Friday 20 September 2024



Main Text:  Luke 1:37 

Supporting Texts: Genesis 18:14, Isaiah 49:23, Ephesians 3:20, 2 Corinthians 9:8, Matthew 19:26

In every aspect of life, we often encounter situations that seem impossible to overcome. However, the God we serve specializes in turning impossibilities into possibilities.
The story of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ojemeni’s 12-year barrenness, which ended with the miraculous birth of quadruplets, is a powerful testament to the God of the impossible. Today, we will explore how embracing this God can transform our own impossible situations into incredible testimonies.

The joy of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Ojemeni knew no bounds when on 22nd July 2003 at the National Hospital Abuja, Nigeria their 12 year barrenness (delay in child birth) came to an end with the combination of two girls and two boys- a quadruplet (4 children). The miracle children were named Chioma (Faith), Ifeoma (Favour),  Chinonso (Miracle), and Chiemerie (Victor). The woman said at a stage she and her husband were driven to native doctors and white garment churches until 1996 when she surrendered her life to Christ. In 1999 she decided to hinge on her faith in God totally and stopped all hospital visits and tests. She said that her ordeal attracted the wrath of her inlaws who demanded that she should be sent packing for a fruitful wife to come in. The husband resisted the move of his people and stood by his wife. The woman said, "I went through hell." There were nights of only tears and self-pity! Then in March 2002, during one of her routine personal fasting and prayer programmes, by the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, she bought two plastic chairs which she named "Miracle" and "Victor" (her expected babies) and prayed fervently that they should come and take their seats in the home. Before long, she became pregnant and put to bed the four children.Yes, the Holy Ghost emphasis today is that with God all things  Possible! Note the word "ALL," You may not need a child, but in whatever you believe God, God will do it for you and you will laugh at last!


a) The Nature of God’s Power
God’s power is beyond human comprehension. Genesis 18:14 asks, “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” This rhetorical question emphasizes that nothing is too difficult for God. His power is not limited by human constraints, and He can do what we consider impossible.

b) The Role of Faith in the Impossible 
Faith is the key that unlocks the door to God’s miraculous power. Luke 1:37 states, “For with God, nothing will be impossible.” Our faith in God’s ability to perform miracles activates His power in our lives. Just as the Ojemenis placed their faith in God, we too must believe that God can transform our impossible situations.

c) The Example of Biblical Miracles
Throughout Scripture, God performed miracles that defied natural laws. For example, Sarah gave birth at 90 years old (Genesis 18:14), and the Red Sea parted for the Israelites (Exodus 14). These examples demonstrate that God’s ability to work miracles is consistent and available to all who trust Him.


a) Surrendering to God’s Will
Embracing the God of the impossible requires surrendering our own plans and trusting in His perfect will. The Ojemenis’ story shows that surrendering to God’s will can lead to miraculous results. In Matthew 19:26, Jesus says, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” We must align our desires with God’s will and trust in His plan.

b) Overcoming Doubts and Obstacles 
Doubt and obstacles can hinder our ability to believe in the impossible. We need to overcome these barriers by focusing on God’s promises and power. Isaiah 49:23 assures us that God will not forsake those who trust in Him. By replacing doubt with faith, we open the door for God’s miracles.

c) Rejoicing in God’s Faithfulness 
When God transforms our situations, it is important to rejoice and give thanks. The Ojemenis’ testimony serves as a reminder to celebrate and share our miracles. Ephesians 3:20 reminds us that God can do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Our rejoicing and testimony glorify God and inspire others.


a) Identifying the Impossible Areas 
We need to identify areas in our lives where we face impossibilities. Whether it’s health issues, financial struggles, or personal challenges, recognizing these areas allows us to bring them before God and ask for His intervention.

b) Praying with Faith
Our prayers should be filled with faith in God’s ability to handle the impossible. Just as Mrs. Ojemeni prayed and believed for her quadruplets, we should pray with confidence, knowing that God hears and answers our prayers (James 5:16).

c) Testifying and Sharing the Miracle
Once God works miracles in our lives, we are called to testify and share these stories with others. Our testimonies serve as a source of encouragement and faith for those who are also facing impossible situations.

Embracing the God of the impossible means recognizing His limitless power and trusting Him with our most challenging situations. The miraculous birth of the Ojemenis’ quadruplets is a testament to God’s ability to turn impossibilities into blessings. By surrendering to God’s will, overcoming doubts, and rejoicing in His faithfulness, we can experience His miraculous power in our own lives.


1. Lord, I surrender my impossible situations to You. Let Your power be made manifest in my life.

2. Father, increase my faith to believe in Your ability to perform miracles.

3. Lord, help me overcome doubts and obstacles that hinder my faith in Your power.

4. Father, I pray for Your divine intervention in every area of my life that seems impossible.

5. Lord, let Your will be done in my life, and transform my impossibilities into blessings.

6. Father, I declare that with You, nothing is impossible. I trust in Your power and promises.

7. Lord, grant me the strength to rejoice and give thanks for the miracles You perform in my life.

8. Father, let my testimony of Your miraculous power encourage others to trust in You.

9. Lord, I pray for Your miraculous intervention in areas where I have faced delays or setbacks.

10. Father, let Your power be evident in my life, turning every impossible situation into a testimony of Your greatness.


1. I declare that every impossibility in my life is becoming a testimony of God’s miraculous power.

2. I prophesy that God’s divine intervention will transform every challenge I face into a blessing.

3. I decree that my faith will activate God’s power to handle the impossible situations in my life.

4. I declare that God is working miracles in my life and turning all my difficulties into victories.

5. I prophesy that I will overcome every doubt and obstacle, seeing God’s power in action.

6. I declare that God’s promises are true and will be fulfilled in my life, bringing miracles.

7. I decree that my testimony will inspire others to believe in the God of the impossible.

8. I prophesy that I will experience God’s miraculous intervention in every area of need.

9. I declare that with God, all things are possible, and I will witness His greatness in my life.

10. I decree that every situation that seems impossible will become a manifestation of God’s power and grace.

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