Saturday 21 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 John 2:20 
Supporting Texts: Luke 4:18, Exodus 30:30, 1 Samuel 16:13, Isaiah 61:1 

The anointing is the supernatural empowerment that comes from God, enabling believers to fulfill their divine assignment and walk in the fullness of their calling. Throughout Scripture, we see various expressions of the anointing operating in the lives of God’s people. These anointings were not just for spiritual leaders but for all who were set apart by God for a special purpose. In this sermon, we will explore the different types of anointing found in the Bible and how each one serves a unique function in advancing the kingdom of God.

The leper's anointing symbolizes the anointing of salvation, where a person is cleansed from sin and restored to fellowship with God.

a) Anointing for Cleansing from Sin
In the Old Testament, when a leper was healed, they would undergo a special ceremony that involved anointing them with oil as part of their purification (Leviticus 14:14-18). This anointing symbolized their restoration to the community and the removal of uncleanness.

b) Salvation and Restoration
The leper's anointing in the New Testament can be likened to the experience of salvation, where we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus and anointed with the Holy Spirit, marking us as redeemed and restored children of God.

Biblical Example: Cleansing of Naaman (2 Kings 5:14) 
Naaman, a leprous commander, experienced physical and spiritual cleansing when he obeyed the prophet Elisha's instruction to wash in the Jordan River. His healing represents the anointing that restores us from sin and uncleanness.

The priestly anointing is the anointing for consecration and service to God. It sets a person apart for a holy calling and empowers them to serve in the house of the Lord.

a) Anointing for Holiness and Service
In Exodus 30:30, Aaron and his sons were anointed with oil to consecrate them for priestly service. This anointing symbolized their separation unto God and empowered them to minister on behalf of the people.

b) Walking in Holiness 
Every believer is called to be a priest unto God (1 Peter 2:9). The priestly anointing empowers us to live a life of holiness, offering spiritual sacrifices, interceding, and serving in the work of God.

Biblical Example:  Anointing of Aaron (Exodus 40:13-15) 
Aaron was anointed by Moses as the high priest, setting him apart for sacred duties. His anointing is a reminder that every believer is consecrated to God for service in His kingdom.

The kingly anointing is the anointing for leadership and authority. It is the empowerment to lead with wisdom, courage, and divine authority.

a) Anointing for Leadership
When God anoints someone for a leadership role, He imparts His authority and wisdom to govern His people. This anointing equips the leader to fulfill their divine mandate with excellence and godly influence.

b) Divine Authority and Power 
The kingly anointing is not limited to political leaders; it is available to all believers who are called to lead in various capacities. This anointing enables us to reign in life (Romans 5:17), exercising dominion and authority in our respective spheres.

Biblical Example: Anointing of David (1 Samuel 16:13) 
David was anointed by Samuel to be king over Israel. Though he was young and inexperienced, the Spirit of the Lord came upon him from that day forward, empowering him to become a mighty king and warrior for God.

The prophetic anointing is the anointing for revelation and the ability to speak the mind of God with accuracy and power.

a) Anointing for Revelation and Direction
Those who carry the prophetic anointing are given insight into God’s plans and purposes. They are able to see beyond the natural and communicate God’s heart to His people, offering guidance, correction, and encouragement.

b) Speaking Forth God’s Word
This anointing is not only for those called to the office of a prophet but is also available to any believer who seeks God for revelation. In Acts 2:17, God promises to pour out His Spirit, and sons and daughters will prophesy.

Biblical Example: Anointing of Elisha (2 Kings 2:9-15) 
Elisha received a double portion of the prophetic anointing from Elijah. This enabled him to perform great miracles and speak God’s word with authority. His prophetic ministry changed the course of Israel’s history.

The warrior’s anointing is the anointing for spiritual warfare and the empowerment to overcome the forces of darkness.

a) Anointing for Victory in Battle
This type of anointing enables believers to wage war in the spirit realm and take territory for God’s kingdom. It gives the strength to defeat spiritual enemies and break strongholds through prayer and fasting.

b) Overcoming Power
With the warrior’s anointing, believers can stand firm in the face of spiritual opposition. This anointing equips us to engage in warfare and claim the victory that Christ has already secured on the cross (Ephesians 6:10-18).

Biblical Example: Samson’s Anointing for Battle (Judges 15:14-15) 
Samson was anointed with supernatural strength to defeat the enemies of Israel. His anointing for warfare enabled him to overcome the Philistines, despite being vastly outnumbered. This shows that with the anointing, the odds are always in our favour.

The healing anointing is the empowerment to bring physical, emotional, and spiritual healing to others.

a) Anointing for Healing the Sick
In Luke 4:18, Jesus declared that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free. The healing anointing flows through believers who are called to lay hands on the sick and see them recover (Mark 16:18).

b) Operating in the Miraculous
The healing anointing is not just limited to physical healing but extends to emotional and spiritual healing as well. It is an anointing that brings wholeness and restoration to every area of life.

Biblical Example: Peter’s Shadow Healing the Sick (Acts 5:15-16) 
Peter was so anointed that even his shadow would bring healing to those it touched. This shows the power of the healing anointing when it is in full operation in a believer’s life.

The anointing is a divine empowerment that equips believers for various assignments and functions in God’s kingdom. Whether it is for cleansing, leadership, warfare, or healing, each type of anointing carries a unique grace that enables us to fulfill our God-given purpose. As we seek God and walk in obedience to His Word, we can experience the fullness of these anointings in our lives and make a lasting impact on the world around us.

1. Father, I receive the anointing for cleansing and restoration in every area of my life. 

2. Lord, anoint me for holy service and consecrate me for Your divine purpose. 

3. Father, pour out upon me the kingly anointing for leadership and authority. 

4. Lord, I receive the prophetic anointing to hear Your voice and speak Your Word with boldness. 

5. Father, strengthen me with the warrior’s anointing to overcome every spiritual battle I face. 

6. Lord, release the healing anointing upon me to bring restoration to the sick and hurting. 

7. Father, increase the anointing upon my life to fulfill the divine mandate You have given me. 

8. Lord, grant me the grace to walk in the fullness of every type of anointing You have for me. 

9. Father, let Your anointing break every yoke of bondage and set me free from every oppression. 

10. Lord, fill me with fresh oil, and let Your anointing overflow in my life for Your glory.

1. I declare that you are anointed for divine purpose and consecrated for God’s service. 
2. I prophesy that the anointing of leadership and authority will manifest in your life. 
3. I declare that the prophetic anointing will cause you to hear God’s voice with clarity and accuracy. 
4. I prophesy that you will overcome every battle with the warrior’s anointing upon you. 
5. I declare that the healing anointing will flow through you, bringing miracles and restoration.  

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