Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Genesis 17:1-2 
Supporting Texts: Exodus 6:3, Psalm 91:1-2, Revelation 1:8

The name El Shaddai means "God Almighty," highlighting God’s supreme power, sufficiency, and ability to provide and protect. It portrays God as the One who is more than enough, able to meet all our needs and more. In Genesis 17:1, God introduces Himself to Abraham as El Shaddai, commanding him to walk before Him and be blameless. This sermon explores the significance of El Shaddai in our lives, showing that God is not only powerful but also intimately involved in our wellbeing.


a) God is More Than Enough 
The name El Shaddai emphasizes God’s sufficiency. He has no lack and can supply all our needs according to His riches in glory (Philippians 4:19). Whatever we require, El Shaddai has the power to provide, whether it be physical, emotional, or spiritual.

b) The Source of Abundance
Psalm 91:1-2 refers to God as the Almighty, a safe refuge and fortress. This name assures us that in El Shaddai, there is not only protection but also provision. We can trust Him to abundantly meet our needs and give us more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

Biblical Example: The Provision for the Israelites 
In Exodus 16, God provided manna for the Israelites in the wilderness. They lacked food, but El Shaddai met their need by raining down bread from heaven. This miraculous provision demonstrated that God is more than capable of supplying for His people in any situation.


a) Covenant of Blessing
When God introduced Himself as El Shaddai to Abraham, He reaffirmed His covenant with him. God promised to make Abraham exceedingly fruitful and to multiply his descendants (Genesis 17:2). This covenant shows that El Shaddai is not only a provider but also a promise-keeper.

b) Trusting in God’s Promises 
As believers, we can rely on El Shaddai to fulfil His promises in our lives. Just as He was faithful to Abraham, He will be faithful to us. He will bring His words to pass, and we can trust Him with the future.

Biblical Example: Sarah’s Conception 
In Genesis 18, God promised Abraham that Sarah would bear a child despite her old age. It seemed impossible, but El Shaddai fulfilled His word, proving that nothing is too hard for Him. Sarah gave birth to Isaac, the child of promise, and God’s covenant with Abraham continued through Isaac.


a) God’s Unlimited Power
El Shaddai is the God of all power, able to do what no man can do. He is not limited by natural laws or circumstances. Revelation 1:8 declares God as the "Almighty" who was, and is, and is to come. His power spans eternity and every situation.

b) God is Greater than Every Challenge 
No matter how big our problems seem, El Shaddai is greater. He can overcome every obstacle and defeat every enemy. In times of weakness, His strength is made perfect, and we can depend on His limitless power to carry us through.

Biblical Example: Gideon’s Victory Over the Midianites 
In Judges 7, God called Gideon to lead Israel to victory against the Midianites, a vast army. Despite having only 300 men, Gideon, under the guidance and power of El Shaddai, defeated the Midianites. This victory shows that with El Shaddai, no battle is too difficult, and no enemy is too strong.


a) Protection in Times of Trouble
Psalm 91:1-2 calls us to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and rest in the shadow of the Almighty. El Shaddai is our safe place in times of danger. No matter what comes our way—sickness, financial difficulties, or spiritual attacks—He is our refuge and strength.

b) Confidence in God’s Protection
Knowing El Shaddai as our protector gives us confidence to face the challenges of life. We are safe under His wings, and no weapon formed against us will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). His power is greater than any force that may try to harm us.

Biblical Example:  God’s Protection Over Israel 
Throughout their journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, the Israelites experienced God’s protection as El Shaddai. He shielded them from their enemies, provided for their needs, and guided them safely through the wilderness.

El Shaddai is the Almighty God, the One who is more than enough for every need. He is the God of all power, able to provide, protect, and keep His promises. As we trust in El Shaddai, we can be assured of His sufficiency in every area of our lives. Just as He was with Abraham, Sarah, Gideon, and the Israelites, He is with us today, ready to meet our needs and bring us into the fullness of His blessings.

1. Father, thank You for being El Shaddai, the Almighty and All-Sufficient One in my life. 

2. Lord, help me to trust in Your power and provision in every area of my life. 

3. Father, I declare that You are my refuge and my strength, my ever-present help in trouble. 

4. Lord, fulfil Your promises in my life, as You did for Abraham and Sarah. 

5. Father, I ask for Your divine provision and protection in my family and ministry. 

6. El Shaddai, I declare that You are greater than every challenge I face. 

7. Lord, strengthen my faith to rely on Your power in times of weakness. 

8. Father, I thank You for Your abundant supply and for meeting all my needs. 

9. El Shaddai, I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper because You are my protector. 

10. Lord, let Your power be displayed in my life, and may I testify of Your greatness.

1. You will experience the abundant provision of El Shaddai in every area of your life. 

2. The covenant promises of God will be fulfilled in your life just as they were for Abraham. 

3. No situation in your life is beyond the power of El Shaddai; He will turn it around. 

4. You will dwell in the secret place of the Most High and be covered by the shadow of the Almighty. 

5. Every challenge before you will bow to the power of El Shaddai. 

6. The Lord will be your refuge and fortress, protecting you from all harm. 

7. As El Shaddai provided for the Israelites, He will provide for you and your household. 

8. You will testify of the greatness of El Shaddai in your life. 

9. Every battle in your life will be won by the power of the Almighty God. 

10. You will walk in the fullness of God’s promises and experience His abundant blessings!

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