Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Kings 2:15 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 75:6-7, Revelation 3:11, Daniel 4:17

In life, positions of authority, influence, and purpose are often contested, both in the physical and spiritual realms. Every believer has a God-given seat of destiny—an ordained place of honour, influence, and fulfilment. However, the enemy always seeks to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10), including trying to take away what rightfully belongs to us. Today's message will focus on holding on to your divine seat, refusing to be displaced, and claiming your God-ordained position in life.


a) Understanding Your Seat 
Your seat represents your God-given destiny, assignment, or position. It could be your place of leadership, influence, inheritance, or even your place of honour in the kingdom of God. Just as Adonijah in 1 Kings 2:15 tried to take the throne that was rightfully Solomon’s, there are forces that seek to steal your place in life.

b) The Contest for Your Position 
The seat God has given you is valuable, and it will attract contention. Spiritual battles are often waged over positions of influence and purpose. Adonijah thought he could take the throne, but God’s favour and purpose for Solomon prevailed. When you understand the importance of your divine seat, you will fight to protect it.

Biblical Example: King Saul and David (1 Samuel 18:7-9) 
Saul was jealous of David’s growing influence and sought to kill him, fearing that David would take his seat as king. However, God had already ordained David for the throne, and no one could take that from him.


a) Guarding Your Seat with Prayer 
Prayer is the weapon through which we secure our divine position. The Bible tells us to watch and pray (Matthew 26:41), and this includes being vigilant over the assignments and seats God has entrusted to us. When the enemy sees that you are not prayerful, he seeks to displace you.

b) Standing in Righteousness 
Psalm 75:6-7 says that promotion comes from the Lord, not from man. The seat you occupy is determined by God, and it is important to remain aligned with Him. Sin, compromise, or disobedience can disqualify you from your seat. It is vital to live in obedience to God’s will so that no one takes your place.

Biblical Example: Judas Iscariot (Acts 1:16-20) 
Judas was chosen to be one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, but through betrayal, he lost his seat. His position was given to another because of his disobedience and failure to guard his place. No one can take your seat unless you give them room through disobedience or carelessness.


a) Dealing with Jealousy and Competition
Just as Adonijah tried to take Solomon's seat, jealousy and competition can arise when others see what God is doing in your life. You must stand firm, knowing that what God has given you is secured by His power. In Revelation 3:11, Jesus said, "Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown." Do not allow jealousy or competition to shift your focus or make you lose your divine place.

b) Breaking Spiritual Strongholds 
Sometimes the battle for your seat is more than just physical; it can be spiritual. There are spiritual forces that work against the elevation and destiny of God’s people. Through spiritual warfare, prayer, and fasting, we can break the yokes and chains that seek to pull us down from our God-given positions.

Biblical Example: Elijah and Jezebel (1 Kings 19:1-3) 
After a great victory, Elijah fled from Jezebel’s threat, momentarily forgetting his position as God’s prophet. However, God reassured him and restored his strength to continue his divine mission. We must not allow fear or intimidation to make us abandon our seat of destiny.


a) Faith and Confidence in God's Promises 
God has promised that no one will take what belongs to you if you trust in Him. Psalm 23:5 declares that God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Regardless of opposition, God will secure your position, and no one will take your seat when you stand in faith.

b) Persisting in Your Assignment 
The seat God has given you is tied to your divine purpose. You must persist in your assignment, no matter the challenges. Daniel continued to pray despite the threat of being thrown into the lion’s den, and God protected his place of authority (Daniel 6:10-28). Persistence is key to securing your seat.

Biblical Example: Queen Esther (Esther 4:14-16) 
Esther was placed in the palace for a divine purpose, and when her position was threatened, she rose up in faith. She did not allow fear or uncertainty to make her abandon her seat. Instead, she fought for her people and preserved her place in history.

God has ordained a seat for you, whether in leadership, ministry, or your divine purpose. No one can take your seat unless you allow them. Through prayer, obedience, and faith, you can protect your position and fulfil the purpose for which God has called you. Stand firm, fight for your seat, and declare that no one will take what belongs to you in Jesus’ name.

1. Father, I thank You for the divine seat You have given me in life. 

2. Lord, I declare that no one will take my place in my destiny, in Jesus' name. 

3. Father, every plot to displace me from my God-ordained seat is frustrated in Jesus' name. 

4. Lord, give me the strength to fight for my seat and remain steadfast in Your will. 

5. Father, remove every spirit of jealousy and competition that seeks to take my place. 

6. Lord, by Your power, destroy every spiritual force that is contending for my seat. 

7. Father, help me to remain obedient and faithful to Your assignment for my life. 

8. Lord, I declare that no weapon formed against my destiny seat shall prosper. 

9. Father, empower me to persist in my divine assignment, despite challenges. 

10. Lord, strengthen my faith so that I can hold on to my crown and position.

1. I declare that no one will take your seat of honour and promotion in Jesus’ name. 

2. Every power contending for your position in life is destroyed by the fire of the Holy Spirit! 

3. I prophesy that you are divinely positioned, and no enemy can displace you from your seat of destiny. 

4. I declare that you will hold on to your crown, and no one will steal your reward. 

5. By the power of God, every force trying to pull you down is defeated in Jesus’ name. 

6. Your place in leadership, business, and ministry is secured by the anointing of God. 

7. I declare that every form of jealousy and competition against you is neutralised by divine favour. 

8. You will sit in the seat of honour that God has prepared for you, and no one will take your place. 

9. The Lord will elevate you, and your enemies will be silenced before you. 

10. You are unstoppable, and your seat of destiny is unshakeable in Jesus’ mighty name!

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