Sunday 29 September 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Psalm 126:1-2 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 21:1-6, Job 8:21, Luke 1:57-58

There are seasons in life when sorrow, frustration, and disappointment seem to dominate. However, God specializes in turning mourning into dancing and sorrow into joy. This is what is meant by "unusual laughter"—a deep, joyful response that comes from experiencing God's miraculous intervention. Unusual laughter is not just ordinary joy; it is a divine breakthrough that causes you to laugh at the impossibilities that once held you back.

In this month, God is ready to cause laughter to spring forth from your heart, regardless of the difficulties you may have faced. He is the God of turnaround, and just as He did for Sarah, Job, and others in the Bible, He will do the same for you.


a) God’s Ability to Reverse Difficult Situations
Psalm 126:1-2 speaks of a time when God turned the captivity of Zion. Their response was overwhelming joy and laughter. God is a specialist in reversing difficult circumstances and bringing joy out of sorrow.

b) Laughter as a Sign of Victory 
When God steps into a situation, He brings such dramatic change that all you can do is laugh. What was once impossible becomes possible, and what once caused pain now brings joy. Job 8:21 says, "He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy."

Biblical Example: Sarah’s Laughter (Genesis 21:1-6) 
Sarah waited for years to have a child, and when Isaac was born, she said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.” God turned Sarah's barrenness into fruitfulness, causing her to laugh with joy.


a) A Season of Waiting and Tears
Before the breakthrough of unusual laughter, there is often a season of waiting, trials, or disappointment. This is where faith is tested, but it’s important to hold on because joy is on the way. Psalm 30:5 reminds us, “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.”

b) Divine Timing Brings Unusual Laughter
God's timing is perfect. While it may seem delayed, His plan is always right on time. The unusual laughter that comes from God arrives at the moment when all hope seems lost. Luke 1:57-58 speaks of Elizabeth, who also bore a child after a long wait. Her neighbours rejoiced with her, as God had shown great mercy.

Biblical Example: The Birth of John the Baptist (Luke 1:57-58) 
Elizabeth, like Sarah, had waited long for a child. When John was born, her neighbours and relatives shared in her joy. Her season of barrenness was turned into a season of rejoicing, demonstrating how God’s timing can turn sorrow into laughter.


a) God Will Cause Your Enemies to Be Confounded
When God brings unusual laughter into your life, it not only lifts your spirit but also confounds those who opposed you. Those who mocked or doubted you will be silenced by the visible evidence of God’s blessing.

b) Your Victory Will Provoke Laughter
God’s intervention brings about such a dramatic change that even those who witnessed your trials will marvel. Like the lame man at the temple gate who leapt and praised God after his healing (Acts 3:1-10), your victory will cause others to rejoice with you.

Biblical Example: The Four Lepers Who Brought Good News (2 Kings 7:3-9) 
The four lepers were outcasts, but God used them to bring the good news of deliverance and abundance to a starving nation. Their transformation from death to life brought laughter and rejoicing throughout the land, showing how God can use the least likely to bring forth breakthrough.


a) Maintain an Attitude of Faith
Faith is essential when believing for unusual laughter. Even when circumstances seem dire, hold fast to God’s promises. Hebrews 11:11 says that Sarah received the power to conceive because she considered God faithful.

b) Declare Your Laughter Before It Happens
There is power in your words. Begin to speak and declare that this is your month of unusual laughter. Confession brings possession. Just as Abraham and Sarah had to hold on to the promise of Isaac, we must also declare our victory before it manifests.

Biblical Example: Job’s Restoration (Job 42:10-17) 
Job lost everything but held on to his faith in God. In the end, God restored him and gave him double for his trouble. Job’s story turned from sorrow to laughter, illustrating that God’s restoration brings joy.

This month, expect God to move in ways that will cause you to laugh. Just as He turned the captivity of Zion, gave Sarah a child, and restored Job’s fortunes, He is more than able to turn your situation around. Prepare for unusual laughter as you step into a season of divine intervention, where sorrow is replaced with joy, and impossibilities are transformed into testimonies.

1. Father, I thank You for turning my sorrow into joy. 

2. Lord, cause me to experience unusual laughter this month in every area of my life. 

3. Father, I declare that this is my month of breakthrough and divine turnaround. 

4. Lord, silence every enemy that has mocked my situation. 

5. Father, let Your perfect timing bring joy into my life. 

6. Lord, I receive the grace to hold on to Your promises until my joy is full. 

7. Father, remove every barrier standing between me and my breakthrough.

8. Lord, fill my mouth with laughter and my lips with shouts of joy. 

9. Father, let my testimony bring rejoicing to all who hear it. 

10. Lord, I declare that unusual laughter will follow every trial in my life.

1. I declare that this is your month of unusual laughter! 

2. Every sorrow in your life is turning to joy in Jesus' name. 

3. I decree that the enemies who mocked you will witness your victory. 

4. You will laugh where you once wept, for God is turning your situation around. 

5. Uncommon testimonies are coming your way this month! 

6. Every delay is being turned into divine acceleration for your breakthrough. 

7. I declare that your laughter will be heard by all those around you. 

8. Every barrier to your breakthrough is coming down in Jesus' name. 

9. Your joy will be full, and your heart will overflow with thanksgiving. 

10. God will fill your mouth with laughter and your life with testimonies!

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