Tuesday 17 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Luke 7:11-15 
Supporting Texts: John 11:38-44, Isaiah 61:3, Psalm 30:5 

Life often presents us with situations that resemble a funeral—moments of loss, grief, and despair where hope seems dead, and joy is buried. But in today’s message, I want to tell you that God can turn any funeral into a "fun era." What looks like an end can become the beginning of something miraculous when God steps in. The story of the widow in Nain shows us that even when it feels like everything is lost, Jesus can interrupt the process and turn mourning into joy.


a) The Widow’s Pain (Luke 7:12)
The widow of Nain was in deep sorrow. She had already lost her husband, and now her only son had died. This represents the kind of deep loss that many of us face in life—whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a job, a dream, or even health. Funerals, in this context, are not just about physical death but about the death of hope, joy, and possibilities. 

b) Funerals Are Final—But God Can Change That
A funeral often feels like the end, a time of finality. For the widow, this was not just the end of her son’s life but the end of her future, her legacy, and her hope. Yet, Jesus showed that what seems final to man is just the beginning of a miracle in God’s hands. 

c) We All Face Our “Funerals”
Whether it’s a failed business, a broken relationship, or shattered dreams, we all encounter moments in life that feel like a funeral. However, when Jesus steps in, He brings life, hope, and joy where there once was death and sorrow.


a) Compassion Moved Jesus to Action
When Jesus saw the widow, He had compassion on her and told her, “Do not weep.” Jesus is moved by our tears and by the situations that cause us grief. He is not distant from our pain; He sees and cares. Just as He was moved to intervene for the widow, He will do the same for you today. 

b) Jesus Touched the Coffin
In an unprecedented move, Jesus stopped the funeral procession by touching the coffin. The procession was a symbol of death and finality, but Jesus’ touch represented life and restoration. What areas of your life feel like they’re on their way to the grave? Jesus is ready to touch and transform them. 

c) The Power of Jesus’ Word 
When Jesus spoke to the dead young man, saying, “Young man, I say to you, arise,” life returned immediately. There is power in the Word of God to bring life into dead situations. Whether it’s a failing marriage, a lost opportunity, or a troubled mind, one word from Jesus can make all the difference.


a) The Dead Came Back to Life (Luke 7:15) 
The young man who was being carried to the grave sat up and began to speak! The “funeral” turned into a moment of celebration and joy. When God intervenes in your situation, what was dead will come back to life—be it dreams, relationships, or hopes. 

b) Mourning Turns to Joy (Isaiah 61:3) 
God specializes in turning mourning into joy and giving beauty for ashes. This widow, who was grieving, suddenly had her joy restored. God will turn your funeral into a time of fun and celebration. Psalm 30:5 reminds us that “weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” 

c) The Procession Reversed 
The funeral procession, which was headed to the cemetery, now reversed direction and headed home in joy. When Jesus intervenes, the direction of your life changes. The path that was leading to destruction is redirected to a path of life, joy, and hope.


a) God’s Timing is Perfect 
Jesus arrived at the perfect time to stop the funeral. His timing in our lives is never late, even when we think the situation is over. Trust in God’s timing for your miracle. 

b) The Power of Divine Compassion
Jesus’ compassion moved Him to act. We must never forget that God is compassionate toward us. He is not indifferent to our pain, and His love is always available to us. 

c) Jesus Can Raise What Is Dead
No situation is too far gone for Jesus. He raised the dead young man, and He can bring life to any dead situation in your life. Your future, your health, your dreams—they can all come back to life through the touch of Jesus. 

d) Joy is Inevitable When Jesus is Involved 
The story began in sorrow, but it ended in joy. Whenever Jesus steps into a situation, He brings joy and peace. Invite Him into every aspect of your life, and let Him turn your mourning into dancing.

In life, we will face moments that feel like a funeral—moments of loss, despair, and death. But with Jesus, those funerals don’t have to be the end. He can transform our funerals into an era of fun, joy, and life. Just as He touched the coffin and reversed the direction of the widow’s funeral procession, He can touch your life and reverse any negative process. Whatever is dead in your life can be brought back to life by the power of Jesus. Trust Him today and experience the divine turnaround.

1. Lord, touch every dead situation in my life and bring it back to life.

2. Father, I invite You into my life—turn my mourning into joy.

3. Every procession of death in my life, be stopped in Jesus’ name.

4. Lord, replace every spirit of despair with a spirit of hope.

5. Father, I receive Your divine compassion and intervention today.

6. Lord, let every plan of the enemy to bury my destiny be cancelled in Jesus’ name.

7. I declare life over my health, my family, and my future.

8. Lord, restore everything that the enemy has stolen from me.

9. Father, turn my night of weeping into a morning of joy and celebration.

10. I declare that my story will end in joy, not sorrow, in Jesus’ name.

1. I declare that every dead area of your life is coming back to life in Jesus’ name.

2. You will not end in sorrow; joy is your portion.

3. I declare that every plan for your burial is cancelled in Jesus' name.

4. Your procession of mourning is being reversed, and joy is taking its place.

5. Every evil agenda against your destiny is stopped by the power of God.

6. I prophesy life into your dreams, health, and future.

7. The days of weeping and sorrow are over; a season of celebration is here.

8. What the enemy meant for evil, God is turning for your good.

9. Your funeral is cancelled; joy and laughter will fill your home.

10. I declare that from today, you will walk in divine restoration and peace. 

May God turn every “funeral” in your life into a fun era filled with His joy and life! Amen.

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