Tuesday 17 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Luke 1:24-25 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 54:4, Psalm 69:7, 1 Samuel 1:6, Zephaniah 3:19

Reproach refers to shame, disgrace, or disapproval that results from unmet expectations, failures, or unfavourable circumstances. In the Bible, several individuals experienced reproach due to barrenness, sickness, or other challenges that made them feel out of place. However, God's intervention always brings an end to reproach. Just as Elizabeth praised God when He took away her reproach by giving her a child in her old age (Luke 1:25), we too can cry out to God to remove the shame and reproach from our lives. Today, we shall seek divine intervention to take away any form of reproach hindering our lives.


a) What is Reproach?
Reproach is anything that causes shame, dishonour, or disgrace. It could be a long-standing problem or situation that brings ridicule or makes people question the promises of God in our lives. 
- Examples of reproach in the Bible include barrenness (1 Samuel 1:6) and societal rejection (Isaiah 54:4).

b) The Emotional and Spiritual Impact of Reproach
Reproach can weigh heavily on a person’s mind and spirit, causing feelings of despair, depression, and isolation. It can also create doubt in God’s promises and purpose. 
- Psalm 69:7: "For I endure scorn for your sake, and shame covers my face."

c) God's Desire to Remove Reproach 
God never intends for His children to live in reproach or shame. He has a plan of restoration, and he desires to replace shame with honour. 
- Isaiah 54:4: “Fear not; you will no longer live in shame... The shame of your youth and the sorrows of widowhood will be remembered no more.”


a) Hannah’s Story (1 Samuel 1:6-20)
Hannah faced reproach because of her barrenness, and Peninnah, her rival, mocked her relentlessly. Yet, Hannah took her burden to the Lord in prayer, and God answered her by giving her a son, Samuel. 
- 1 Samuel 1:19-20: "And the Lord remembered her... She conceived and gave birth to a son." 
- Lesson: God responds to persistent, heartfelt prayer and takes away reproach by giving us breakthroughs.

b) Elizabeth’s Story (Luke 1:24-25) 
Elizabeth lived with the reproach of childlessness for many years. When she finally conceived in her old age, she declared that the Lord had taken away her disgrace. 
- Luke 1:25: "The Lord has done this for me. In these days he has shown his favour and taken away my disgrace among the people." 
- Lesson: God’s timing may not align with our expectations, but His intervention is always perfect.

c) The Israelites' Reproach Removed at Gilgal (Joshua 5:9) 
After wandering in the wilderness for forty years, God told Joshua that He had "rolled away the reproach of Egypt" from the Israelites. They were now ready to enter the Promised Land. 
- Joshua 5:9: "This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you." 
- Lesson: God rolls away reproach and positions us for new beginnings when we fully trust Him.


a) Acknowledge the Problem (Psalm 25:16-18)
We must honestly acknowledge our reproach before God and confess any sin or failure that might have contributed to it. God is compassionate and merciful to those who turn to Him.

b) Seek God in Earnest Prayer (1 Samuel 1:10-11) 
Just as Hannah cried out to God in the temple, we too must persist in prayer until we see the hand of God removing our shame and granting us victory.

c) Believe in God’s Power and Timing (Romans 4:20-21)
Even when the reproach seems insurmountable, we must maintain faith in God’s ability to turn things around. Faith moves mountains, and it is often in the darkest hours that God works the greatest miracles.

d) Speak the Promises of God (Isaiah 41:10)
We should declare God's Word over our situation. His promises are powerful, and His Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). The promises of God are tools in the hands of the believer to overcome reproach.


a) Honour in Place of Shame (Isaiah 61:7)
When God takes away reproach, He replaces it with honour and double blessings. Instead of disgrace, He brings restoration and causes His people to experience joy and fulfilment.

b) Joy and Celebration (Psalm 126:1-3) 
The removal of reproach brings joy and celebration. When the Lord turned the captivity of Zion, their mouths were filled with laughter. God's intervention causes a great turnaround.

c) Restoration and New Beginnings (Zephaniah 3:19-20) 
When God removes reproach, He brings about restoration and new opportunities. The pain of the past is forgotten, and a season of newness begins. 
- Zephaniah 3:19: "I will deal with all who oppress you. I will rescue the lame; I will gather the exiles. I will give them praise and honour in every land where they have suffered shame."

Reproach may seem like an unending season of shame, but God specializes in turning disgrace into honour. Just as He removed the reproach of Hannah, Elizabeth, and the Israelites, He can take away your reproach and give you victory. As you pray and trust in Him, He will arise and intervene in your situation, transforming it for His glory.


1. Father, arise and take away every reproach in my life in Jesus’ name.

2. Lord, silence every voice of accusation and mockery against me.

3. Father, roll away the shame of failure and give me supernatural success.

4. Lord, visit me like You visited Hannah and Elizabeth and give me a testimony.

5. Father, turn my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into joy.

6. Lord, remove every mark of shame and disgrace from my life.

7. Father, by Your power, restore everything I have lost in Jesus' name.

8. Lord, break every cycle of delay and reproach in my life.

9. Father, grant me the grace to stand in faith until my reproach is taken away.

10. Lord, let my life become a testimony of Your goodness and faithfulness.


1. I declare that every reproach in my life is rolled away by the power of God.

2. I decree that this is my season of divine intervention and restoration.

3. I prophesy that God will arise and silence every voice of mockery against me.

4. I declare that my testimony will cause those who mocked me to rejoice with me.

5. I decree that honour and favour are replacing every shame in my life.

6. I prophesy that my days of disgrace are over, and I am stepping into my season of joy.

7. I declare that God’s timing for my breakthrough is perfect, and it is happening now.

8. I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and no shame shall befall me.

9. I declare that my reproach is turned into a platform for God’s glory in my life.

10. I decree that I will experience double blessings for every shame I have endured.

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