Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Judges 6:1-6 
Supporting Texts: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, Ephesians 6:12, Isaiah 54:17

Repeated battles can be frustrating and draining. Many people experience cycles of struggles, failures, or setbacks in their lives, families, or careers. These battles may manifest as financial challenges, health issues, or spiritual attacks that seem never-ending. However, God has given us the power to overcome every battle, no matter how persistent it may seem. In this sermon, we will explore biblical principles for overcoming repeated battles and how to experience lasting victory.


a) What Are Repeated Battles?
Repeated battles are conflicts, challenges, or problems that occur persistently over time. These may be spiritual, physical, or emotional battles that seem to recur despite efforts to overcome them. In Judges 6:1-6, we see the Israelites facing repeated oppression from the Midianites. Every harvest season, the Midianites would invade and destroy their crops, leading to a cycle of poverty and defeat.

b) The Sources of Repeated Battles
Repeated battles can originate from various sources:
- Spiritual Attacks: These battles may be orchestrated by spiritual forces that seek to hinder your progress (Ephesians 6:12).
- Generational Issues: Some battles are passed down through family lines, manifesting as generational curses or patterns.
- Personal Choices or Disobedience: Repeated battles may also be the result of personal decisions or a lack of alignment with God’s will.

Biblical Example: Israel’s oppression by the Midianites (Judges 6:1-6) 
The Israelites faced repeated oppression because they had turned away from God, leading to a cycle of defeat.


a) Recognise the Root Cause
To overcome repeated battles, it is essential to recognise the root cause of the problem. For the Israelites, their oppression by the Midianites was linked to their disobedience to God. Similarly, we must seek God’s wisdom and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the source of our battles. This may involve breaking ungodly habits, dealing with spiritual strongholds, or addressing generational issues (2 Corinthians 10:4-5).

b) Engaging in Spiritual Warfare 
Overcoming repeated battles often requires engaging in spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. We must use the spiritual weapons that God has given us—prayer, fasting, the Word of God, and the name of Jesus—to fight against the forces of darkness. No battle is too strong for God’s power to conquer.

Biblical Example: Daniel’s perseverance in prayer (Daniel 10:12-13) 
Daniel faced spiritual opposition as he prayed for revelation. However, his persistence in prayer led to breakthrough, despite the delay caused by spiritual resistance.


a) Surrendering to God’s Will
One of the keys to overcoming repeated battles is learning to surrender fully to God. When we try to fight battles in our own strength, we become weary and frustrated. However, when we yield to God’s will and trust Him to fight for us, we experience victory. In 2 Chronicles 20:15, God told King Jehoshaphat, "The battle is not yours, but God’s." God fights on behalf of those who trust Him completely.

b) Walking in Obedience and Holiness 
Sin and disobedience often open the door to repeated battles. Therefore, living a life of holiness and obedience to God’s Word is crucial for maintaining victory. In Judges 6, the Israelites’ deliverance from repeated oppression came after they cried out to God in repentance. We must align ourselves with God’s commands to experience lasting freedom.

Biblical Example: Hezekiah’s dependence on God (2 Kings 19:14-19) 
When faced with repeated threats from the Assyrian army, Hezekiah took his battle before the Lord in prayer. He trusted God’s power to deliver, and God intervened, bringing victory.


a) The Importance of Persistence
Victory over repeated battles does not always come instantly. Sometimes God allows us to go through seasons of persistence and testing. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus told the parable of the persistent widow who kept coming to the unjust judge until she received justice. This teaches us that persistence in prayer, faith, and obedience is crucial in overcoming long-standing battles.

b) Patience in the Process
While God has promised victory, He also requires us to wait patiently for His timing. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength." Patience is not passive but involves continuing to trust and serve God even when the battle seems long. God’s timing is always perfect, and He will bring the victory at the right moment.

Biblical Example: The persistence of Job (Job 42:10) 
Job faced repeated battles of loss and suffering, but he remained faithful to God. In the end, God restored him and gave him double for his trouble.


a) The Power of Praise in Battle
Praise is a powerful weapon in spiritual warfare. When we praise God in the midst of our battles, we invite His presence into our situation. In 2 Chronicles 20:21-22, King Jehoshaphat appointed singers to praise the Lord in the face of battle, and God responded by setting ambushes against their enemies. Praise shifts our focus from the problem to God’s power and brings breakthrough.

b) Thanksgiving as a Key to Victory
Thanksgiving is also a powerful key to overcoming repeated battles. When we thank God in advance for the victory, we demonstrate faith in His promises. Philippians 4:6-7 encourages us to present our requests to God with thanksgiving, and the peace of God will guard our hearts and minds. Gratitude opens the door for God’s intervention.

Biblical Example: Paul and Silas in prison (Acts 16:25-26) 
Paul and Silas faced a repeated battle of persecution, but they chose to praise God in prison. As they praised, God sent an earthquake that broke their chains and opened the prison doors.

Repeated battles may seem overwhelming, but God has given us the power to overcome them. By recognising the root cause, engaging in spiritual warfare, depending on God, and persisting in prayer and praise, we can experience victory over every repeated challenge in our lives. Isaiah 54:17 declares, "No weapon formed against you shall prosper." Trust in God, and He will bring you through every battle into a place of lasting victory.

1. Lord, reveal the root cause of every repeated battle in my life. 

2. Father, I break every generational curse and pattern of repeated battles in Jesus' name. 

3. Lord, give me the strength to persist in prayer and faith until I see victory. 

4. Father, I surrender every battle to You, knowing that You will fight for me. 

5. I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper.
6. Lord, give me the grace to walk in obedience and holiness, closing every door to the enemy. 

7. I destroy every spiritual stronghold causing repeated battles in my life. 

8. Lord, let Your power be made manifest in every area of my life where I have faced repeated struggles. 

9. Father, I thank You for the victory that is already mine through Christ Jesus. 

10. Lord, give me the strength to wait patiently for Your perfect timing in every situation.

1. I declare that every repeated battle in your life is coming to an end today in Jesus' name. 

2. By the power of God, you are breaking free from every cycle of failure and defeat. 

3. I decree that every spiritual opposition against your progress is destroyed right now. 

4. From today, you will experience victory in areas where you have faced repeated struggles. 

5. I declare that generational curses are broken, and you will not suffer the battles of your forefathers. 

6. The Lord is fighting for you, and every enemy that has risen against you will be scattered. 

7. You will no longer be oppressed by the enemy; God is lifting you to a place of lasting victory. 

8. I decree that doors of breakthrough and success are opening for you in Jesus' name. 

9. The Lord is bringing you into a season of peace and rest after every battle. 

10. From today, you will walk in divine victory, and no weapon formed against you shall prosper!

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