Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 11:3 
Supporting Texts: 1 Corinthians 3:11, Judges 6:25-27, Ezekiel 18:2-4, Isaiah 54:17

Foundational battles are spiritual challenges that stem from the roots or beginnings of an individual’s life—often linked to one’s family, upbringing, or background. The Bible says, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?" (Psalm 11:3). These battles can take many forms, from generational curses to inherited patterns of failure, poverty, or sin. However, through Christ, we have the authority and power to gain victory over every foundational issue that has hindered our progress.


a) What Are Foundational Battles?
Foundational battles are spiritual struggles rooted in the origins of a person’s life. These issues can be traced to family lineage, where curses, covenants, or ungodly practices have been passed down. These battles manifest as recurring problems that seem impossible to overcome, affecting relationships, finances, health, and spiritual growth.

b) Biblical Foundation and Its Importance 
1 Corinthians 3:11 tells us that no other foundation can be laid except Jesus Christ. If the foundation of a person’s life is faulty due to ancestral practices, it must be addressed. Ezekiel 18:2-4 speaks of the consequences of the fathers’ sins being passed down, but it also declares that each individual is responsible for their own life and can break free through repentance and a new foundation in Christ.

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:25-27) 
Before God could use Gideon to deliver Israel, he had to destroy the altar of Baal that his father had built. This was a foundational issue in his family that needed to be dealt with before Gideon could walk in his calling. God instructed Gideon to tear down the altar and build a new one to the Lord, symbolising a break from the past and the beginning of a new, godly foundation.


a) Repeated Negative Patterns** 
One of the most significant signs of foundational battles is repeated cycles of problems such as poverty, sickness, failure at the edge of success, and marital breakdowns. These issues may occur across multiple generations, indicating a spiritual root that needs to be addressed.

b) Limitations and Stagnation
Many people face invisible barriers that prevent them from moving forward in life. These barriers can be traced to foundational issues that need to be broken through prayer and spiritual warfare. An individual might work hard but never see lasting success due to these battles.

Biblical Example: The Israelites (Exodus 1:11-14) 
The Israelites were in bondage in Egypt for generations, and despite their hard labour, they were oppressed and limited by their foundational issue of being slaves. It wasn’t until God intervened and delivered them that they were able to break free and enter the Promised Land.


a) Identify and Renounce Foundational Issues
The first step to victory is recognising the foundational issues in your life. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any ancestral patterns or covenants that may be influencing you. Once identified, renounce them in prayer, declaring your freedom through the blood of Jesus.

b) Repentance and Deliverance 
Repentance is crucial for deliverance from foundational battles. Leviticus 26:40-42 instructs that if we confess the sins of our ancestors and turn back to God, He will remember His covenant with us. Through repentance, you can break the legal rights the enemy has over your life and walk in freedom.

Biblical Example: Jabez (1 Chronicles 4:9-10) 
Jabez’s name meant "pain," reflecting a foundational issue in his life that brought hardship. However, Jabez cried out to God for deliverance, asking Him to bless and enlarge his territory. God granted his request, breaking the curse and giving him victory over his foundational battle.


a) Break Foundational Curses by the Blood of Jesus
Colossians 2:14-15 tells us that Jesus has cancelled every written code and ordinance that stood against us by nailing it to the cross. By the power of the blood of Jesus, we can cancel every curse, covenant, or legal accusation that stems from our foundation. Declare your victory over every foundational battle by standing on the finished work of Christ.

b) Use the Word of God as a Weapon
Ephesians 6:17 describes the Word of God as the sword of the Spirit. Use the promises of God to dismantle every stronghold and negative foundation in your life. Speak the Word over your situation and watch as God brings you deliverance.

Biblical Example: Hezekiah (Isaiah 38:1-5) 
Hezekiah was given a prophecy of death, but he engaged in spiritual warfare through prayer and reminded God of his faithfulness. God heard his cry and added 15 more years to his life, showing that prayer and the Word can change the outcome of foundational battles.


a) Build Your Life on the Rock (Christ)
Jesus is the solid foundation that cannot be shaken. After breaking free from foundational battles, it is essential to rebuild your life on Christ (Matthew 7:24-25). By living a life of obedience to His Word, you establish a new foundation that will lead to success and stability.

b) Walk in Your Covenant Blessings 
As a believer, you are a partaker of the covenant blessings of Abraham (Galatians 3:13-14). Walk in the knowledge that you are no longer bound by the past but have been set free to enjoy the blessings of God. Claim these blessings through prayer, confession, and living a life that honours God.

Biblical Example: Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3) 
When God called Abraham, He broke him free from his past and established a new covenant with him. God promised to bless him and make him a great nation. This shows that once foundational battles are overcome, God’s covenant blessings follow.

Foundational battles are real, but through Christ, we have victory over them. By identifying and renouncing these issues, engaging in repentance and spiritual warfare, and establishing a new foundation in Christ, you can experience freedom and walk in the blessings of God. Just as Gideon, Jabez, and Hezekiah gained victory over their foundational battles, so too can you through faith, prayer, and the power of the blood of Jesus.

1. Father, I repent of any sins of my ancestors that are affecting my life. 

2. By the blood of Jesus, I break every foundational curse over my family and life. 

3. Lord, reveal to me any hidden ancestral strongholds that need to be broken. 

4. I declare that every generational pattern of failure and limitation is broken in Jesus’ name. 

5. I dismantle every ancestral altar speaking against my progress in life. 

6. Father, establish a new foundation of blessing and success in my life. 

7. Every invisible barrier hindering my breakthrough, be removed in Jesus’ name. 

8. I cancel every evil covenant that has been made in my lineage. 

9. I declare that I am free from every foundational battle and will walk in victory. 

10. Father, let Your covenant blessings overflow in my life as I walk in Your will.

1. I declare that you are breaking free from every foundational battle in Jesus' name. 

2. Every ancestral curse working against your progress is destroyed by the blood of Jesus. 

3. You will walk in the freedom and blessings that Christ has purchased for you. 

4. I declare that every invisible barrier is broken, and you will experience divine breakthroughs. 

5. No weapon formed against you from your foundation shall prosper. 

6. Every generational pattern of failure is broken, and you will succeed in Jesus' name. 

7. I decree that you will walk on a new foundation of Christ, established in righteousness. 

8. The Lord will deliver you from every inherited battle, and you will live in peace. 

9. Every evil covenant in your family line is cancelled, and you will walk in divine favour. 

10. I declare that from today, you are victorious over every foundational battle in Jesus' name.

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