Sunday 29 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 71:21 
Supporting Texts: 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Isaiah 54:2-3, Genesis 26:12-13, Job 8:7

Divine enlargement and increase are expressions of God's blessings in a believer's life. When God decides to enlarge your territory and increase your capacity, it transcends human ability and intervention. It’s the manifestation of His favour and grace, moving you from limitation to expansion, from small beginnings to greatness. October is a season where God is set to enlarge and increase you in every area of your life—spiritually, financially, physically, and emotionally.

Psalm 71:21 speaks about God’s power to increase and comfort His people. Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 understood this, and his prayer for enlargement led to a divine transformation in his life. This is your month to cry out for divine enlargement and expect supernatural increase.


a) The Story of Jabez – A Cry for Increase
Jabez was born into pain, but he refused to let his background determine his future. His prayer in 1 Chronicles 4:10 was a desperate cry for enlargement and blessing. He asked God to bless him indeed and expand his territory, to remove pain and sorrow, and grant him peace. His cry was heard, and God granted his request, bringing about a significant shift in his life.

b) Enlargement Requires Desire and Prayer 
For divine enlargement, you must first desire more from God. Jabez’s story teaches us that our background, pain, or limitations cannot stop God from enlarging us if we ask in faith. James 4:2 reminds us that we do not have because we do not ask. October is the month to ask God for divine enlargement.

Biblical Example: The Widow's Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7) 
The widow cried out to Elisha in her moment of lack, and by following prophetic instructions, her small jar of oil was multiplied. As a result, she experienced supernatural increase. Her obedience to God’s word led to divine enlargement, allowing her to pay her debts and live off the surplus.


a) Increase is God’s Promise to His People
Throughout the Bible, God promises to bless His people with increase. Psalm 115:14 says, “The Lord shall increase you more and more, you and your children.” This increase is not just in material possessions but in every area of life—spiritual, relational, emotional, and financial. God desires His children to prosper and live in abundance.

b) The Importance of Fruitfulness and Multiplication 
Genesis 1:28 commands us to be fruitful and multiply. This is the first blessing God gave to humanity, and it is still His will today. When you align yourself with God’s will, you will experience supernatural multiplication in your endeavours.

Biblical Example: Isaac’s Increase (Genesis 26:12-13) 
Isaac sowed in a time of famine, and God caused him to reap a hundredfold in the same year. His obedience led to divine increase, and the Bible says, “The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous.” This month, as you obey God’s instructions, you too will experience a hundredfold increase.


a) Enlarge Your Capacity 
Isaiah 54:2-3 commands us to enlarge the place of our tent, stretch out our curtains, and lengthen our cords. For God to bring divine enlargement, you must prepare yourself to receive it. This involves stretching your faith, expanding your vision, and being ready to step into new territories that God is opening for you.

b) Faith and Obedience Are Key 
To walk in divine enlargement and increase, you must trust God completely. Faith is the key that unlocks the door to your increase. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. In addition to faith, obedience to God’s word is essential. When you act on divine instructions, you position yourself for supernatural enlargement.

Biblical Example: Peter’s Obedience (Luke 5:1-7) 
Peter and his companions had fished all night and caught nothing, but when Jesus told them to cast their nets again, they obeyed. The result was a miraculous catch that caused their nets to break and their boats to overflow. This was divine enlargement, and it came as a result of obedience to Jesus’ command.


a) It Is Not by Power or Might
Zechariah 4:6 reminds us that increase and enlargement do not come by human effort alone but by the Spirit of God. Divine enlargement is a work of grace. It is not dependent on your strength, background, or connections, but on God’s favour and empowerment.

b) Grace for Expansion 
In Psalm 71:21, David declares that God will increase his greatness and comfort him on every side. This increase comes through God’s grace and divine favour. As you walk in faith this month, trust in the grace of God to enlarge your territory and cause you to increase in all areas of your life.

Biblical Example: The Church in Acts (Acts 2:41-47) 
After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the early church experienced rapid growth and expansion. The grace of God was upon them, and they increased in number daily. This kind of divine enlargement comes when God’s favour and grace rest upon His people.

October is your month of divine enlargement and increase. Just as God enlarged the territory of Jabez, increased the harvest of Isaac, and multiplied the oil of the widow, He will do the same for you. This month, expect supernatural expansion in every area of your life. Prepare your heart, enlarge your vision, and position yourself for God’s divine favour.

1. Father, I thank You for this new month of divine enlargement and increase. 

2. Lord, enlarge my territory and cause me to experience supernatural growth. 

3. Father, let every limitation in my life be broken in Jesus’ name. 

4. Lord, increase the works of my hands and multiply my efforts. 

5. Father, by Your grace, take me to new levels of greatness this month. 

6. Lord, grant me the faith and obedience to step into my season of increase. 

7. Father, open doors of favour and opportunity for me in October. 

8. Lord, let the works of my enemies against my increase be destroyed. 

9. Father, empower me to walk in divine grace and favour this month. 

10. Lord, I receive the hundredfold blessing that comes from Your hand.

1. I declare that this October, you will experience divine enlargement and increase! 

2. Your territory is expanding, and every limitation in your life is being broken. 

3. I decree that God will enlarge the works of your hands and multiply your harvest. 

4. The same God who blessed Jabez will bless you this month with supernatural increase. 

5. I declare that every effort you make this month will produce a hundredfold return. 

6. You will step into new territories of favour and opportunity in Jesus’ name! 

7. I decree that grace for enlargement and increase is upon you this month. 

8. Your vision is expanding, and you will walk in greater levels of faith and obedience. 

9. I declare that divine favour is opening doors of opportunity for you this October. 

10. God will increase your greatness and comfort you on every side in Jesus’ name!

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