Saturday 21 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 John 2:27 
Supporting Texts:  Luke 4:18-19, John 14:12, Acts 1:8

The anointing is a powerful force in the life of a believer. It empowers, enables, and equips us to do extraordinary things for God. Yet, there is more to our spiritual journey than just the anointing. There is a deeper dimension, where we go beyond the anointing to experience the full manifestation of God’s purpose for our lives. Today, we will explore what it means to go beyond the anointing and step into greater realms of power and intimacy with God.


a) The Purpose of the Anointing (Luke 4:18-19)
The anointing is given for a specific purpose: to preach the gospel, heal the brokenhearted, set captives free, and bring deliverance. It equips us to carry out God’s assignments effectively. However, it is important to remember that the anointing is not the end goal—it is a tool for greater exploits in the kingdom of God.

b) The Anointing as Empowerment (Acts 1:8)
Jesus told His disciples that they would receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them. This power, or anointing, enables us to be witnesses to the ends of the earth. The anointing empowers us, but there is more that God desires for us beyond the empowerment of the Spirit.


a) Walking in Intimacy with God (John 15:4-5) 
Beyond the anointing lies a deep, intimate relationship with God. The anointing equips us for service, but it is our connection with God that sustains and directs us. Walking in intimacy with God means abiding in Him, spending time in His presence, and allowing His Spirit to guide us in all things. Jesus called us to abide in Him, for apart from Him, we can do nothing.

b) Moving in Greater Works (John 14:12)
Jesus promised that those who believe in Him would do the works He did and even greater works. The anointing empowers us to perform the works of Jesus, but going beyond the anointing allows us to step into greater realms of the miraculous, where God’s power flows without limitation. Greater works are the result of living beyond the anointing and fully walking in the authority God has given us.

c) Developing Christlike Character (Galatians 5:22-23) 
The anointing can help us in ministry, but our Christlike character is what reflects God's nature in us. Beyond the anointing, God desires that we become more like Christ in every area of our lives. This means displaying the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Our character, moulded by the Holy Spirit, is just as important as the anointing.


a) Power vs. Authority (Luke 10:19)
The anointing provides power, but God also calls us to operate in authority. Power is the ability to do things; authority is the right to do them. Jesus gave us authority over all the power of the enemy. Moving beyond the anointing means understanding and exercising the authority we have in Christ. We not only perform miracles but command spiritual forces with the authority given by God.

b) Reigning with Christ (Romans 5:17) 
To live beyond the anointing is to reign in life through Jesus Christ. It means understanding our position as co-heirs with Christ and reigning over sin, sickness, and the powers of darkness. The anointing equips us for service, but reigning in life comes from knowing our identity and authority in Christ.


a) Walking in the Fullness of the Spirit (Ephesians 3:19)
Paul prayed that the believers would be filled with all the fullness of God. Going beyond the anointing is walking in the fullness of the Spirit, where the presence of God overflows in every area of our lives. This is more than just operating in spiritual gifts—it is being saturated with the presence of God, where we carry His glory everywhere we go.

b) Becoming a Vessel of God’s Glory (2 Corinthians 4:7)
We are earthen vessels, but we carry the treasure of God’s glory within us. Beyond the anointing, we become vessels through which God manifests His glory to the world. The anointing flows through us to accomplish God’s purposes, but living beyond the anointing means being a constant carrier of His presence and glory.

The anointing is an incredible gift from God, and we should seek to walk in it fully. However, God calls us to live beyond the anointing. This means walking in deeper intimacy with Him, stepping into greater works, developing Christlike character, and exercising our authority in Christ. It is about manifesting the fullness of God’s power and glory in every area of our lives. As we pursue a life beyond the anointing, we will experience God’s presence in ways we have never imagined.

1. Lord, help me to walk in deeper intimacy with You beyond the anointing. 

2. Father, let me experience the greater works that You have promised. 

3. Lord, mould my character to reflect the fruit of the Spirit. 

4. Father, teach me to operate in the authority You have given me. 

5. Lord, let me reign in life
through Your grace and power. 

6. Father, fill me with all the fullness of Your Spirit. 

7. Lord, make me a vessel of Your glory to impact the world around me. 

8. Father, empower me to live a life that goes beyond the anointing. 

9. Lord, let Your presence overflow in every area of my life. 

10. Father, give me the boldness to exercise my authority in Christ.

1. I declare that you are walking in deeper intimacy with God. 

2. You will perform greater works through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

3. Your life will reflect the fruit of the Spirit in every area. 

4. You will operate in the authority that Christ has given you. 

5. You are reigning in life through the grace of God. 

6. I declare that you are filled with the fullness of God’s Spirit. 

7. You will carry the glory of God everywhere you go. 

8. Your life will manifest the presence and power of God. 

9. You are a vessel of God’s glory and power in this generation. 

10. I declare that you are living beyond the anointing and walking in the fullness of God’s purpose for your life.

Step into the fullness of God’s power and authority, and live beyond the anointing! Amen.

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