Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 45:1-3 
Supporting Texts: Matthew 11:28-30, Zechariah 4:6-7, Psalm 23:5-6

The anointing of ease is the supernatural grace of God that causes difficult things to become simple and laborious tasks to be done with little effort. When the anointing of ease comes upon your life, what seems impossible to others becomes effortless to you. God can take away the struggle and replace it with ease, allowing you to move forward smoothly and achieve what would normally be difficult. In this message, we will explore what the anointing of ease is, how to access it, and the benefits it brings into our lives.


a) Divine Assistance in Life’s Journey
The anointing of ease is God’s supernatural enablement that causes burdens to be lifted and challenges to be conquered with minimal effort. It is a grace that makes what others struggle with seem effortless in your life. This is not about avoiding hard work but about having God's power working in your favour to make even hard work easier.

b) The Anointing Breaks Yokes
Isaiah 10:27 tells us that the anointing breaks the yoke. The anointing of ease breaks the yokes of hardship, struggle, and frustration. It brings peace and rest to our spirits, allowing us to face life’s challenges with confidence, knowing that God’s power is working on our behalf.

Biblical Example: King Cyrus (Isaiah 45:1-3) 
God anointed Cyrus and promised to go before him, breaking barriers and making crooked paths straight. The anointing of ease went ahead of him, preparing the way for victory and success without struggle.


a) Relationship with God 
The first key to accessing the anointing of ease is a personal relationship with God. Jesus invites us in Matthew 11:28-30 to come to Him for rest, for His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. When we walk with Him, we walk in His anointing, and that includes the anointing of ease.

b) Faith and Dependence on God
Zechariah 4:6-7 reminds us that it is "not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord." To walk in the anointing of ease, we must learn to trust in God’s power rather than relying on our own strength. Faith activates the anointing, and dependency on God releases the grace for ease in our lives.

Biblical Example: Peter Walking on Water (Matthew 14:28-31) 
When Peter kept his focus on Jesus, he walked on water with ease. The moment he took his eyes off Jesus, the struggle began. In the same way, keeping our faith in God and not in ourselves allows us to experience ease in the midst of challenges.


a) Supernatural Provision and Favou
When you operate under the anointing of ease, you experience supernatural provision and favour. Psalm 23:5-6 declares that God prepares a table before us even in the presence of our enemies and that His goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives. The anointing of ease attracts God’s blessings and favour to every area of your life.

b) Rest and Peace
One of the greatest benefits of the anointing of ease is rest and peace. Life’s challenges no longer cause anxiety and stress because you know that God is in control. You rest in the knowledge that He will make all things work together for your good.

Biblical Example: Solomon’s Reign (1 Kings 5:4) 
King Solomon reigned in a time of peace, and his kingdom experienced great prosperity. This was the anointing of ease at work, as God gave him wisdom and rest from his enemies, allowing him to focus on building the temple.


a) Abiding in God’s Presence
To continually walk in the anointing of ease, we must abide in God's presence. Psalm 91 speaks of the safety and ease that comes from dwelling in the secret place of the Most High. When you make God your dwelling place, His anointing will surround you, and you will experience ease in your daily life.

b) Obedience and Surrender 
Walking in the anointing of ease requires a life of obedience and surrender to God’s will. When we follow His leading, He goes ahead of us to make the way smooth. When we resist Him, we end up facing unnecessary struggles. Surrendering to God’s plan positions us to experience His grace and ease.

Biblical Example: Israel’s Journey to the Promised Land (Exodus 14:13-14) 
At the Red Sea, Moses instructed the Israelites to be still and watch the salvation of the Lord. God intervened with ease, parting the sea so that they could walk through on dry ground. When we trust and obey God, He makes the impossible possible with ease.


a) God’s Grace Makes a Way
There will be obstacles in life, but with the anointing of ease, these obstacles are overcome effortlessly. The mountains and challenges that stand before you will become level plains by the power of God. As Zechariah 4:7 says, "Who are you, great mountain? Before Zerubbabel, you shall become a plain."

b) Testimonies of Victory through Ease 
When you walk in the anointing of ease, your life becomes a testimony of God’s ability to take you from struggle to success, from hardship to victory. People will see your life and marvel at how God has made things easy for you, even in the midst of difficulty.

Biblical Example: Joshua at Jericho (Joshua 6) 
The walls of Jericho fell without the Israelites having to fight, simply by obeying God’s instructions. What seemed like an insurmountable obstacle became a victory with ease because God’s anointing was at work.

The anointing of ease is God’s supernatural power that enables you to do the impossible with minimal effort. As you align yourself with God through faith, obedience, and dependence on His Spirit, you will experience this grace in every area of your life. The struggles you once faced will be replaced with divine ease, and your life will be a testimony of God's favour and power.

1. Lord, let the anointing of ease rest upon me in every area of my life. 

2. Father, remove every struggle and replace it with divine ease. 

3. Lord, make my paths straight and level all mountains before me. 

4. Father, grant me supernatural favour and provision through Your anointing. 

5. Lord, teach me to walk in faith and trust in Your power alone. 

6. Father, release Your peace and rest over my life and family. 

7. Lord, let every difficult situation in my life become easy through Your grace. 

8. Father, grant me victory in every battle, making the impossible possible. 

9. Lord, let my life be a testimony of the anointing of ease. 

10. Father, fill my life with Your presence and let Your goodness and mercy follow me.

1. I declare that the anointing of ease is upon you, and every struggle is coming to an end. 

2. Mountains and obstacles in your life are being levelled by the power of God. 

3. You will walk in supernatural favour and provision in Jesus’ name. 

4. Your life will be a testimony of God’s grace and ease in every area. 

5. The burdens you carry will be lifted, and you will find rest in God's presence. 

6. God is making your paths straight, and you will experience divine acceleration. 

7. Every opposition to your progress will be destroyed by the anointing of ease. 

8. You will accomplish great things with minimal effort through the power of God. 

9. You are stepping into a season of peace, favour, and ease in Jesus’ name. 

10. No more struggle, no more hardship – you are walking in the anointing of ease!

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