Tuesday 17 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Matthew 8:2-3 
Supporting Text: Luke 7:12-15, Romans 9:15, Hebrews 4:16, John 11:25-26 


The power of a divine touch is incomparable. A single touch from Jesus can change the entire trajectory of a person’s life. Whether it’s healing, deliverance, restoration, or the breaking of long-standing chains, His touch has the capacity to bring hope to the hopeless and life to the dead. In Matthew 8:2-3, we read about how Jesus touched a leper and immediately healed him, demonstrating the power of divine intervention.

A divine touch is not just physical; it is spiritual and emotional as well. It provokes the miraculous, breaks curses, brings restoration, and fills our hearts with joy and gladness. Today, we will explore how Jesus' touch changes lives, using the story of the widow of Nain in Luke 7:12-15 as a key example.


a) Restoration of Hope (Luke 7:12-15)
The widow of Nain experienced this divine touch firsthand. She had already lost her husband, and now, her only son had died. Her future seemed shattered. But when Jesus encountered her on her way to the burial ground, His heart was moved with compassion, and He intervened. With just one touch, He restored her hope and gave her future back to her. 

- Luke 7:13: "When the Lord saw her, His heart went out to her and He said, ‘Don’t cry.’"

b) Transformation of Sorrow into Joy (Matthew 8:2-3)
Just as Jesus touched the leper in Matthew 8 and immediately brought healing, He can transform sorrow into joy with a single touch. The leper’s disease was incurable by human standards, but the divine touch of Jesus restored him instantly. Similarly, whatever the challenge we are facing—sickness, pain, or grief—Jesus' touch can turn it around. 

- Matthew 8:3:"Jesus reached out His hand and touched the man. 'I am willing,' He said. 'Be clean!' Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy."

c) Breaking the Chains of Death (John 11:25-26) 
Divine touch not only brings healing but also triumphs over death itself. In John 11:25-26, Jesus declared Himself the resurrection and the life. His touch is more powerful than death, and through it, life can be restored to even the most hopeless situations. Just as He raised the widow’s son from the dead, He can breathe life into our dead dreams, hopes, and expectations. 

- John 11:25-26: "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die."


Let’s take a closer look at the widow’s encounter with Jesus and what transpired after He touched the coffin of her dead son.

A. Her Sequence of Visitation

1. Death Paid a Visit to Her Home
   First, death claimed her husband, leaving her in sorrow. The widow's future seemed uncertain, and her only remaining hope was her son. But death came again, taking away the one remaining source of her hope and joy—her son. 

2. People Paid Her Condolence Visits
 Friends and neighbours had come to mourn with her. They shared her sorrow, but no one could restore what she had lost. When death comes, it seems like the final chapter is written. 
3. Jesus Paid Her a Visit 
However, while death had visited her twice, Jesus, the Author of life, also visited her. He encountered her on her way to the burial ground, and everything changed. He said to her, “Weep not.” He was about to turn her mourning into joy. 

   - Romans 9:15: For He says to Moses, ‘I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion.’"

B. The Results of Jesus’ Divine Touch

1. The Dead Boy Arose and Spoke 
   When Jesus touched the coffin, the dead boy arose and began to speak. This demonstrates that Jesus’ divine touch brings resurrection and restoration to what was once dead.
   - Luke 7:15: "The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother."

2. The People Waiting at the Cemetery Waited in Vain 
   Those who were at the cemetery waiting to bury the boy were left without a task. The dead was no longer dead. When Jesus intervenes, what was once final is reversed. 

3. No More Need for the Cemetery 
   The widow and her son went back home. Their journey to the cemetery was interrupted because the divine touch had changed their destination. 

I decree over someone that the burial meant for you shall not hold.

   - Psalm 30:11: "You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy."

4. The Songs of Sorrow Turned to Songs of Joy
   The songs of lament that were being sung on their way to the burial ground changed to songs of celebration. Jesus’ divine touch transforms our mourning into dancing. 

   - Psalm 126:5: "Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy."

5. The Widow Took Off Her Garment of Sorrow 
   Her sorrow was replaced with joy and gladness. She no longer needed to wear the garments of mourning. 

   - Isaiah 61:3: "...to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair."

6.  Visitors Returned to Rejoice with Her
   The same people who had visited her to mourn with her now returned to celebrate with her. A divine touch doesn’t just affect us—it impacts the community around us. 

   - Psalm 126:3: "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."


**a) You Must Have a Relationship with Jesus** 
To experience a divine touch, we need to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Accepting Him as our Lord and Savior brings us into close proximity with His power. 
- **John 15:5:** "I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."

b) Stay Close to God
Just as the widow encountered Jesus on the road, we too must stay close to Him, seeking Him in prayer and worship. When we draw near to Him, He is always willing to intervene on our behalf. 
- **James 4:8:** "Come near to God and He will come near to you."

c) Trust in His Compassion and Mercy
Jesus was moved by compassion when He saw the widow’s sorrow. We can trust that God is full of mercy and will touch our lives when we call upon Him. 
- **Hebrews 4:16:** "Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."


No matter how hopeless a situation may seem, one divine touch from Jesus can turn it around. If death cannot stop the power of His touch, then no situation in your life is too difficult for Him to handle. Like the widow of Nain, you may be walking through a valley of sorrow, but when Jesus steps in, He brings life, hope, and joy. Stay close to Him, trust Him, and believe that His divine touch will change your story.


1. Lord, touch every dead area of my life and bring restoration.

2. Father, let my sorrow be turned into joy by Your divine touch.

3. Lord, have mercy on me and intervene in my situation.

4. Father, I ask for Your divine touch to bring healing to my body.

5. Lord, let every coffin waiting for me be rendered useless by Your power.

6. Father, change my song from sorrow to joy by Your divine touch.

7. Lord, I decree that my present situation will not be my final destination.

8. Father, restore everything that has been stolen by death in my life.

9. Lord, touch my family and restore peace, joy, and unity.

10. Father, let people gather to celebrate with me after Your divine intervention.


1. I declare that every dead situation in your life will receive the touch of God, and life will be restored in Jesus' name.

2. I decree that your sorrow will be turned into joy by the power of God's divine touch.

3. I declare that no grave will hold back what God has destined for your life.

4. I decree that every plan of the enemy to bury your future will fail, in the name of Jesus.

5. I declare that the power of God’s mercy will rewrite your story and cancel every negative report.

6. I decree that the divine touch of Jesus will bring instant healing to your body, mind, and spirit.

7. I declare that the garment of mourning is removed from your life, and you will be clothed with joy and celebration.

8. I decree that every delay in your life will be transformed into divine acceleration by God's touch.

9. I declare that your testimony will be so great that many will come to rejoice and celebrate with you.

10. I decree that from today, you will experience unending joy, peace, and breakthrough, in Jesus’ mighty name.

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