Thursday 26 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: John 11:1-6 
Supporting Texts: 1 Peter 5:7, Romans 8:28, Philippians 1:6

In life, many situations may lead us to believe that our case is closed—whether it’s a health crisis, financial trouble, or personal failure. However, God’s power and purpose can turn around what seems like a final verdict. This sermon examines how God can intervene in our circumstances, reminding us that as long as we have faith, our cases are never concluded.


a) Recognising the Signs of Defeat
When faced with prolonged challenges, we often succumb to despair, feeling as if our situations are hopeless. This is a common human response to adversity.

b) Biblical Examples of Premature Conclusions 
In John 11:1-6, we read about Lazarus, whose illness led his sisters to believe that he would not recover. They sent for Jesus, but He delayed, leading them to conclude that all hope was lost.

Biblical Example: The Disciples in the Storm (Mark 4:35-41) 
The disciples thought they were going to perish in the storm. Their fear led them to believe that their case was concluded, yet Jesus calmed the storm.


a) Understanding Divine Delays
God’s timing often differs from ours. In the case of Lazarus, Jesus delayed His arrival, knowing that this delay would result in a greater miracle.

b) The Purpose Behind the Wait 
In Romans 8:28, we are reminded that all things work together for good for those who love God. Our delays can be God's setup for a bigger breakthrough.

Biblical Example: Joseph's Journey (Genesis 37-50) 
Joseph’s journey was filled with delays and challenges, but God was orchestrating everything for his elevation and the salvation of many.


a) Holding on to Hope 
In 1 Peter 5:7, we are instructed to cast our cares upon God because He cares for us. Maintaining faith during difficult times is crucial to overcoming our situations.

b) Declaring Victory Before the Miracle 
We must declare God's promises over our lives, believing that He can change our circumstances at any moment.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
Despite years of suffering, she refused to conclude her case. Her faith led her to touch Jesus' garment, resulting in her healing.


a) God Can Rewrite Our Stories
No matter how dire our situations seem, God has the final say. His power can resurrect dead situations and bring forth life and hope.

b) Confidence in God's Ability 
Philippians 1:6 assures us that He who began a good work in us will complete it. We must trust that God is still at work, even when we cannot see it.

Biblical Example: The Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:38-44) 
When Jesus arrived, He called Lazarus forth from the tomb. What appeared to be the end became a powerful demonstration of God’s glory.

Never conclude your case based on current circumstances. God is still at work, and He is able to intervene in miraculous ways. Trust in His timing and His purpose, knowing that He has the final say in your life. As long as you have breath, your case is not closed; it can turn around at any moment.

1. Lord, help me to trust You even when I feel like giving up. 

2. Father, I cast all my worries and cares upon You today. 

3. I declare that my situation is not concluded; You are still working in my life. 

4. Help me to recognise Your timing and purpose in my challenges. 

5. Lord, strengthen my faith to believe for the impossible. 

6. I pray for divine intervention in every area of my life that seems hopeless. 

7. Father, let Your glory be revealed in my situation. 

8. I declare that every dead area of my life will come alive again! 

9. Lord, surround me with support and encouragement during difficult times. 

10. Help me to share my testimony of Your faithfulness with others.

1. I declare that your case is not concluded; God is still writing your story! 

2. Every situation that seems dead will receive the breath of life again! 

3. God is turning your despair into hope and your sorrow into joy! 

4. I prophesy that you will witness a miraculous turnaround in your life! 

5. You will rise above your circumstances and fulfil your destiny in Christ! 

6. I declare that your faith will unlock doors of opportunities and blessings! 

7. God is sending help your way; you will not walk this journey alone! 

8. Your testimony will inspire others to trust in God's faithfulness! 

9. I prophesy that you will not be defined by your struggles but by God's grace! 

10. The best is yet to come; you will experience the goodness of God in the land of the living!

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