Saturday 21 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Ezekiel 47:1-5 
Supporting Texts: Acts 10:38, Isaiah 61:1-3, 1 Samuel 16:13 

In Ezekiel 47, the prophet describes a vision of a river flowing from the temple of God, gradually increasing in depth as it moves forward. This passage serves as a powerful illustration of the levels of the anointing that believers can experience. Just as the river in Ezekiel's vision grew deeper with every step, so too can the anointing of God increase in the life of a believer. The anointing is the power and presence of the Holy Spirit upon a person for divine purposes, and as we yield ourselves more to God, we can move from one level of anointing to another, experiencing deeper manifestations of God's power.

The ankle-deep level represents the initial experience of the anointing. At this level, believers have just begun to experience the presence of God and the workings of the Holy Spirit in their lives. This level is often associated with salvation and the first steps of faith.

a) Anointing for Personal Transformation
At this stage, the anointing begins to work in an individual’s life, bringing transformation and conviction of sin. The Holy Spirit empowers believers to live a life of holiness and righteousness (2 Corinthians 5:17). 

b) Limited Influence
Although the believer has encountered the Holy Spirit, their influence and effectiveness are still limited. Like wading in ankle-deep water, the anointing at this level is not strong enough to produce significant breakthroughs. However, it is the foundation for deeper levels.

Biblical Example: The Disciples after the resurrection of Jesus (John 20:22) 
When Jesus appeared to His disciples after the resurrection, He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” At this point, they had received the Spirit but had not yet fully operated in the power of the Spirit. This was an introductory experience, a taste of the greater anointing to come.

The knee-deep level signifies a greater involvement with God’s presence and power. At this stage, the believer is more committed to spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, and service, which leads to a greater flow of the anointing.

a) Anointing for Intercession 
At this level, the believer begins to experience the power of prayer and intercession. Just as the knees are bent in prayer, the knee-deep anointing empowers believers to intercede effectively, breaking through spiritual barriers and standing in the gap for others (James 5:16). 

b) Greater Sensitivity to the Spirit 
Knee-deep water is a point where the current begins to influence your movement. Similarly, the believer at this level starts to sense the leading of the Holy Spirit more clearly, yielding to God’s guidance in their decisions and actions.

Biblical Example: Elijah and Prayer (1 Kings 18:42-44) 
Elijah demonstrates the power of knee-deep anointing through intercession. After praying seven times, he saw the manifestation of rain as a response to his fervent prayers. Elijah’s posture of prayer on Mount Carmel shows the power of effective intercession through the anointing.

The waist-deep level of anointing signifies an even deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. At this stage, believers are fully engaged in their spiritual walk, experiencing the flow of the Holy Spirit in a much greater measure.

a) Anointing for Ministry and Service
At the waist-deep level, believers are actively involved in ministry and the work of the Kingdom. This level of anointing equips individuals for effective service, enabling them to preach, teach, and minister with authority (Acts 1:8).

b) Increased Authority and Power 
With the waist-deep anointing, there is a noticeable increase in authority. Believers begin to move in spiritual gifts, such as healing, prophecy, and deliverance. As the water rises, it becomes harder to stand on your own, signifying a greater dependence on the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 61:1).

Biblical Example: Peter’s Ministry (Acts 5:15) 
Peter, who once denied Jesus, began to operate in a higher level of anointing after receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. People brought the sick out into the streets so that Peter’s shadow might fall on them and heal them. This was a demonstration of the waist-deep anointing, where the authority and power of God flow mightily through a believer.

This final level of anointing is represented by waters that are too deep to stand in, waters that require swimming. At this stage, the believer is fully submerged in the Holy Spirit and completely surrendered to God’s will. This level of anointing is where extraordinary miracles, signs, and wonders begin to occur.

a) Fullness of the Holy Spirit 
At this level, believers experience the fullness of the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are led entirely by the Spirit and walk in the power and authority of God. Acts 10:38 describes how Jesus was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, going around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil. This is the level where believers become vessels of extraordinary miracles and divine encounters.

b) Anointing for Nations
The overflowing anointing is not just for personal edification but for the transformation of nations. Believers at this level are used by God to impact communities, regions, and nations for His glory. Isaiah 61:1-3 speaks of the Spirit of the Lord being upon someone to bring good news, bind up the brokenhearted, and set captives free. This level of anointing moves beyond local ministry to global impact.

Biblical Example: Paul’s Ministry (Acts 19:11-12) 
The Apostle Paul operated in the overflowing anointing. God did extraordinary miracles through Paul, such that even handkerchiefs and aprons that touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured, and evil spirits left them. This is a manifestation of the deep, overflowing anointing where God works in supernatural ways.

The journey through the different levels of anointing is a progressive one, and it requires a greater hunger for God, personal sacrifice, and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

a) Hunger for More of God
To move from one level to another, there must be a deep hunger and thirst for more of God’s presence and power. Matthew 5:6 says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled." God responds to those who earnestly seek Him.

b) Yielding to the Holy Spirit 
Each level of the anointing requires a greater level of surrender. Just as the river became deeper in Ezekiel’s vision, believers must yield more and more to the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to take full control of their lives and ministries (Galatians 5:25).

c) Faithfulness in the Current Level 
Luke 16:10 teaches that "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." Faithfulness in the level of anointing that one currently operates in will open doors to higher levels of divine empowerment.

There are levels in the anointing, and each level brings a greater measure of God’s presence, power, and authority. Whether you are ankle-deep or swimming in the deep waters of the Holy Spirit, there is always more to experience. God desires for His people to grow in the anointing, moving from one level of glory to another. As we hunger for more of Him and yield ourselves to His Spirit, we will be empowered to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom.

1. Lord, increase my hunger for deeper levels of Your anointing.
2. Father, take me from ankle-deep anointing to overflowing anointing.
3. Lord, help me to be faithful in the level of anointing I am currently in.
4. Father, fill me with the fullness of Your Spirit and power.
5. Lord, anoint me for effective ministry and service in Your Kingdom.
6. Father, increase my sensitivity to the leading of Your Holy Spirit.
7. Lord, empower me to operate in signs, wonders, and miracles.
8. Father, let the anointing upon my life overflow and impact nations.
9. Lord, remove every hindrance that is limiting the flow of Your anointing in my life.
10. Father, grant me the grace to yield completely to Your will and purpose.


1. I declare that you are moving from one level of anointing to another.

2. I prophesy that the anointing upon your life will break every yoke.

3. I declare that you will walk in the fullness of God’s power.

4. I prophesy that you are anointed for extraordinary miracles.

5. I declare that nations will be impacted through the anointing upon your life.

6. I prophesy that you will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit.

7. I declare that your ministry will be effective and fruitful through the anointing.

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