Wednesday 18 September 2024



By Rev Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7
"The wife of a man from the company of the prophets cried out to Elisha, 'Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.' Elisha replied to her, 'How can I help you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?' 'Your servant has nothing there at all,' she said, 'except a small jar of olive oil.'"

Life is filled with challenges, and we often find ourselves facing problems that seem insurmountable. It could be financial, relational, health-related, or spiritual, but whatever the nature of the problem, God has the ability to turn it into a possibility. The story of the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7 is a powerful example of how God can turn our problems into testimonies. What seemed like a desperate situation for the widow became an opportunity for God to demonstrate His power and provision. This sermon explores how, with God's intervention, our problems can become pathways to new possibilities.


a) Understanding the Nature of the Problem
   The widow's problem was clear: she was in debt, her husband had died, and the creditor was coming to take her sons as slaves. Problems are often unavoidable in life and come in various forms, but identifying the problem is the first step toward finding a solution.

b) The Problem of Lack and Desperation
   The widow’s problem was characterized by lack—lack of finances, lack of a husband, and the imminent loss of her children. Sometimes, our problems manifest as lack: lack of resources, lack of direction, or lack of strength.

c)  Recognizing the Weight of the Problem 
   The severity of the problem can often make us feel helpless and hopeless. The widow’s situation was dire, and there was an urgent need for divine intervention. When faced with overwhelming problems, it is important to recognize that the weight of the problem can be an opportunity for God’s mighty hand to be revealed.


a)  God Uses What We Have
   Elisha’s first question to the widow was, "What do you have in your house?" God often starts with what we already have, no matter how little it seems. The small jar of oil the widow had seemed insignificant, but in God's hands, it became the key to her breakthrough. The principle is that God uses what we already possess to bring about His purpose.

b)  A Call to Act in Faith
   Elisha instructed the widow to gather as many empty jars as possible and to pour the little oil she had into them. This required faith. It seemed illogical to act as if there was plenty when there was so little. Often, God requires us to take steps of faith in the midst of our problems, trusting Him for the impossible.

c)  God Multiplies What We Surrender to Him 
   As the widow poured out the oil, it miraculously multiplied until every jar was filled. This miracle shows that God can multiply what we release into His hands. When we surrender our problems, our little resources, and our fears to God, He is able to turn them into possibilities.


a)  The Power of Divine Intervention
   The widow’s problem was solved through divine intervention. God is in the business of turning problems into possibilities. He specializes in situations where human efforts fail. As seen throughout Scripture, God’s intervention is often the turning point that changes the narrative (Psalm 46:1).

b)  God Uses Problems to Develop Character and Faith
   Problems are opportunities for growth. James 1:2-4 teaches us to consider it pure joy when we face trials because they produce perseverance, character, and hope. Sometimes, God allows problems to build our character and increase our faith in Him.

c)  Possibilities Come When We Obey Divine Instructions 
   The miracle of provision in the widow’s story came after she obeyed Elisha’s instructions. Obedience to God’s word and direction is crucial in turning problems into possibilities. Isaiah 1:19 says, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land."


a) David and Goliath: From a National Problem to a National Victory (1 Samuel 17:45-50)
   Israel was faced with the problem of Goliath, a giant who terrorized them. David, a young shepherd boy, saw it as an opportunity for God to be glorified. With faith in God, he defeated Goliath, turning the problem into a national victory.

b)  Joseph: From Prisoner to Prime Minister (Genesis 41:39-41)
   Joseph faced numerous problems, from being sold into slavery to being falsely accused and imprisoned. Yet, God turned his problems into possibilities, elevating him to the position of Prime Minister in Egypt, where he saved many lives.

c) The Feeding of the 5,000: From Lack to Abundance (John 6:1-13
   When faced with a problem of feeding 5,000 men plus women and children, Jesus took a little boy's lunch of five loaves and two fish and turned it into a miraculous provision that fed everyone with leftovers. What seemed like a problem of lack became an opportunity for divine abundance.

d)  The Woman with the Issue of Blood: From Sickness to Wholeness (Mark 5:25-34)
   She faced the problem of a twelve-year illness, which all human efforts failed to cure. When she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, her problem turned into the possibility of divine healing, making her whole.


a)   Recognize God's Power in Every Situation
   Understand that God is bigger than any problem you face. His power is unlimited, and He can turn any situation around (Jeremiah 32:27).

b)   Act in Faith, Not in Fear
   Fear paralyzes, but faith propels us forward. Trust God even when the situation seems bleak, and take steps of faith toward His promises (2 Corinthians 5:7).

c)  Obey Divine Instructions
   Just like the widow obeyed Elisha’s instructions, be quick to listen and obey God’s guidance. Your miracle is often tied to your obedience.

d)  Seek Godly Counsel and Support 
   The widow sought Elisha’s help, a man of God. Surround yourself with godly counsel and community that will encourage your faith and direct you toward God’s solutions.

e)  Stay Persistent in Prayer
   Prayer is a powerful tool for transforming problems into possibilities. Pray without ceasing and believe God for a breakthrough (1 Thessalonians 5:17).


No matter the problems we face, God is always able to turn them into possibilities. The story of the widow in 2 Kings 4 shows us that what we see as problems, God sees as opportunities for His power to be revealed. When we come to God with faith, obedience, and a willingness to act on His instructions, He can take our problems and transform them into testimonies of His greatness. Let us trust God to turn every problem in our lives into a stepping stone for greater possibilities.


1. O Lord, step into my situation and turn every problem into a possibility.

2.  Father, increase my faith to see beyond the problems and trust in Your power.

3. Lord, help me to be obedient to Your instructions, even when they seem unconventional. 

4.  O God, multiply the little I have and turn it into abundance.

5.  Father, grant me wisdom to navigate through challenging situations.

6.  Lord, let Your favor turn my problems into possibilities.

7.   Father, open doors of opportunities in the midst of every problem I face.

8.   Lord, guide me in making decisions that align with Your plans for my life. 

9.  O God, give me the boldness to take steps of faith toward Your promises.

10.  Lord, let every problem in my life turn into a testimony of Your power and grace.


1. I declare that every problem in my life is turning into a possibility in Jesus' name. 

2. I declare that God is making a way for me where there seems to be no way. 

3. I declare that my little will be multiplied into abundance by the power of God. 

4. I declare that divine wisdom and guidance are my portion in every situation. 

5. I declare that every closed door is opening up in Jesus' name. 

6. I declare that God is turning my mourning into dancing and my problems into testimonies. 

7. I declare that I am walking in divine favour that makes a way for me. 

8. I declare that the power of God is manifesting in my life, turning impossibilities into possibilities. 

9. I declare that I have the boldness to face challenges

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