Monday 23 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 16:13 
Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 9:15-17, Acts 9:10-18, 2 Kings 2:9-15

The anointing of God upon a person’s life is a supernatural enabler that grants divine connection and favour. When God anoints someone, they are connected to the right people, places, and opportunities that align with God's purpose for their life. Divine connections are orchestrated by God to move His people into their destiny. Throughout Scripture, we see individuals whose lives changed dramatically because of divine connections, all of which were sparked by the anointing of God. Today, we will explore how the anointing brings divine connections and how you can position yourself to receive these connections that lead to breakthrough and fulfillment.


a) The Power of Divine Relationships 
One of the first things the anointing does is to bring the right people into your life. These are destiny helpers—individuals positioned by God to help you fulfill His purpose. Without divine connection, it can be challenging to step into the fullness of God’s plan.

b) Samuel Anoints David 
In 1 Samuel 16:13, after Samuel anointed David, his life took a significant turn. The anointing connected David to the royal house of Israel and to his destiny as king. God used Samuel as a destiny helper to bring David into his rightful place.

Biblical Example:
Saul and Samuel (1 Samuel 9:15-17) 
Before Saul became king, God connected him with Samuel, the prophet, through divine orchestration. Saul’s journey to find lost donkeys led to a divine appointment with Samuel, who anointed him to become king of Israel. The anointing brought about a life-changing connection for Saul.


a) Favour Follows the Anointing
The anointing opens doors that no man can shut and provides opportunities that surpass human capabilities. Divine connection through the anointing grants access to places of favour and prominence.

b) Paul and Ananias 
In Acts 9:10-18, after Saul’s (Paul’s) conversion, God connected him with Ananias, who prayed for him, leading to the restoration of his sight and his filling with the Holy Spirit. This connection positioned Paul for his mission to the Gentiles.

Biblical Example: Elisha and Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-15) 
Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing by staying connected to him until the end. This divine connection not only opened doors for Elisha but also allowed him to walk in greater authority and miracles.


a) Be Obedient to God’s Leading
Divine connections often come when we are obedient to God’s instructions. Saul’s search for his father’s donkeys seemed ordinary, but God was leading him to Samuel. Your willingness to follow God’s promptings can lead to divine encounters.

b) Walk in Faith and Expectation
Faith positions you to receive divine connections. Believe that God will connect you to the right people who will help fulfill His plan for your life. Faith in God’s anointing will open the door for divine encounters.

Biblical Example: Cornelius and Peter (Acts 10:1-33) 
Cornelius, a devout man, was obedient to the vision God gave him, and through his faith and obedience, God connected him to Peter. This divine connection led to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Gentiles.


a) Divine Timing and Alignment 
Divine connections often happen at the perfect time. When you are anointed for divine connection, you will notice that things fall into place at the right moment, and the right people appear at the right time to help you fulfill God’s purpose.

b) Supernatural Favour and Provision
When God connects you to the right people, you will experience favour and provision that surpasses human understanding. Divine connections come with resources and opportunities that facilitate the fulfillment of your divine assignment.

Biblical Example: Ruth and Boaz (Ruth 2:1-12) 
Ruth’s connection with Boaz was divinely orchestrated, and through this connection, she experienced favour, provision, and ultimately became part of the lineage of Jesus Christ. Her obedience and faith led her to a divine connection that transformed her life.

The anointing for divine connection is an essential aspect of stepping into your God-given destiny. When you carry the anointing, God will align you with the right people, open doors to new opportunities, and bring you into places of favour. As you walk in obedience, faith, and expectation, trust that God will connect you with the people and resources necessary to fulfill His plans for your life.

1. Lord, anoint me for divine connections that will take me to my next level. 

2. Father, connect me to my destiny helpers in Jesus’ name. 

3. Lord, open doors of supernatural opportunities for me through divine connections. 

4. Father, remove every hindrance to my divine connections. 

5. Lord, align me with people who will help fulfill my purpose. 

6. Father, give me the grace to walk in obedience and faith to receive divine connections. 

7. Lord, connect me to people of influence and favour for Your glory. 

8. Father, let my life be a testimony of divine connections. 

9. Lord, bring divine timing and alignment into my life. 

10. Father, position me for supernatural favour and provision through divine connections.

1. I declare that divine connections are coming into your life today. 

2. I prophesy that God is aligning you with the right people for your destiny. 

3. I declare that doors of supernatural opportunities are opening for you. 

4. I prophesy that your destiny helpers will locate you in Jesus’ name. 

5. I declare that divine favour is coming upon you through divine connections. 

6. I prophesy that every hindrance to your connections is removed in Jesus’ name. 

7. I declare that God is bringing divine alignment and timing into your life. 

8. I prophesy that supernatural provision is coming through divine connections. 

9. I declare that your life will be a testimony of God’s divine connections. 

10. I prophesy that you are anointed for divine connections, and your life is moving forward in Jesus' name.

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