Saturday 14 September 2024



By Rev Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Acts 12:1-19 
Supporting Texts: Revelation 3:8, Isaiah 22:22, 2 Corinthians 2:12, John 10:9, Psalm 24:7-10


Life often presents us with closed doors—opportunities that seem out of reach, obstacles that appear insurmountable, or situations that seem hopeless. However, the story of Peter’s miraculous escape from prison in Acts 12 provides a powerful testament to how God can transform closed doors into open gates. This sermon will explore how God can move us from situations where doors are shut tight to moments where gates swing wide open, offering new opportunities and breakthroughs.


a) The Imprisonment of Peter (Acts 12:1-4)
Peter was imprisoned by King Herod, with his fate seemingly sealed. He was placed in a maximum-security prison, heavily guarded by soldiers. This situation symbolizes how sometimes our circumstances can feel as though all possible avenues have been closed off, leaving us in a place of seemingly unresolvable problems.

b) The Limitations of Human Efforts (Acts 12:5-6)
Despite the best efforts of the early church, who prayed earnestly for Peter, the prison gates remained closed. This reflects the limitations of human endeavors when faced with formidable challenges. Sometimes, our most earnest efforts cannot seem to overcome the obstacles we face.

c) The Feeling of Hopelessness 
In situations where doors are closed, we often experience feelings of hopelessness and despair. The closed doors of Peter’s imprisonment represent times when we might feel trapped by our circumstances, with no visible way out.


a) The Power of Prayer (Acts 12:5, 12)
The early church prayed fervently for Peter’s release. Their prayers were crucial in invoking divine intervention. This illustrates the power of prayer to unlock doors that seem immovable and to bring about miraculous changes in our lives.

b) The Angelic Deliverance (Acts 12:7-10)
An angel of the Lord appeared, miraculously freeing Peter from his chains and leading him out of the prison. The chains fell off, and the iron gates opened of their own accord. This event highlights how God can act supernaturally to turn our closed doors into open gates, demonstrating His power to do what seems impossible.

c) The Transformation of Impossibility (Acts 12:11-16) 
Peter’s release from prison was so unexpected that it initially seemed like a vision to those who had been praying for him. This transformation from a closed door to an open gate demonstrates how God’s intervention can exceed our expectations and redefine what we thought was possible.


a) The Fall of Jericho (Joshua 6:1-20)
The city of Jericho was heavily fortified with walls that seemed impenetrable. However, God instructed Joshua to march around the city once a day for six days and seven times on the seventh day. At God’s command, the walls fell flat, and the city’s gates were thrown open. This story illustrates how God can turn the most formidable closed doors into opportunities for victory.

b) Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace (Genesis 41:14-46) 
Joseph was imprisoned unjustly but interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams, which led to his promotion to a position of power. Joseph’s journey from the closed door of imprisonment to the open gates of leadership demonstrates how God can transform difficult situations into positions of great influence and blessing.

c) The Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11:38-44)
Lazarus had been dead for four days and sealed in a tomb. Jesus commanded the stone to be removed, and Lazarus came back to life. This miracle shows how God can overcome the finality of death, turning what seems like an irreversible closed door into a miraculous new beginning.


a) Trust in God’s Timing and Plan
Like Peter in prison, we must trust that God’s timing and plans are perfect, even when doors appear to be closed. Trusting God involves believing that He has a purpose for our waiting and that He will open doors at the right time.

b) Engage in Persistent Prayer
Prayer was pivotal in Peter’s release. We should remain persistent in prayer, knowing that God hears us and is able to change our circumstances, even when it seems like our prayers are not being answered.

c) Expect Divine Intervention 
Expecting God’s intervention involves believing that God can and will act in supernatural ways to change our situations. Just as the angel led Peter out of prison, we should anticipate God’s miraculous intervention in our lives.

d) Recognize and Seize New Opportunities 
When God opens doors, we must be ready to walk through them. Recognizing and seizing the opportunities God provides is essential for moving from a place of scarcity to a place of abundance.


The story of Peter’s miraculous release from prison serves as a powerful reminder of how God can turn closed doors into open gates. Through divine intervention, persistent prayer, and trust in God’s timing, we can experience breakthroughs that transform our circumstances. Just as God opened the prison gates for Peter, He can open doors in our lives, leading us from scarcity to abundance and from obstacles to opportunities. Let us trust in God’s power, engage in fervent prayer, and be ready to walk through the open gates He provides.


1. Lord, I bring before You every closed door in my life. Open them according to Your will and timing.

2. Father, grant me the faith to trust in Your ability to turn my closed doors into open gates.

3. Lord, I ask for Your divine intervention in situations where human efforts have failed.

4. Father, help me remain persistent in prayer and trust in Your promises.

5. Lord, remove any obstacles that stand in the way of Your blessings in my life.

6. Father, give me the strength to recognize and seize the opportunities You provide.

7. Lord, turn every situation of scarcity into a place of abundance through Your power.

8. Father, let Your supernatural intervention be evident in my life and circumstances.

9. Lord, guide me through the open gates You have prepared for me.

10. Father, I declare that every closed door is turning into an open gate by Your grace and power.


1. I declare that every closed door in my life is being opened by the power of God.

2. I prophesy that God’s divine intervention will bring breakthroughs and open gates in my circumstances.

3. I decree that the obstacles in my life are being removed and transformed into opportunities.

4. I declare that persistent prayer will lead to miraculous changes in my life.

5. I prophesy that God is turning my scarcity into abundance through His supernatural provision.

6. I declare that God’s timing is perfect, and His plans for me include open gates and new beginnings.

7. I decree that every area of my life where there has been blockage will experience divine breakthroughs.

8. I prophesy that I will recognize and walk through the opportunities God provides.

9. I declare that God’s intervention will exceed my expectations and transform my situation.

10. I prophesy that I am moving from closed doors to open gates, experiencing the fullness of God’s blessings.

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