Wednesday 25 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 43:18-19 
Supporting Texts: 2 Kings 4:1-7, 1 Chronicles 14:11, Psalm 23:5

God’s desire for His children is to live in a state of overflow – a life where His blessings, favour, and provision are not just sufficient but abundant. However, many believers face barriers that prevent them from entering into their season of overflow. These barriers could be spiritual, mental, or circumstantial. In this message, we will explore how to identify and break these barriers so that we can step into the divine overflow God has prepared for us.

a) The Barrier of Doubt and Unbelief
One of the biggest obstacles to experiencing God’s overflow is doubt and unbelief. When we question God’s ability or willingness to bless us, we limit His hand in our lives. Just as the Israelites’ unbelief kept them from entering the Promised Land (Hebrews 3:19), doubt can hinder your overflow.

b) The Barrier of Fear
Fear of failure, fear of taking risks, or fear of the unknown can block your blessings. Fear paralyzes and prevents you from stepping out in faith. It is important to trust God and take bold steps, knowing that He has already made a way for your breakthrough.

Biblical Example: The Widow’s Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7) 
The widow faced a dire situation with creditors threatening to take her sons. Her fear could have paralysed her, but she obeyed Elisha’s instructions and used the little oil she had. As a result, her act of faith broke the barrier of lack, and she experienced an overflow.


a) Overcoming Stagnation and Delay
Sometimes spiritual forces of opposition attempt to delay or prevent your blessings from manifesting. Stagnation is a barrier that keeps you stuck in one place, unable to move forward into your season of overflow. Breaking the chains of spiritual opposition through prayer, fasting, and the Word is key.

b) Breaking the Yoke of Limitation 
The enemy often tries to place limitations on your progress, making you feel like you can’t achieve more than where you are now. These limitations could come in the form of financial struggles, family problems, or even personal insecurities. However, by the power of God, every yoke of limitation can be broken.

Biblical Example: David at Baal Perazim (1 Chronicles 14:11) 
David faced the Philistines who sought to limit his reign and his people’s progress. But with God’s intervention, David broke through his enemies "like a breaking flood," symbolising the power of overcoming barriers. God gave him overflow and victory.


a) Obedience and Faith
In order to experience overflow, we must align ourselves with God’s purpose through obedience and faith. When God gives instructions, it is our obedience that opens the door to blessings. The key to breaking barriers is not just hearing God's word but acting upon it.

b) Renewing Your Mindset 
Many people miss their season of overflow because they are stuck in old patterns of thinking. Renewing your mind to align with God’s Word helps you see beyond your limitations and step into new possibilities. Isaiah 43:19 reminds us that God is doing a new thing, but we must perceive it in order to receive it.

Biblical Example: Peter’s Obedience (Luke 5:1-7) 
Peter, a seasoned fisherman, had toiled all night and caught nothing. Yet, when Jesus instructed him to cast the net again, Peter obeyed in faith. The result was an overflow of fish, breaking the barriers of disappointment and limitation.


a) The Power of Prophetic Declarations
Speaking the Word of God over your situation is a powerful tool for breaking barriers. When you declare God’s promises over your life, you activate the power of heaven to work on your behalf. Your words, aligned with faith, can bring about the breakthrough needed for overflow.

b) Engaging in Strategic Prayer 
Breaking barriers requires consistent and strategic prayer. Prayer moves mountains and dismantles strongholds that hinder progress. As you pray fervently, God releases His power to break every barrier and usher you into your season of overflow.

Biblical Example: Joshua and the Walls of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-5) 
The walls of Jericho were a barrier to the Israelites' inheritance. Through obedience, strategic prayer, and prophetic action (marching around the walls), the barriers were broken, and they entered into their victory.


a) Living in Expectation of Overflow 
Faith involves expecting God’s abundance even before it manifests. You cannot break barriers if you are not expecting God to bring you into a place of overflow. Psalm 23:5 says, "My cup overflows," which speaks of God’s desire to bless beyond measure.

b) Trusting in God’s Timing 
Overflow doesn’t always happen instantly. It requires patience and trust in God’s perfect timing. Like a farmer who waits for the harvest, we must trust that the seeds of faith we plant today will yield a bountiful harvest in due season.

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the 5,000 (John 6:1-14) 
Jesus used five loaves and two fish to feed a multitude, illustrating how God can multiply the little we have and bring an overflow. The disciples saw a barrier of scarcity, but Jesus demonstrated that with faith and trust in God, overflow is always possible.

God desires for you to live in overflow, but to enter that season, you must first break the barriers standing in your way. Whether it’s fear, doubt, or spiritual opposition, these barriers can be overcome by faith, obedience, and strategic prayer. As you align yourself with God’s purpose and trust His promises, you will break through into a season where your cup overflows with His blessings.

1. Lord, every barrier standing between me and my overflow, let it be broken in Jesus' name. 

2. Father, grant me the faith to believe in Your abundance even in difficult situations. 

3. I break the yoke of limitation in my life by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

4. Lord, release me from every spiritual delay and stagnation. 

5. Father, align me with Your divine purpose so I can walk in overflow. 

6. Lord, let every obstacle to my financial breakthrough be removed in Jesus' name. 

7. Father, renew my mind and help me to see the new things You are doing in my life. 

8. I declare that I will no longer be stuck in fear or doubt; I step into my overflow. 

9. Lord, let the walls of resistance fall, and let me enter my Promised Land. 

10. Father, help me to remain obedient to Your Word, so that I may experience Your blessings in abundance.

1. I declare that every barrier to your overflow is broken in Jesus' name. 

2. You will step into your season of abundance and blessings beyond measure. 

3. The Lord will break every limitation over your life and move you forward. 

4. Fear and doubt will no longer hinder you; your faith will produce great results. 

5. You will experience a supernatural shift from lack to overflow in Jesus' name. 

6. Every form of stagnation is destroyed; you will move from glory to glory. 

7. Your cup will overflow, and your life will be a testimony of God's abundance. 

8. The Lord will make a way for you where there seems to be no way. 

9. The barriers that stood before you shall crumble, and you shall walk in victory. 

10. In this season, you will see God’s goodness overflow in every area of your life.

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