Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 60:1 
Supporting Texts: Matthew 5:14-16, Daniel 12:3, Philippians 2:15

The Bible makes it clear that every believer is called to be a light in the world. Darkness surrounds us in many forms—sin, confusion, challenges—but God has chosen us to shine forth His glory. Today, we will explore how we can step into our season of shining and manifest the glory of God in every area of our lives. It’s time to rise and declare, "It’s my turn to shine!"


a) You Are the Light of the World 
Matthew 5:14-16 declares, “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” God has not placed you on this earth to live in obscurity. He has called you to be a beacon of hope, righteousness, and truth. This is your season to shine for Him.

b) Arise and Shine 
Isaiah 60:1 commands us to arise and shine because the glory of the Lord has risen upon us. To shine, we must first arise. It means stepping out of fear, doubt, and the limitations of the past. It’s time to walk in the fullness of God’s purpose for your life.

Biblical Example: Moses (Exodus 34:29) 
When Moses came down from Mount Sinai after being in the presence of God, his face shone with the glory of God. His time with God caused him to radiate the light of God. In the same way, when we spend time in God’s presence, His glory reflects in our lives, and we shine before others.


a) Let Your Light Shine Before Men 
Matthew 5:16 says, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Your season of shining is not for self-glorification but to bring glory to God. The world will take notice of your transformation, and through your life, they will come to glorify God.

b) Shining through Good Works 
We shine by demonstrating the love and power of God through our actions. It’s in the way we live, treat others, and respond to challenges that we reflect the character of Christ. Our lives should be an invitation for others to encounter God.

Biblical Example: Daniel (Daniel 12:3) 
Daniel is described as one who "will shine like the brightness of the heavens" because of his righteousness and wisdom. Even in a foreign land, Daniel’s integrity and devotion to God caused him to shine and rise to positions of influence. In your workplace, community, and family, you can shine by living a life that honours God.


a) Overcoming the Darkness 
Darkness represents everything that hinders us from shining—sin, fear, unbelief, negative circumstances. However, John 1:5 assures us that the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. No matter the challenges you face, they cannot extinguish the light God has placed within you.

b) Break Free from Limiting Beliefs 
Many times, we dim our own light through self-doubt, insecurity, or fear of failure. God has given you everything you need to shine, but it requires you to believe in His promises. Philippians 2:15 encourages us to shine like stars in the universe by holding firmly to the word of life.

Biblical Example: Gideon (Judges 6:12-16) 
Gideon initially doubted that he could be a deliverer for Israel because of his perceived limitations. But when God called him a “mighty warrior,” Gideon had to break free from his insecurities. In the same way, you must reject every lie that says you are not good enough to shine. God has chosen you, and He will equip you for greatness.


a) Shine in the Midst of Challenges
Many people wait for perfect conditions before they begin to shine. However, God often uses our darkest seasons to reveal His light in us. When you face trials, remember that it is often the backdrop for God’s glory to be revealed.

b) Stay Connected to the Source of Light 
Your ability to shine comes from your connection to God. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, we reflect the light of God’s presence in our lives. Stay in prayer, in the Word, and in fellowship with God, and your light will never grow dim.

Biblical Example: Paul and Silas (Acts 16:25-26) 
While in prison, Paul and Silas shone brightly by worshipping God despite their circumstances. Their light brought deliverance not only to themselves but to others. Even in difficult situations, you can shine brightly and be a testimony of God’s power.


a) Embrace Your Season 
Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us that there is a time for everything, and now it’s your time to shine. God has set you apart for such a time as this. You must step into it with faith and confidence that He will lead you into your purpose.

b) Shine in Every Area of Your Life
God’s desire is for you to shine in every area—spiritually, physically, relationally, and professionally. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you align yourself with God’s will in every aspect of your life. It’s time to reflect His glory in everything you do.

Biblical Example: Esther (Esther 4:14) 
Esther was placed in a position of influence for a specific time to save her people. When the moment came for her to step up, she embraced it, and God used her to bring deliverance. You, too, have been placed in this season to fulfil a divine purpose. Now is the time to shine.

It’s your turn to shine! God has called you to be a light in the world, and no darkness can overpower the light He has placed in you. As you step out in faith, remove hindrances, and live a life that honours God, you will shine brightly for His glory. Remember, your shining is not just for you, but to bring others to the knowledge of Christ. Let the world see the greatness of God through you!

1. Father, thank You for calling me to be a light in the world. 

2. Lord, help me to rise and shine for Your glory in every area of my life. 

3. Father, remove every hindrance that has been keeping me from shining. 

4. Lord, I declare that this is my season to shine and fulfil my purpose. 

5. Father, strengthen my faith to walk boldly in the light You have given me. 

6. Lord, help me to reflect Your glory in all that I do. 

7. I declare that no darkness will overpower the light of God in my life. 

8. Father, grant me the courage to step into the opportunities You have prepared for me. 

9. Lord, let my life be a testimony that brings others to You. 

10. Father, use me to impact my generation with the light of Christ.

1. I declare that you will rise and shine for the glory of God has come upon you. 

2. Every obstacle hindering your light from shining is removed in Jesus’ name. 

3. I decree that you will shine brightly in every season, even in the midst of challenges. 

4. You will reflect the glory of God in your family, career, and ministry. 

5. The darkness of this world will not overshadow the light God has placed in you. 

6. I declare that you will step into your divine season of shining with confidence and boldness. 

7. Your light will bring transformation to your generation and lead many to Christ. 

8. I prophesy that you will never grow dim, for you are connected to the source of eternal light. 

9. Every limitation placed on your destiny is broken, and you will shine unhindered. 

10. I decree that from today, you will shine brighter and brighter until the full light of God’s glory is revealed in your life.

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