Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Deuteronomy 16:16-17 
Supporting Texts: Proverbs 3:9-10, 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, Malachi 3:10

In the Scriptures, God commands His people not to come before Him empty-handed. This principle reflects God’s desire for His children to approach Him with a heart of gratitude, faith, and worship through giving. Whether in the form of tithes, offerings, or our time and talents, coming to God with something in hand shows our acknowledgment of His Lordship and provision in our lives. This message explores why we should never approach God empty-handed, the blessings that come from giving, and how it reflects our relationship with God.


a) Honour the Lord with Your Substance
Proverbs 3:9-10 tells us to honour the Lord with our wealth and the firstfruits of all our crops. Giving is a way of honouring God, showing that we trust Him as our provider. When we come before God with our offerings, we are declaring that He is the source of all that we have.

b) God Requires Sacrifice, Not Emptiness 
In Deuteronomy 16:16-17, God commanded that no one should appear before Him empty-handed. This principle is seen throughout Scripture, where God’s people are instructed to bring offerings as an act of worship and acknowledgment of His blessings. Bringing something to God is a reflection of our faith and recognition of His sovereignty.

Biblical Example: Abel's Offering (Genesis 4:3-5) 
Abel brought the firstborn of his flock, giving the best to God, while Cain brought an offering from the fruit of the ground. Abel’s offering was accepted because it reflected a heart of faith and sacrifice. God is pleased when we bring our best to Him, just as Abel did.


a) Gratitude for God's Blessings 
Everything we have is from God. Coming to Him with an offering is an expression of gratitude for His provisions. Whether it’s our finances, time, or talents, when we give back to God, we are acknowledging that He has blessed us first. We must recognize that God blesses us so we can be a blessing.

b) Faith and Trust in God's Provision 
When you come to God with something in your hand, it shows your faith in His ability to provide. It takes faith to give, especially when you have little. However, God honors that faith by multiplying what you give. 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 reminds us that whoever sows generously will also reap generously.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16) 
Despite her dire circumstances, the widow of Zarephath gave the little she had to the prophet Elijah. Her obedience and faith resulted in God miraculously multiplying her resources, ensuring she and her son did not go hungry. Her story reminds us that even when we have little, God can multiply our seed when we give in faith.


a) Divine Multiplication 
God multiplies what we bring to Him. Just as Jesus multiplied the five loaves and two fish brought by the boy (John 6:9-13), God takes the little we bring and turns it into abundance. When we offer what we have to God, He blesses it beyond what we could imagine.

b) Open Heavens and Overflowing Blessings 
Malachi 3:10 assures us that when we bring our tithes and offerings, God opens the windows of heaven and pours out blessings that we will not have room enough to receive. Our giving releases divine favor and provision over our lives. When we refuse to come empty-handed, God responds with supernatural blessings.

Biblical Example: Solomon’s Sacrifice (1 Kings 3:4-13) 
When Solomon became king, he offered a thousand burnt offerings to God. That night, God appeared to him and asked, “What do you want?” Solomon’s extravagant offering unlocked an unprecedented blessing, and God gave him wisdom, wealth, and honor. Giving to God unlocks divine encounters and breakthroughs.


a) Offerings and Tithes 
Bring your offerings and tithes regularly to God’s house. This is a foundational way to honor God and support His work. Malachi 3:10 reminds us that giving our tithes and offerings brings blessings and rebukes the devourer in our lives.

b) Giving of Your Time and Talents
Apart from financial giving, God also desires that we give our time and talents. Serving in His house, using our skills for His kingdom, and dedicating time to minister to others are ways we can give back to God.

Biblical Example: The Macedonian Churches (2 Corinthians 8:1-5) 
The churches in Macedonia gave generously, even in their poverty, not only financially but also by dedicating themselves to the Lord’s work. Their willingness to give sacrificially was a testimony of their love for God and trust in His provision.


a) Missed Opportunities for Blessing
When we come to God empty-handed, we miss out on opportunities for divine blessing and multiplication. In Luke 6:38, Jesus said, “Give, and it will be given to you.” Holding back what we should give robs us of the harvest that God has in store for us.

b) Hindering God’s Work 
When we refuse to give, we hinder the advancement of God’s work on earth. Haggai 1:9-11 speaks of a time when the people neglected the temple, and as a result, their harvests were poor. When we prioritize God’s kingdom, He ensures that all our needs are met.

Biblical Example: Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5:1-11) 
Ananias and Sapphira held back part of their offering and lied about it to the apostles. Their actions resulted in severe judgment. While God does not demand what we do not have, He expects honesty, faith, and obedience in our giving.

God is a giver, and He expects us to mirror His character by giving back to Him from the blessings He has bestowed upon us. Coming to God with something in your hand is a reflection of your faith, gratitude, and recognition of His Lordship. Whether it is through tithes, offerings, or service, God promises that when you give, you will not go empty. As you make it a principle to never come before God empty-handed, you will experience the abundant blessings that only He can provide.

1. Lord, I thank You for the blessings You have given me. 

2. Father, help me to always give willingly and joyfully. 

3. Lord, I reject the spirit of stinginess and withholding from You. 

4. Father, open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings as I give. 

5. Lord, multiply the seed I have sown and increase my harvest. 

6. Father, give me a heart that honours You with my substance. 

7. Lord, let my giving unlock divine favour and open doors in my life. 

8. Father, as I give, let me experience supernatural multiplication in every area. 

9. Lord, help me to give my time, talents, and resources for Your glory. 

10. Father, let my giving bring me closer to Your divine purpose for my life.

1. I declare that as you give to God, you will not lack any good thing. 

2. The Lord will open the windows of heaven over your life and pour out abundant blessings. 

3. Every seed you sow will multiply in your hands, and you will reap a bountiful harvest. 

4. The favour of God will rest upon you as you honour Him with your substance. 

5. Your giving will unlock divine encounters and breakthroughs. 

6. As you bring your offerings, the Lord will rebuke every devourer in your life. 

7. You will never come to God empty-handed, and you will always experience overflow. 

8. God will multiply every little you give and turn it into abundance. 

9. You will receive divine favour in the sight of men as you faithfully give to God. 

10. The Lord will cause you to prosper in all areas of your life as you obey His principles of giving.

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