Friday 20 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 23:4 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 41:10, John 11:25-26, Romans 8:38-39, 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

Life often presents us with seasons that feel like walking through "the valley of the shadow of death." These are times of extreme hardship, fear, and uncertainty, where death, whether literal or metaphorical, casts a shadow over our lives. But for the believer, these times are not meant to destroy us. Psalm 23:4 assures us that even in the darkest moments, we can walk confidently because God is with us. Today, we will explore what it means to walk through the valley of the shadow of death and how we can find strength and hope in God’s presence.


a) The Shadow is Not the Substance (Psalm 23:4) 
The valley of the shadow of death represents intense trials and sufferings. But it’s crucial to note that the Bible says shadow of death, not death itself. Shadows can seem intimidating, but they are not the real thing. The presence of the shadow means there is light somewhere. Jesus, the Light of the World, is our hope even in the darkest valleys. He is the reason we can walk through and not be consumed.

b)  Everyone Faces the Valley
The valley is not a sign that God has abandoned you. Even Jesus, the Son of God, faced His own valleys—most notably in the Garden of Gethsemane and at the cross. Just like our Savior, every believer will face valleys, but these valleys are not the end of our story. They are part of our journey, shaping and refining us.


a) The Assurance of His Presence (Isaiah 41:10)
In the valley, God’s presence is our greatest comfort. “I will fear no evil, for You are with me,” David declares in Psalm 23:4. God’s presence changes everything. When God is with you, the valley is no longer a place of fear, but of growth. His rod and staff symbolize His protection and guidance. He defends us from every attack and leads us through the rough terrain.

b) No Valley Can Separate You from God's Love (Romans 8:38-39) 
No matter how dark the valley may seem, nothing can separate you from God’s love. His love is constant, unwavering, and present in every circumstance. Even in the valley of death, His love will sustain you. Paul reminds us that neither death, life, nor anything else in creation can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.


a) You’re Walking "Through", Not Stuck (Psalm 23:4) 
David says we walk *through* the valley of the shadow of death. We are not meant to stay there. It’s a passage, not a permanent destination. God is leading us *through* the valley to something greater. The valley may be painful, but it’s temporary. God’s grace will lead us through, and on the other side, there is light, joy, and victory.

b) God's Strength in Your Weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9) 
In the valley, we often feel weak, but God’s strength is made perfect in our weakness. It’s in these moments of desperation and dependence that we experience His grace most powerfully. God does not leave us to face the valley on our own. He strengthens us, carries us, and gives us the endurance to keep moving forward.


a) Fear is Not Your Companion (Psalm 23:4)
David confidently states, “I will fear no evil.” Fear often tries to grip us in the valley, but faith in God’s promises can drive it out. The Lord is our Shepherd, and He will never leave us alone in the valley. He is our refuge and fortress, a very present help in times of trouble (Psalm 46:1). When we know God is with us, fear loses its grip on us.

b) Hope in the Resurrection (John 11:25-26) 
Even in the face of death, we have hope because of the resurrection. Jesus is the resurrection and the life. Death does not have the final say for those who are in Christ. This hope in eternal life gives us strength to endure whatever valley we face on this side of eternity. Our future is secure in Christ.


a) God Will Bring You Out (Isaiah 43:2)
God promises that when we pass through the waters, He will be with us, and when we walk through the fire, we will not be burned. The valley is a place of testing, but it is also a place of victory. God has already made a way for you to come out of the valley. On the other side of the valley is your breakthrough, your testimony, and your victory.

b) The Valley Prepares You for the Mountain (Psalm 30:5) 
“Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.” The valley prepares us for the mountain. Every trial we face is an opportunity for God to work in us and through us. Your valley is not the end—it’s the preparation for a greater victory and a deeper relationship with God.

Walking through the valley of the shadow of death is a difficult part of life, but we do not walk alone. God is with us, guiding, protecting, and strengthening us. His presence is our comfort, and His promises are our hope. The valley is not the end—it’s a temporary passage to victory. As we trust in God’s presence, we can walk through the valley without fear, knowing that on the other side is greater joy, peace, and life.

1. Father, thank You for Your presence with me in every valley.
2. Lord, give me strength to walk through the valley without fear. 

3. Father, turn my valley experience into a testimony of Your faithfulness. 

4. Lord, help me to trust You more in times of darkness and uncertainty. 

5. Father, let Your rod and staff comfort me as I face the trials of life. 

6. Lord, remind me that the valley is temporary and victory is certain. 

7. Father, fill my heart with peace and drive out every fear in the valley. 

8. Lord, breathe new life into every hopeless situation in my life. 

9. Father, turn my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into joy. 

10. Lord, strengthen my faith to endure the valleys and experience Your victory.

1. I declare that no valley will consume you, for God is with you. 

2. The shadow of death will not harm you because God’s presence is your protection. 

3. You will walk through the valley and emerge victorious in Jesus' name. 

4. Fear will not rule your heart; faith will arise in every trial. 

5. The valley is temporary, and your breakthrough is near. 

6. Every dark moment in your life will be turned into a testimony of God’s grace. 

7. I declare that God’s strength will carry you through every storm and trial. 

8. You are more than a conqueror in Christ, and no valley will defeat you. 

9. The presence of God will lead you out of every dark valley and into His light. 

10. Your valley will be transformed into a place of victory, joy, and peace.

May the Lord guide you through every valley you face, and may His presence bring you comfort, strength, and victory. Amen!

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