open door is the door of salvation. When we accept Christ, we walk through the door to eternal life.

b) Door of Deliverance (Acts 16:25-26) 
In Acts 16:25-26, Paul and Silas were in prison, but as they prayed and praised, God opened the prison doors. This is a powerful example of God opening a door of deliverance. No situation is too difficult for God to break through and set us free.

c) Door of Promotion
When God opens a door of promotion, it elevates us to a new level of influence and responsibility. Joseph’s journey from the prison to the palace (Genesis 41:39-41) is a clear example of God opening a door of promotion.

d) Door of Ministry
God also opens doors for ministry and service. In 2 Corinthians 2:12, Paul speaks of a door being opened for him to preach the gospel. These open doors are opportunities to expand the kingdom of God and fulfill our calling.


a) Through Prayer and Discernment
Jesus taught us to ask, seek, and knock in Matthew 7:7-8. Open doors are often revealed in the place of prayer. We need spiritual discernment to recognize divine opportunities and avoid distractions.

b) Alignment with God’s Will 
God’s open doors will always align with His Word and His will for your life. Any door that leads you away from God’s plan is not from Him. Test every opportunity with the Word of God and ensure it brings you closer to your destiny.

c) Peace of God 
Colossians 3:15 speaks of the peace of God ruling in our hearts. When God opens a door, there is an inner peace and confirmation that this is the right direction to go. Fear or anxiety about an opportunity may indicate that it’s not the right door.


a) Step Out in Faith
When God opens a door, we must be bold and step through in faith. In Matthew 14:29, Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water when Jesus called him. Fear often keeps us from stepping into the opportunities God provides, but faith propels us forward.

b) Persistence in the Face of Opposition 
Even when a door is open, there may be opposition. Paul faced many adversaries (1 Corinthians 16:9), but he pressed forward. Challenges should not discourage us from pursuing what God has set before us.

c) Walk in Obedience 
Obedience to God’s instructions is crucial when walking through open doors. In Acts 12:6-10, Peter walked out of prison when an angel opened the doors for him. Had he hesitated, he might have missed his moment of deliverance. We must be quick to obey when God opens a door.


a) A Life of Prayer
Prayer is essential for maintaining an open heaven and keeping doors open. In James 5:16, we are reminded that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. Consistent prayer keeps us aligned with God’s will and sensitive to His leading.

b) Continuous Praise and Worship
Like Paul and Silas in Acts 16:25-26, praise is a key that unlocks doors. Maintaining a lifestyle of worship keeps doors of deliverance and breakthrough open.

c) Living a Life of Holiness 
Holiness and righteousness attract God favour and keep doors of blessing open. Psalm 84:11 tells us that "no good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly." When we live in purity, God will continue to open doors for us.

d) Gratitude and Thanksgiving 
Gratitude is a key to keeping doors of blessing open. When we are thankful for what God has done, He is pleased to do more. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to present our requests with thanksgiving, and this opens the door for peace and provision.

God is the One who opens doors of opportunities, deliverance, and breakthrough. When He opens a door, no one can shut it. However, we must be spiritually alert, walk in obedience, and step through those doors by faith. When we do, we will experience favour, promotion, and blessings in every area of our lives. The open doors God sets before us lead to greater purpose and divine destiny.


1. Father, thank You for being the opener of doors in my life.
2. Lord, I ask for divine discernment to recognize the doors You have opened for me.
3. Father, open doors of opportunity and breakthrough for me in every area of my life.
4. Lord, I command every door of blessing that has been shut to be opened in Jesus' name.
5. Father, grant me the boldness and faith to walk through the doors You have opened for me.
6. Lord, remove every opposition and hindrance standing in the way of my open doors.
7. Father, let Your peace guide me in every decision concerning open doors.
8. Lord, I ask for doors of deliverance and healing to be opened in my life.
9. Father, open doors of promotion and elevation for me in my career and ministry.
10. Lord, may every door favour or that has been closed be opened by Your mighty power.


1. I declare that every closed door in my life is opened in Jesus' name.
2. I prophesy that new doors of opportunities and favour are opening for me now.
3. I decree that every prison door holding me captive is broken open by the power of God.
4. I declare that no adversary will be able to stop the doors God has opened for me.
5. I prophesy that doors of breakthrough are opening for me in my career, business, and ministry.
6. I declare that I will walk through every door of promotion God has set before me.
7. I decree that every door of stagnation is shut, and new doors of progress are opened.
8. I prophesy that I will not miss any divine opportunity set before me.
9. I declare that doors of divine connections and partnerships are opening for me.
10. I decree that I will walk in continuous favour as God opens new doors for me on every side.

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