Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 5:1-11 
Supporting Texts: Galatians 6:9, Isaiah 40:31, Hebrews 10:36

There are moments in life when we feel like giving up, especially after we’ve worked tirelessly with little or no results. In Luke 5, Simon Peter and his companions were experienced fishermen, yet despite their best efforts, they caught nothing. They were ready to wash their nets and call it a day. But Jesus came and changed everything. This sermon encourages you to hold on, even when you feel like quitting. Don’t wash your net yet because God is not done with you!

a) Peter's Experience of Failure 
In Luke 5:5, Peter expressed his frustration: “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing.” He was tired and ready to give up. Like Peter, there are times when we work hard, yet our efforts seem fruitless. It is during these times that we are tempted to wash our nets—symbolically giving up on our dreams, hopes, and prayers.

b) Weariness After Struggle 
The human reaction to failure is often fatigue and discouragement. Galatians 6:9 reminds us, “Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not give up.” The enemy wants you to believe that your efforts are in vain, but God’s Word encourages us to hold on, for breakthrough comes at the appointed time.

Biblical Example: Peter's discouragement after toiling all night (Luke 5:1-5) 
Peter was on the verge of quitting, but Jesus stepped in. Even in moments of exhaustion and frustration, God is preparing to work a miracle.


a) Jesus’ Command to Peter 
In Luke 5:4, Jesus told Peter to “launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” Even though Peter had already worked hard and caught nothing, he obeyed the word of Jesus. Sometimes, God’s instruction may not make sense in light of our past efforts, but obedience to His Word is key to experiencing breakthrough.

b) Faith in God's Timing
Isaiah 40:31 says, “But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength.” Peter had to trust Jesus' timing and instruction, despite his frustration. The timing of God is different from ours, but it is always perfect. When God speaks, your season of fruitlessness can turn into a season of abundance.

Biblical Example: Peter's obedience to Jesus' word (Luke 5:6-7) 
After following Jesus’ instruction, Peter witnessed an overwhelming catch. His obedience brought supernatural results.


a) Refusing to Quit 
Peter didn’t understand why Jesus would ask him to try again after his failure. But persistence in faith is what separates defeat from victory. In Hebrews 10:36, we are reminded, “For you need endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise.” Don’t wash your net just because you’ve experienced a setback. God wants you to persist, even in the face of adversity.

b) God's Reward for Perseverance 
Persistence in faith ensures that you don’t miss out on God’s promise. There’s a reward for those who refuse to give up. God often works when we least expect it, turning our failures into testimonies and filling our empty nets with blessings.

Biblical Example: The miraculous catch after persistence (Luke 5:6-7) 
Peter’s persistence, based on Jesus' word, turned his empty nets into nets overflowing with fish. God rewards those who don’t give up.


a) From Empty Nets to Overflowing Blessings
In Luke 5:6-7, the same nets that were empty became so full that they began to break. This is what God does—He takes our empty situations and fills them beyond our expectations. You may feel like your net is empty now, but God is preparing an overflow.

b) God’s Plan for Your Life 
God sees what you cannot see. He knows the end from the beginning, and He has a plan for your life that will far exceed your expectations (Jeremiah 29:11). Sometimes, the breakthrough is just one more step of obedience away. Don’t wash your net yet—God is about to fill it!

Biblical Example: The overflow of fish (Luke 5:6-7) 
The net-breaking catch of fish symbolises the abundance that God wants to bring into your life. When God moves, He exceeds expectations.

The lesson from Peter’s story is clear: don’t give up when you are on the brink of a miracle. Just when you think it's over, God steps in with supernatural provision and blessing. Whatever area of your life seems empty right now, trust God, and don’t wash your net yet. Keep believing, keep praying, keep working, and watch God turn your situation around. Your breakthrough is closer than you think.

1. Lord, give me the strength to persevere in times of discouragement. 

2. Father, I reject every spirit of giving up; help me to trust Your timing. 

3. I declare that my nets will not remain empty; God will fill them with abundance. 

4. Lord, help me to hear Your instruction and obey, even when it doesn’t make sense. 

5. I cancel every failure and frustration in my life; let success follow me. 

6. Father, renew my faith and help me to trust that You are working behind the scenes. 

7. Lord, give me the boldness to launch out into the deep, despite my past failures. 

8. I declare that my season of fruitlessness is over; God will bring a great harvest. 

9. Father, open my eyes to see the opportunities You are placing before me. 

10. I receive grace to persist until I see my breakthrough manifest.

1. I declare that as you trust God’s Word, your empty nets will be filled to overflow. 

2. The power of discouragement is broken over your life; you will rise with renewed strength. 

3. Your season of fruitlessness is ending; abundance is your portion. 

4. I decree that you will not give up on the edge of your miracle. 

5. The Lord is turning your failure into success and your emptiness into fullness. 

6. Every delayed promise in your life is being fulfilled in this season. 

7. As you obey God, you will experience net-breaking blessings. 

8. The Lord will open doors of opportunities that will lead to your breakthrough. 

9. I declare that you will not quit; God is giving you victory over every challenge. 

10. From today, you will see supernatural results in every area where you have struggled.

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