Saturday 21 September 2024


Sermon Title: IT IS MY TURN
By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 5:1-9
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 60:1-3; Ecclesiastes 3:1; Psalm 102:13 

In life, we all have moments when it seems like others are moving ahead, experiencing breakthroughs, or receiving blessings while we are left waiting. However, there comes a time when God steps in and says, "It is your turn." The man at the pool of Bethesda had been waiting for 38 years, but when Jesus showed up, it was his turn to be healed. When God declares that it’s your turn, no delay, barrier, or opposition can stand in the way of your breakthrough.

For 38 years, the man at the pool of Bethesda waited for healing. He had become accustomed to watching others step into the pool and receive their healing while he remained paralyzed. This represents the frustration many of us face when we are stuck in a waiting season. Whether it’s a delay in marriage, promotion, or financial breakthrough, waiting can feel painful.

However, God sees every tear and knows every struggle. Psalm 34:15 says, "The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry." You may feel invisible, but God sees you, and He has not forgotten you. Just as Jesus noticed the man at the pool, He sees your condition and is ready to change your story.

Biblical Example: Hannah (1 Samuel 1:9-20)
Hannah waited for many years to have a child, while others around her, including Peninnah, were having children. Her waiting season was painful, but when God remembered her, it was her turn, and she gave birth to Samuel. No matter how long you’ve been waiting, when your turn comes, God will move on your behalf.

The man at Bethesda could have given up hope after so many years, but he remained by the pool, believing that one day it could be his turn. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that "there is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." God's timing is perfect, and He knows when the right moment is for your breakthrough.

While others may have gone ahead of you, God's timing for you is unique. Psalm 102:13 says, "You will arise and have mercy on Zion; for the time to favour her, yes, the set time, has come." When it’s your appointed time, nothing can stop God’s favour from manifesting in your life.

Biblical Example: Sarah (Genesis 21:1-7) 
Sarah waited many years to have a child, and even when it seemed impossible, God fulfilled His promise to her at the appointed time. Isaac was born at the set time, proving that God’s timing is never too late.

The man at the pool had been waiting for someone to help him into the water, but when Jesus came, he didn’t need the water—Jesus Himself was the answer. The moment Jesus told him to "rise, take up your bed and walk," his healing manifested instantly.

In the same way, when it’s your turn, you don’t need the help of man—Jesus Himself will intervene in your situation. His presence alone can bring about the miracle you’ve been waiting for. Isaiah 60:1 declares, "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you." When the glory of God shines on you, it becomes your turn to rise.

Biblical Example: Blind Bartimaeus (Mark 10:46-52) 
Blind Bartimaeus had been waiting for a chance to see, and when he heard that Jesus was passing by, he seized the moment. His cry of faith caused Jesus to stop and heal him. Bartimaeus did not need to wait any longer—Jesus made it his turn.

When Jesus asked the man if he wanted to be healed, his response was focused on what he couldn’t do: "I have no one to help me into the pool." He had allowed his circumstances to limit his expectations. But Jesus challenged him to break free from that mindset and step into his healing.

Many times, we miss our turn because we are stuck in a mindset of defeat, believing that we need someone else or certain conditions to change before we can experience breakthrough. Jesus calls us to step out in faith and believe that with Him, all things are possible (Mark 9:23). You don’t need everything to be perfect for it to be your turn—Jesus is all you need.

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:11-16) 
Gideon had a limiting mindset, believing that he was the least in his family and that Israel was too weak to defeat the enemy. But when God called him, He challenged Gideon to break free from his limiting thoughts and trust that God was with him. Gideon’s victory began the moment he changed his mindset.

When it is your turn, God’s grace can fast-track what has been delayed for years. The man at Bethesda had been paralyzed for 38 years, but in one moment, everything changed. God can compress time and restore what has been lost in a single moment.

Joel 2:25 declares that God will restore the years that the locusts have eaten. Even if you feel that you’ve lost time or opportunities, when it’s your turn, God’s grace can accelerate your breakthrough and restore all that was stolen. What took years for others can happen in an instant for you because of God’s divine intervention.

Biblical Example: Joseph (Genesis 41:41-46)
Joseph went from the prison to the palace in a single day. After years of delay and injustice, God accelerated his promotion, and in one moment, he was lifted to a position of great authority. When it’s your turn, God’s grace can move you from obscurity to prominence.

It may seem like you’ve been waiting for a long time, but today God is declaring, "It is your turn." Just as Jesus changed the life of the man at Bethesda, He is ready to step into your situation and turn it around. Don’t give up hope, don’t settle for defeat—trust that God’s timing is perfect, and your moment of breakthrough has arrived.

1. Lord, thank You that it is my turn for breakthrough and favour.

2. Father, open my eyes to see the opportunities You have prepared for me.

3. Lord, remove every delay and obstacle that has held me back.

4. Father, give me the grace to break free from limiting mindsets.

5. Lord, restore the years that have been lost and accelerate my breakthrough.

6. Father, help me to trust in Your perfect timing for my life.

7. Lord, let Your glory shine upon me and announce my season of favour.

8. Father, empower me to rise up and walk into my destiny.

9. Lord, I declare that no situation is too difficult for You to turn around.

10. Father, thank You for making this my appointed time for breakthrough.

1. I declare that it is your turn for healing and restoration.

2. I prophesy that every long-standing delay in your life is broken in Jesus' name.

3. I declare that God is accelerating your promotion and breakthroughs.

4. I prophesy that you will rise above every limitation in your life.

5. I declare that the grace of God is bringing divine restoration to all you’ve lost.

6. I prophesy that you will not miss your season of favour.

7. I declare that every obstacle holding you back is removed by the power of God.

8. I prophesy that your waiting season is over, and your time for a breakthrough has come.

9. I declare that Jesus is stepping into your situation to bring a turnaround.

10. I prophesy that you will testify of God’s goodness in this season.

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