Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 15 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 24:3-4, Isaiah 33:14-16, 1 Peter 1:15-16, Matthew 5:8

Psalm 15 poses an important question: "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" It is a question that goes to the heart of what it means to live a life that pleases God and to dwell continually in His presence. The tabernacle and holy hill represent places of intimate fellowship with God, and this Psalm outlines the characteristics of those who are qualified to dwell in His presence. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, this message explores how we can live in a manner that draws us closer to God and sustains our fellowship with Him.


a) The Call to Integrity 
Psalm 15:2 says that the one who may dwell in God’s presence "walks uprightly." Integrity is essential for those who desire to have a close relationship with God. It means living with honesty, transparency, and moral uprightness, both in public and private. Integrity is doing what is right, even when no one is watching.

b) Practicing Righteousness 
Righteousness is not just a matter of belief but also of action. The one who dwells in God's presence practices righteousness, living in accordance with God's standards. This involves not only avoiding sin but actively doing what is just and right. 1 Peter 1:15-16 reminds us to "be holy in all manner of conversation," for God Himself is holy.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Integrity (Genesis 39:6-12) 
Joseph, though faced with temptation in Potiphar's house, maintained his integrity by fleeing from sin. His uprightness, even in the face of persecution, eventually led to his elevation and deeper relationship with God. His life demonstrates that integrity invites God’s favour and presence.


a) Truthfulness and Honesty 
Psalm 15:2 also emphasizes that the one who may dwell in God’s presence "speaks the truth in his heart." God values truthfulness, both in our speech and in our hearts. To dwell in God's presence, we must reject deceit and falsehood. Lying lips are an abomination to God (Proverbs 12:22), but He delights in those who speak truth.

b) Speaking the Truth in Love 
Truth must be spoken in love (Ephesians 4:15). Even when correcting or confronting others, our words should build up and not tear down. Gossip, slander, and harsh words have no place in the life of someone who seeks to dwell with God.

Biblical Example: Nathan Confronting David (2 Samuel 12:1-7) 
The prophet Nathan spoke the truth to King David concerning his sin with Bathsheba. He did so with wisdom, speaking in love but without compromising the truth. As a result, David repented, and his relationship with God was restored. Speaking truth in love leads to healing and restoration.


a) Loving Your Neighbour 
Psalm 15:3 declares, "He that does not backbite with his tongue, nor does evil to his neighbour." The person who desires to dwell in God’s presence must treat others with love and respect. Jesus summarized the law by saying we must love our neighbour as ourselves (Matthew 22:39). Those who harm others, whether by word or action, cannot experience the fullness of God's presence.

b) Rejecting Gossip and Malice
Gossip, slander, and malicious behaviour are destructive forces that drive away the presence of God. The one who desires God’s fellowship must refrain from spreading false information, speaking negatively about others, or engaging in harmful behaviour.

Biblical Example: The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37) 
The Good Samaritan, unlike the priest and the Levite, showed compassion and kindness to a stranger in need. His actions reflected a heart that sought to do good and not harm. As a result, he embodied the love of God, demonstrating what it means to love your neighbour.


a) Valuing the Righteous
Psalm 15:4 teaches that those who dwell in God's presence "honour them that fear the Lord." This means valuing and respecting those who live righteously and aligning ourselves with godly influences. Fellowship with those who honour God helps us remain in His presence.

b) Rejecting the Influence of the Wicked 
At the same time, those who seek God's presence must not be influenced by or align themselves with evil. Psalm 1:1-2 warns us not to walk in the counsel of the ungodly, but to delight in the law of the Lord. Our associations must reflect our commitment to God's standards.

Biblical Example: Daniel and His Friends (Daniel 3:16-18) 
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow to King Nebuchadnezzar’s idol, choosing instead to honour God. Their faithfulness, even under the threat of death, resulted in God’s presence being manifested in the fiery furnace. Their story reminds us that honouring God brings us into His presence.


a) Faithfulness to Commitments 
Psalm 15:4 also emphasizes keeping promises, even when it is difficult. Those who desire to dwell in God's presence must be people of their word. When we make commitments, whether to God or to others, we must be faithful to follow through, even if it costs us something.

b) Trusting God’s Promises 
God Himself is faithful to His word, and we are called to trust Him fully. Psalm 15:5 says that those who will dwell with God do not put their trust in money or bribes, but in God alone. Our reliance must be on God's provision, not worldly means.

Biblical Example: Hannah’s Faithfulness to Her Vow (1 Samuel 1:9-11, 24-28) 
Hannah made a vow to God that if He gave her a son, she would dedicate him to the Lord. When God answered her prayer, she kept her vow and presented Samuel at the temple. Her faithfulness to her word and trust in God's timing brought her into a deeper fellowship with Him.

To dwell in God's presence is the greatest privilege for any believer. Psalm 15 outlines the characteristics of those who may experience this close fellowship with God—integrity, truthfulness, love for others, honouring the righteous, rejecting evil, and faithfulness to commitments. As we strive to live according to these principles, we draw closer to God and enjoy the fullness of His presence. Let us examine our hearts and lives, ensuring that we live in a way that allows us to abide in the holy hill of the Lord.

1. Lord, help me to walk in integrity and righteousness, reflecting Your character in my life. 

2. Father, give me the grace to speak the truth in love, and let my words always be pleasing to You.
3. Lord, remove every form of malice, gossip, and evil speaking from my life. 

4. Father, help me to love my neighbour as myself and do no harm to anyone. 

5. Lord, give me the wisdom to honour those who fear You and reject wickedness in every form. 

6. Father, help me to be faithful to my commitments, even when it is difficult. 

7. Lord, strengthen my faith in Your promises, knowing that You are faithful and unchanging. 

8. Father, let Your presence dwell with me continually, as I seek to live a life that pleases You. 

9. Lord, cleanse my heart and make me fit to dwell in Your holy hill. 

10. Father, let my life be a reflection of Your holiness and righteousness, drawing others to You.

1. You will walk in integrity and righteousness, and the presence of God will dwell with you always. 

2. Every deceitful and malicious word spoken against you will be silenced by the power of God. 

3. The grace to speak the truth in love will rest upon you, and your words will bring healing and restoration. 

4. You will be known as one who does no harm, and your love for others will open doors of divine favour. 

5. You will honour the godly and reject wickedness, and God will honour you in return. 

6. Every commitment you make will be fulfilled with God’s strength, and your faithfulness will be rewarded. 

7. You will not be moved by worldly pressures, but your trust will be in God alone. 

8. The Lord will surround you with His presence, and you will dwell in His holy hill all the days of your life. 

9. Your life will shine as a beacon of righteousness, drawing others into God’s presence. 

10. You will live a life that is pleasing to God, and His presence will never depart from you.

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