Wednesday 18 September 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 23:4 
Supporting Texts:  Ezekiel 37:1-10, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, Romans 8:37 

Life often presents valleys—seasons of darkness, uncertainty, and discouragement. But for those who trust in God, the valley is not a final destination; it is a pathway to victory. God allows us to go through valleys to mould, shape, and strengthen us for greater victories. Today, we will explore how God turns our valleys into victories, transforming our struggles into testimonies of His power and faithfulness.


a) Walking Through the Valley (Psalm 23:4) 
In Psalm 23:4, David acknowledges that we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but he also recognizes that we do not stay there. Valleys are temporary. They are not places where we are meant to dwell forever. With God as our Shepherd, He leads us out of the valley and into green pastures. The valley you may be facing right now is not permanent; God is preparing to take you out of it.

b) Valleys as Seasons of Testing 
God often allows us to go through valleys to test and strengthen our faith. Just as gold is refined in the fire, our faith is refined in the valley. It is in the valley that we learn to trust God more deeply and lean on Him more fully. While valleys may feel like low points, they are also opportunities for God to reveal His strength in your weakness.


a) The Presence of God (Psalm 23:4)
David declares that even though he walks through the valley of the shadow of death, he will fear no evil because God is with him. The presence of God makes all the difference. You are never alone in the valley. God is walking with you, guiding you, and protecting you. His rod and His staff comfort and lead you through even the darkest moments.

b) God’s Comfort in the Valley (2 Corinthians 4:8-9)
Paul reminds us that even when we are hard-pressed, perplexed, or struck down, we are not abandoned or destroyed. God’s presence in the valley brings comfort, strength, and hope. He does not leave us to face our struggles alone. Instead, He empowers us to rise above the challenges and to press on toward victory.


a) God’s Power to Revive (Ezekiel 37:1-10) 
In Ezekiel’s vision of the valley of dry bones, God transformed a valley of death into a place of life. What seemed hopeless and dead was revived by the breath of God. Your valley may look like a place of defeat, but it is where God’s power to restore and revive is revealed. Just as He breathed life into the dry bones, God will breathe life into your situation, turning defeat into victory.

b) Trials Produce Growth (James 1:2-4) 
The Bible encourages us to consider it pure joy when we face trials because these trials produce perseverance and maturity. The valley may be painful, but it is a place of growth and transformation. God uses the valley to prepare you for the victory that lies ahead. Every struggle is shaping you, every hardship is refining you, and every setback is setting you up for a comeback.


a) More Than Conquerors
(Romans 8:37)
Paul boldly declares that in all things, we are more than conquerors through Christ. Your valley does not define you—Christ does. He is the one who gives you the victory. No matter how deep the valley, how fierce the battle, or how hopeless the situation may seem, Jesus has already secured your victory. He conquered sin, death, and every obstacle that stands in your way. Through Him, you will emerge victorious from your valley.

**b) Triumphing Through Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57)** 
The Bible assures us that God gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. As believers, we are destined for victory. Even in the valley, God is at work, orchestrating your triumph. The victory may not always come in the way we expect, but it will come because God is faithful to His promises. In Christ, every valley leads to a mountain of victory.


a) Turning Your Pain into Purpose (Genesis 50:20)
Joseph’s journey from the pit to the palace is a powerful example of how God turns our valleys into testimonies. What others meant for evil, God turned into good. Your valley is not wasted. God will use your experience to bring glory to His name and to bless others. Every valley you go through is a part of the story God is writing for your life—a story of His faithfulness and power.

b) A Testimony of God's Power (Psalm 40:1-3)
David testifies that God lifted him out of the pit and set his feet on solid ground, putting a new song in his mouth. Your valley will become a testimony of God’s deliverance. As you come out of the valley, you will have a new song of praise, a new level of faith, and a deeper understanding of God’s love and power. Your testimony will inspire others to trust in God through their valleys.

The valley is not your final destination—victory is. With God by your side, you will walk through the valley and emerge stronger, wiser, and victorious. Remember that the valley is temporary, God’s presence is with you, and He is using this season to transform and prepare you for greater things. Trust in His timing and know that your valley will soon give way to victory. Whatever you are facing today, hold on to the truth that God will lead you from the valley to victory.

1. Father, thank You for Your presence with me in every valley. 
2. Lord, give me strength to trust You in the midst of my struggles. 
3. Father, turn my valley into a place of victory and testimony. 
4. Lord, breathe life into every area of my life that feels hopeless. 
5. Father, I declare that my valley will not last forever; victory is coming. 
6. Lord, comfort me with Your rod and staff as I walk through difficult seasons. 
7. Father, thank You for turning my trials into opportunities for growth. 
8. Lord, help me to see Your hand at work even in the darkest moments. 
9. Father, I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Christ. 
10. Lord, let my valley become a testimony that brings glory to Your name.

1. I declare that the valley you are in is only temporary; God is leading you to victory. 
2. You will not be defeated by your circumstances, for the Lord is with you. 
3. I speak life into every dead situation in your life, just as God revived the dry bones. 
4. The presence of God will sustain you through every trial and hardship. 
5. I declare that your valley will lead to a powerful testimony of God’s faithfulness. 
6. You will emerge from this season stronger, wiser, and more victorious. 
7. Every obstacle in your way is being turned into a stepping stone for your victory. 
8. The Lord will turn your pain into purpose and your trials into triumphs. 
9. I declare that you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus. 
10. Your valley experience will soon give way to a mountain of victory and joy.

May the Lord guide you from every valley into His glorious victory, and may you walk in the fullness of His promises. Victory is yours in Jesus' name.

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