Wednesday 25 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Matthew 7:13-14 
Supporting Texts: Luke 13:23-24, John 10:9

The concept of the "narrow way" signifies the distinct path that leads to eternal life, as described by Jesus in Matthew 7:13-14. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, believers need to understand the significance of choosing this path. This sermon will explore the nature of the narrow way, its challenges, and the blessings that come from walking in it.


a) The Pathway Defined 
The narrow way represents the choice to follow Christ and live according to His teachings. It is a way that requires commitment, self-denial, and a willingness to adhere to God's principles.

b) The Contrast with the Wide Path 
Jesus highlights the stark contrast between the narrow and wide paths. The wide path leads to destruction and is often more appealing, but it ultimately results in separation from God. In contrast, the narrow way, while more challenging, leads to life and fulfilment in Christ.

Biblical Example: The Israelites 
The Israelites faced a choice between entering the Promised Land or wandering in the wilderness. Their decision to trust God and pursue the narrow path led to blessings, while those who rebelled faced consequences (Numbers 13-14).


a) Facing Opposition 
Walking the narrow way often invites opposition from the world. Jesus warned us that as His followers, we would face trials and tribulations (John 16:33).

b) The Cost of Discipleship 
Choosing the narrow way requires sacrifices. In Luke 14:27, Jesus states, "Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple." This signifies the need for a deep commitment to follow Him, even amidst challenges.

Biblical Example: The Apostle Paul 
Paul exemplified the narrow way through his life of dedication and suffering for the Gospel. Despite facing persecution, imprisonment, and hardships, he remained steadfast in his mission (2 Corinthians 11:23-27).


a) The Role of Faith
Walking the narrow way requires unwavering faith in Jesus. Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. It is this faith that enables us to persevere.

b) Seeking God's Guidance 
Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our heart and acknowledge Him in all our ways. Seeking His guidance is essential in navigating the challenges of the narrow way.

Biblical Example: Abraham 
Abraham's journey exemplifies faith in the narrow way. He obeyed God’s call to leave his homeland without knowing his destination (Genesis 12:1-4). His faith led him to become the father of many nations.


a) Eternal Life
The ultimate blessing of walking the narrow way is the promise of eternal life. Matthew 7:14 assures us that those who find this path will experience the joy of being in God's presence forever.

b) Spiritual Growth and Fulfillment 
Walking in alignment with God's will leads to spiritual growth. As we navigate the narrow way, we become more like Christ, developing virtues such as patience, love, and perseverance (Romans 5:3-5).

Biblical Example: The Early Church 
The early church experienced tremendous growth and blessings as they embraced the narrow way. Despite persecution, they remained faithful, and the Lord added to their number daily (Acts 2:47).

The narrow way is not the easiest path, but it is the most rewarding. As believers, we are called to choose this way, embracing its challenges and trusting in God's guidance. Let us commit to walking in faith, knowing that the blessings of eternal life and spiritual growth await us on this journey.

1. Lord, help me to recognise and choose the narrow way in my life. 

2. Strengthen my faith to withstand the challenges of following You. 

3. Guide me, Lord, in every decision I make on this path. 

4. Help me to trust You even when the journey is difficult. 

5. I pray for the courage to share the truth of the narrow way with others. 

6. Teach me to embrace the cost of discipleship with joy. 

7. Let my life reflect Your character as I walk this path. 

8. Fill me with the Holy Spirit to empower my journey. 

9. May I always seek Your guidance in my life decisions. 

10. Thank You, Lord, for the promise of eternal life through Christ!

1. You shall find strength and courage to walk the narrow way! 

2. Your faith will not waver amidst challenges; you will persevere! 

3. God will guide your steps and make your path clear! 

4. You will experience the joy of eternal life through Christ! 

5. Your life will be a beacon of hope for others on the narrow way! 

6. You are equipped to share the message of the narrow path boldly! 

7. Spiritual growth and maturity will abound in your life! 

8. Every obstacle in your path is being removed in Jesus' name! 

9. You are destined for greatness as you walk in obedience! 

10. The blessings of the narrow way will overflow in your life!

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