Saturday 14 September 2024



Main Text: Mark 5:25-34 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 53:5, Luke 4:18, Malachi 4:2, Psalm 103:2-4, Jeremiah 30:17

By Rev Samuel Arimoro

In life, we encounter moments where it seems like the bleeding never stops—whether it's physical, emotional, or spiritual. Bleeding here represents ongoing struggles, pain, or crises that seem to have no end. The woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5 had been bleeding for 12 years, a symbol of prolonged suffering and hopelessness. But her story didn’t end in suffering; through an encounter with Jesus, she went from bleeding to blessing. Today, we’ll explore how God can take us from the darkest of places and bring us into His blessing.


a) The Woman's Condition (Mark 5:25-26)
The woman suffered for 12 years with an issue of blood. Her condition was physically draining, financially exhausting, and emotionally isolating. Just like her, many of us carry hidden issues—bleeding emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Our pain may not be visible to others, but it is real, and it drains us of our joy, hope, and strength. The constant bleeding represents ongoing battles and issues that never seem to end.

b) The Futility of Human Efforts (Mark 5:26) 
The woman spent all she had seeking help from various doctors, but instead of getting better, she grew worse. This shows the limitations of human efforts. No matter how hard we try to fix things on our own, true healing and restoration come only from God. Human solutions often fail, but God’s power to heal is unlimited.

c) The Emotional Toll of Prolonged Suffering
In addition to her physical pain, the woman likely experienced deep emotional suffering. She was considered unclean, separated from society, and isolated. Prolonged bleeding often brings with it shame, loneliness, and despair. However, God specializes in turning shame into honor and transforming sorrow into joy (Isaiah 61:7).


a) Desperate Faith (Mark 5:27-28)
The woman heard about Jesus and believed that if she could just touch the hem of His garment, she would be healed. Her desperation turned into faith. She had no one else to turn to, but she believed that Jesus was her only hope. Faith in God, even in our most desperate situations, has the power to bring about transformation. As Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

b) The Power of the Touch (Mark 5:29-30)
As soon as the woman touched Jesus, her bleeding stopped, and she was healed instantly. This touch was not accidental; it was intentional and filled with faith. Jesus felt power go out of Him, showing that her faith activated His healing power. When we reach out to Jesus in faith, no matter how desperate our condition, He responds with power to heal and restore.

c) Jesus’ Personal Response (Mark 5:31-34)
Though there were many people pressing around Him, Jesus stopped to acknowledge the woman’s touch. He called her “daughter,” a term of endearment, and confirmed that her faith had made her whole. Jesus not only healed her physically, but He also restored her identity and dignity. In the same way, God not only wants to heal us but also to restore our worth and purpose in Him.


a) Instant Healing (Mark 5:29)
The woman’s bleeding ceased immediately. Her years of suffering ended in a moment of divine encounter. When God steps into our situation, years of pain, disappointment, and struggle can end in an instant. Psalm 30:5 reminds us that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

b) Restored Identity and Purpose (Mark 5:34)
Jesus not only healed the woman but also restored her position in society. He called her “daughter,” publicly affirming her value and status. Many times, prolonged suffering can cause us to lose sight of who we are, but when God restores us, He also restores our sense of identity and purpose.

c) The Blessing of Wholeness (Jeremiah 30:17) 
The blessing Jesus gave the woman went beyond physical healing—it was the blessing of wholeness. To be whole means to be healed in every area of life: physically, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. Jesus doesn’t just want to fix one part of our lives; He wants to make us whole.


a) Approach Jesus with Faith
Just like the woman with the issue of blood, we must come to Jesus with faith, believing that He is able to heal and restore us. No matter how long we’ve been suffering, Jesus is able to turn our situation around.

b) Believe That Your Story Can Change
The woman’s story changed in an instant. We, too, must believe that no matter how long we’ve been in our situation, God can change our story in a moment. What seems impossible with man is possible with God (Luke 18:27).

**c) Testify of God’s Goodness** 
Once the woman was healed, she could not remain silent. Her story became a testimony of God’s power. When God brings us from bleeding to blessing, our testimony becomes a source of encouragement and faith for others.

The woman with the issue of blood went from bleeding to blessing through her faith in Jesus. Her years of suffering ended in an instant when she reached out to Him in faith. Like her, we may have issues that drain us and seem unending, but Jesus is able to bring us from a place of suffering to a place of blessing. Our story doesn’t have to end in pain; with God, it can end in glory. Whatever your bleeding may be—whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual—Jesus is waiting for you to reach out to Him. He will heal, restore, and bless you, turning your situation from bleeding to blessing.


1. Lord, I bring my bleeding situation before You. Heal me completely, in Jesus' name.

2. Father, increase my faith to believe for my healing and breakthrough.

3. Lord, I break every cycle of prolonged suffering in my life.

4. Father, I touch the hem of Your garment today; let Your healing power flow into my life.

5. Lord, restore my identity and worth where it has been lost or damaged.

6. Father, turn every shame in my life into glory and honour.

7. Lord, bring me from a place of pain to a place of testimony.

8. Father, make me whole in every area of my life—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

9. Lord, let Your power flow into every situation that has been draining me, and bring restoration.

10. Father, I declare that I am moving from bleeding to blessing by Your grace and power.


1. I declare that every prolonged suffering in my life ends today, in Jesus’ name.

2. I prophesy that my faith will bring about divine healing and restoration in every area of my life.

3. I decree that what has been draining me is broken by the power of God.

4. I declare that God is restoring my identity, worth, and dignity.

5. I prophesy that my story will become a testimony of God's healing power and grace.

6. I declare that I am whole—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—in Jesus' name.

7. I decree that every shame and reproach in my life is turned into glory and honour.

8. I prophesy that I will walk in divine health and wholeness from this day forward.

9. I declare that the cycle of pain and suffering in my life is broken by the power of God.

10. I decree that I am moving from bleeding to blessing, and my testimony will inspire others to trust in God's power.

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