Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Ezekiel 12:25 
Supporting Texts: Numbers 23:19, Isaiah 55:10-11

Every believer has received a prophecy, a promise from God that speaks to their future and purpose. Prophecies are powerful declarations that can shape our lives and destinies. However, the journey from receiving a prophecy to seeing it fulfilled can be fraught with challenges. Today, we will explore the importance of holding onto our prophecies, understanding God's timing, and declaring that our prophecies shall come to pass.

a) Understanding Prophecy
Prophecy is not just a prediction; it is the word of God revealed to guide, inspire, and direct us. In Numbers 23:19, we are reminded that God is not a man that He should lie; His words are true and trustworthy.

b) Biblical Examples of Prophetic Fulfillment
The life of Joseph is a prime example of the power of prophecy. He received dreams that foretold his future greatness (Genesis 37), yet he faced numerous trials before seeing those dreams fulfilled.

Biblical Example: The Prophecy of Jesus' Birth 
Isaiah 9:6-7 foretold the coming of the Messiah. Despite centuries passing, Jesus' birth was the perfect fulfillment of God’s prophetic word.


a) The Reality of Delays 
Often, we encounter delays and obstacles that can cause us to doubt our prophecies. In Ezekiel 12:25, God reassures us that He will perform what He has spoken, regardless of the challenges we face.

b) Staying Faithful in the Waiting 
We must remain faithful during times of waiting. Our attitude and response to the delay can either hinder or facilitate the fulfillment of our prophecies.

Biblical Example: Abraham’s Journey 
Abraham received the promise of a son (Genesis 15), but he had to wait many years before Isaac was born. His faithfulness in the waiting period exemplifies how to trust God's timing.


a) The Importance of Declaration 
Isaiah 55:10-11 emphasises that God's word will not return void but will accomplish what He desires. We are called to declare our prophecies, aligning our words with God’s promises.

b) Confessing with Faith 
Our declarations should reflect our belief in the prophecy's fulfillment. Speaking life and positivity into our situations can change the atmosphere around us.

Biblical Example:  Ezekiel and the Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37) 
Ezekiel was instructed to prophesy to the dry bones, and as he did, they came to life. This illustrates the power of declaring God’s promises over our lives.


a) Preparing for the Prophecy
When we believe our prophecy shall come to pass, we must prepare ourselves to receive it. This includes spiritual, emotional, and practical readiness.

b) Walking in Expectation
Faith is essential as we await the manifestation of our prophecies. Expectation opens the door for God's miracles and provisions in our lives.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
She had faith that touching Jesus' garment would heal her. Her expectation led to her healing and restoration.

As believers, we must hold fast to the prophecies spoken over our lives, trusting that they shall come to pass. Regardless of the obstacles we face, we can declare with confidence that God's word is true. Let us prepare our hearts and lives to embrace the fulfillment of God’s promises.

1. Lord, I thank You for the prophecies spoken over my life. 

2. I declare that every promise of God concerning me shall come to pass! 

3. I renounce doubt and fear that may hinder the fulfillment of my prophecy. 

4. Father, help me to remain faithful during the waiting period. 

5. I speak life to every dead situation in my life, in Jesus’ name! 

6. I receive strength and encouragement to continue believing in Your promises. 

7. Lord, prepare me to embrace the fulfillment of my prophecy. 

8. I declare that every hindrance to my prophetic destiny is removed! 

9. I pray for divine timing in the fulfillment of Your promises. 

10. I walk in expectation and faith for the manifestation of my prophecies!

1. Your prophecy shall come to pass in the name of Jesus! 

2. You will not be delayed in receiving what God has promised you! 

3. Every barrier preventing the fulfillment of your prophecy is being removed! 

4. You are being strengthened to endure the waiting period! 

5. Your faith will lead to miraculous breakthroughs in your life! 

6. God is aligning circumstances for the fulfillment of His promises over you! 

7. You are walking in confidence, knowing that God's word is true! 

8. Expectation will lead to manifestation in your life! 

9. You are a recipient of divine blessings as you embrace your prophecy! 

10. Your testimony will declare the faithfulness of God to others!

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