Monday 16 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  2 Kings 7:1 
Supporting Texts:  Isaiah 10:27, Psalm 34:19, Nahum 1:9, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

A siege is a military strategy where enemies surround a city to cut off its supplies and weaken its inhabitants. Spiritually, a siege represents a prolonged struggle, affliction, or hardship that seems unending, as though surrounded by challenges on all sides. In the Bible, Samaria faced such a siege that led to famine and despair, but through the word of the Lord, the siege was lifted miraculously. Today, whatever siege may be in your life—be it financial, health-related, or spiritual—God is declaring, "The siege is over!" This message will highlight how to experience the breaking of every siege in our lives by trusting in the power of God.


a) What is a Siege? (2 Kings 6:24-25)
The city of Samaria was surrounded by the Aramean army, cutting off all resources and plunging the people into severe famine. A siege is any prolonged struggle or period of hardship that feels like it's draining you of your resources—emotionally, financially, or spiritually. 
- 2 Kings 6:25: "There was a great famine in the city; the siege lasted so long that a donkey's head sold for eighty shekels of silver."

b) Common Signs of a Siege 
- Persistent hardship or lack, despite all efforts to overcome it.
- Feeling trapped or surrounded by insurmountable challenges.
- A loss of hope and faith that things can change.

c) The Enemy’s Strategy (John 10:10) 
The enemy often uses siege tactics to isolate and wear down believers. His goal is to steal, kill, and destroy, but God has a plan to give us life and abundance. 
- John 10:10: "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."


a) The Prophetic Word (2 Kings 7:1)
In the midst of the siege, God sent a prophetic word through Elisha that within 24 hours, food would be abundant, and the siege would be over. When God speaks, no matter how bad the situation looks, things must change. 
- 2 Kings 7:1: "Elisha said, 'Hear the word of the Lord. This is what the Lord says: About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.'"

b) God's Timing is Perfect (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
There is a set time for every siege to end. God's timing is perfect, and He knows the exact moment to bring deliverance. 

- Ecclesiastes 3:1: "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens."

c) The Power of Faith (Hebrews 11:6)
For the prophetic word to work in your life, you must mix it with faith. The officer who doubted the prophecy in Samaria missed out on the miracle. God moves when we trust Him. 
- Hebrews 11:6: "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."


a) The Role of Divine Intervention (2 Kings 7:6)
When God decided to end the siege on Samaria, He caused the Aramean army to hear a sound of chariots and horses, making them flee in fear. God can use anything to bring your deliverance. 
- 2 Kings 7:6: "For the Lord had caused the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses and a great army, so that they said to one another, 'Look, the king of Israel has hired the Hittite and Egyptian kings to attack us!'"

b) God’s Power Breaks Every Yoke (Isaiah 10:27)
Whatever siege is over your life, be it financial hardship, sickness, or oppression, God’s anointing can break the yoke and set you free. 
- Isaiah 10:27: "In that day, their burden will be lifted from your shoulders, their yoke from your neck; the yoke will be broken because you have grown so fat."

c) Deliverance is Coming (Nahum 1:9)
God has promised that once the siege is broken, it will not rise again. You will not face the same battle after He delivers you. 
- Nahum 1:9: "Whatever they plot against the Lord, He will bring to an end; trouble will not come a second time."


a) A Time of Restoration (Joel 2:25) 
After the siege ends, God restores everything that was lost during the time of hardship. He brings back what the enemy has stolen, restoring joy, peace, and abundance. 
- Joel 2:25: "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten—the great locust and the young locust."

b) Overflow and Abundance (Psalm 23:5) 
Once the siege is over, God doesn’t just bring you out of lack; He brings you into a place of overflow, where your cup runs over. 
- Psalm 23:5: "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

c) The Power of Praise and Testimony (Psalm 126:1-2) 
When the siege is over, your testimony becomes a witness to others of God’s delivering power. Your life becomes a testimony that encourages others to trust God. 
- Psalm 126:1-2: "When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy."

The siege is over! Just as God miraculously delivered Samaria from the siege of the Arameans, He is breaking every siege in your life today. Whether it’s a financial, emotional, spiritual, or physical siege, trust in the power of God to turn it around. He has declared an end to your struggles, and He will bring restoration, abundance, and peace into your life. Hold on to His word, for your breakthrough is here!


1. Father, by Your power, end every siege in my life today.
2. Lord, bring divine intervention into every area where I feel trapped.
3. Father, release Your angels to drive away every enemy surrounding my destiny.
4. Lord, restore everything I have lost during this season of siege.
5. Father, break every yoke of lack and struggle in my life.
6. Lord, every delay in my life, let it come to an end in Jesus' name.
7. Father, I receive the abundance You have promised after the siege.
8. Lord, let my life become a testimony of Your deliverance and power.
9. Father, strengthen my faith to trust in Your timing for my breakthrough.
10. Lord, let my enemies flee in seven ways as You arise for me.


1. I declare that every siege over your life is broken today in Jesus’ name.
2. I decree that you will walk in freedom from every spiritual, financial, and emotional siege.
3. I prophesy that restoration is coming to you in areas where you have experienced loss.
4. I declare that every enemy surrounding your destiny is fleeing right now.
5. I decree that you will enter a season of abundance and overflow after this siege.
6. I declare that your testimony will be heard far and wide as God turns your story around.
7. I prophesy that you will no longer be trapped in cycles of defeat; victory is yours.
8. I decree that your faith is rising to new levels, and you will see the hand of God at work.
9. I declare that the yoke of oppression and affliction is broken off your life.
10. I prophesy that the Lord is preparing a table of honour for you, even in the presence of your enemies.

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