Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Jeremiah 29:11 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 12:1-3, Ephesians 2:10, 1 Peter 2:9

God’s plan for every believer is not mediocrity but greatness. We are created in His image and destined to achieve great things for His glory. From the very beginning, God has woven greatness into the fabric of our lives, and through Christ, we are empowered to fulfil this divine purpose. In this message, we will explore how we are destined for greatness, what that means, and how we can walk in the fullness of God’s plan.


a) You Are Not an Accident 
Jeremiah 29:11 declares that God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future. God created each of us with a unique purpose and destiny. No matter where you come from, your background, or your circumstances, God’s plan for you is one of greatness.

b) You Are Chosen for Greatness
1 Peter 2:9 tells us that we are “a chosen generation, a royal priesthood.” Being chosen by God means we are set apart for His great works. We are destined to be a light in the world, a reflection of His greatness on earth.

Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) 
God called Abraham and promised to make him great, to bless him, and to make him a blessing to others. Abraham’s obedience to God’s call led him to become the father of many nations. His greatness wasn’t just for himself but to bless others and fulfil God’s plan for humanity.


a) Walking in God’s Purpose
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Our greatness is tied to the purpose God has ordained for us. When we align ourselves with His will and walk in obedience, we unlock the greatness He has already placed within us.

b) Obedience Unlocks the Door to Greatness 
In the Bible, many individuals achieved greatness through obedience. Disobedience, on the other hand, leads to failure and frustration. When we obey God’s instructions, even when they seem difficult or inconvenient, we position ourselves to receive His blessings and favour.

Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 41:39-44) 
Joseph was obedient to God even in difficult circumstances. Despite being sold into slavery and wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph remained faithful. His obedience and faith in God ultimately led him to greatness, becoming second in command in Egypt and saving many lives.


a) Faith Is the Key to Greatness 
Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith is essential to achieve the greatness God has destined for us. Many times, we won’t see the path ahead clearly, but faith keeps us moving forward, trusting in God’s plan.

b) Persevering Through Trials
Greatness does not come without challenges. Throughout the Bible, we see that those who achieved greatness faced significant trials. The key is to persevere, trusting that God is working all things together for our good (Romans 8:28). Trials are often the training ground for greatness.

Biblical Example: David (1 Samuel 16:11-13) 
David was anointed king as a young shepherd boy, but it took many years and numerous trials before he finally became king of Israel. His perseverance through challenges, including facing Goliath and fleeing from King Saul, prepared him for the greatness God had destined for him.


a) Your Greatness Is to Serve God’s Kingdom 
The greatness God gives is not for our personal glorification but to serve His purpose. In Matthew 20:26-28, Jesus teaches that true greatness comes from serving others. As we serve God and others, we fulfil our divine destiny and bring glory to His name.

b) Impacting Lives for God’s Glory
Our greatness is measured by the impact we have on others for God’s kingdom. When we use our gifts, talents, and resources to bless others and advance the gospel, we are living out the greatness God has placed within us.

Biblical Example: Esther (Esther 4:14) 
Esther rose to greatness as queen, but her greatness was not just for her own benefit. She was placed in her position “for such a time as this” to save her people from destruction. Esther’s courage and willingness to risk her life for others exemplify how greatness is tied to serving God’s purpose.


a) Avoiding Complacency 
One of the greatest enemies of our destined greatness is complacency. When we become comfortable with where we are and stop striving for more in God, we miss out on the fullness of what He has for us. Philippians 3:13-14 encourages us to press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called us.

b) Pursuing God’s Best
God has much more for us than we can imagine, but it requires us to pursue Him wholeheartedly. We must not settle for less when God has called us to greatness. By seeking His will and staying hungry for more of His presence, we will continue to grow in the greatness He has destined for us.

Biblical Example: Caleb (Joshua 14:6-14) 
At 85 years old, Caleb was still determined to claim the land God had promised him. He did not grow complacent in his old age but pursued the fullness of God’s promise. His faith and perseverance led him to inherit the land and achieve the greatness God had ordained for him.

God has destined each of us for greatness, but it requires us to walk in obedience, faith, and perseverance. We must align ourselves with His will, trust in His timing, and avoid the traps of complacency. Remember, the greatness we are called to is not for our own glory but for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom. As you embrace your identity in Christ and follow His leading, you will fulfil the great destiny He has planned for you.

1. Father, thank You for calling me to greatness in Christ. 

2. Lord, help me to walk in obedience to Your purpose for my life. 

3. Father, strengthen my faith to trust in Your plan for my greatness. 

4. Lord, give me the perseverance to overcome every trial on my path to greatness. 

5. I declare that I will not settle for mediocrity but pursue the greatness God has for me. 

6. Father, use my life to serve others and advance Your kingdom. 

7. Lord, help me to avoid complacency and always seek more of You. 

8. I break every barrier that is standing in the way of my God-given greatness. 

9. Father, grant me the boldness to step into the fullness of my destiny. 

10. Lord, I thank You that Your plans for me are for good and not for evil, to give me a future and a hope.

1. I declare that you are destined for greatness, and nothing shall hinder your rise in Christ. 

2. Every plan of the enemy to delay your destiny is broken in the name of Jesus. 

3. I decree that you will walk in obedience to God’s purpose and fulfil your divine calling. 

4. You shall have the faith and perseverance to overcome every challenge on your path to greatness. 

5. I declare that you will not settle for less than God’s best in your life. 

6. You are a chosen generation, and you shall shine as a light in this world for the glory of God. 

7. The greatness in you will manifest to bless others and advance the kingdom of God.
8. You will rise above every limitation, and your destiny will be fulfilled. 

9. I prophesy that you will serve God with all your heart, and through you, many will come to know the Lord. 

10. Your life will be a testimony of God’s greatness, and His name will be glorified through you.

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