Wednesday 25 September 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 John 2:15-17 
Supporting Texts: James 4:4, Romans 12:2

In a world filled with distractions and temptations, the call to live a life free from worldliness is crucial for every believer. Worldliness seeks to draw us away from our relationship with God and the purpose He has for us. This sermon will explore the power we have through Christ to overcome worldliness and remain steadfast in our faith.


a) Definition of Worldliness 
Worldliness refers to a lifestyle that prioritises earthly pleasures, material possessions, and the values of society over spiritual truths. It can lead to spiritual complacency and a weakened relationship with God.

b) The Danger of Worldliness
1 John 2:15 warns us not to love the world or the things in it. Worldliness can lead to spiritual death and separation from God. When we align ourselves with the values of the world, we risk compromising our faith.

Biblical Example: Lot and Sodom 
Lot's choice to dwell in Sodom illustrates the dangers of worldliness. Although he was a righteous man, his proximity to wickedness led to spiritual decline and the eventual destruction of Sodom (Genesis 19).


a) The Flesh 
Galatians 5:17 explains that the flesh is in conflict with the Spirit. Our sinful nature seeks to draw us toward worldly desires. Recognising this battle is essential in overcoming worldliness.

b) The Devil 
James 4:4 states that friendship with the world is enmity with God. The enemy uses worldly attractions to entice believers away from their faith. We must be vigilant and aware of his tactics.

Biblical Example: Jesus' Temptation 
During His time in the wilderness, Jesus faced temptations from the devil to embrace worldly power and glory (Matthew 4:1-11). His victory serves as a model for resisting worldly temptations through reliance on God’s Word.


a) Strength in Christ
Philippians 4:13 reminds us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Our power to resist worldliness comes from our relationship with Him. Through prayer, scripture, and fellowship, we gain strength to stand firm.

b) Renewing Our Minds
Romans 12:2 urges us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. By aligning our thoughts with God’s Word, we gain the perspective necessary to reject worldly values and live according to His will.

Biblical Example: Daniel's Resolve 
Daniel chose not to defile himself with the king's food and wine (Daniel 1:8). His commitment to God's principles empowered him to influence Babylon without succumbing to its worldliness.


a) Pursuing Holiness 
1 Peter 1:15-16 calls us to be holy, just as God is holy. Pursuing a life of holiness protects us from the entanglements of worldliness. Our character and conduct should reflect God’s nature.

b) Being Salt and Light 
Matthew 5:13-16 describes believers as the salt of the earth and the light of the world. We are called to influence the world positively, demonstrating the love and truth of Christ amidst worldly chaos.

Biblical Example: The Early Church 
The early church faced immense pressure from the surrounding culture, yet they remained steadfast in their commitment to God. Their example of faith and courage inspired others and transformed lives (Acts 2:42-47).

The power over worldliness is available to every believer through Christ. By recognising the dangers of worldliness, understanding its sources, and leaning on the strength that comes from our relationship with God, we can live lives that honour Him. Let us choose to be transformed, walking in the light of His truth and impacting the world around us.

1. Lord, help me to recognise the areas of worldliness in my life. 

2. I declare my strength comes from Christ, and I will resist worldly temptations. 

3. I pray for a renewed mind, aligned with Your Word. 

4. Strengthen my resolve to pursue holiness in every aspect of my life. 

5. Help me to be a light in my community, reflecting Your truth and love. 

6. I take authority over the influence of the world in my life. 

7. May my life be a testimony of Your power to overcome. 

8. Lord, empower me to influence others for Your Kingdom. 

9. I pray for discernment to recognise and reject worldly values. 

10. Thank You, Lord, for the victory over worldliness through Christ!

1. You shall overcome every temptation that seeks to draw you away from God! 

2. Your mind is being renewed, aligning with God's purpose for your life! 

3. You will walk in holiness and reflect God's character to those around you! 

4. The power of Christ within you is greater than the allure of the world! 

5. You shall be a beacon of light in your community, leading others to Christ! 

6. Every chain of worldliness in your life is being broken now! 

7. You are equipped to influence your environment for the Kingdom of God! 

8. Your faith will not waver in the face of worldly challenges! 

9. You will inspire others by living a life of integrity and holiness! 

10. Your life will bear fruit that brings glory to God!

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