Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Deuteronomy 1:6-8 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 43:18-19, Philippians 3:13-14, 2 Kings 7:3-8

Every believer is destined for progress and growth. God does not want His people to remain stagnant but to continuously move from one level of glory to another. However, moving to the next level requires intentional steps of faith, obedience, and trust in God's plan. Today, we will explore how to break out of stagnation and move forward in life, ministry, and destiny.


a) God’s Call to Advance 
In Deuteronomy 1:6, God told the Israelites that they had stayed long enough at Mount Horeb and it was time to move forward. There comes a time in our lives when we must recognise that we have stayed in one position for too long, and God is calling us to move to the next level. 

b) The Dangers of Stagnation 
Stagnation leads to frustration, complacency, and unfruitfulness. It is the enemy’s plan to keep us in a state where we are not fulfilling God's full purpose for our lives. Staying at the same level spiritually, financially, or in any other area can hinder our growth.

Biblical Example: The Four Lepers (2 Kings 7:3-8) 
The four lepers at the gate of Samaria were in a desperate situation. However, they realised they could not remain where they were and decided to take action. Their decision to move forward brought them into a place of provision and breakthrough.


a) Forgetting What Is Behind 
In Philippians 3:13-14, Paul speaks of forgetting what is behind and pressing forward to what lies ahead. Holding on to past mistakes, failures, or even past successes can keep us from moving to the next level. To step into new opportunities, we must be willing to let go of what is behind. 

b) Trusting in God’s New Plans
Isaiah 43:18-19 reminds us not to dwell on the past because God is doing a new thing. Moving to the next level requires trust that God’s plans are better than our past. He is always ready to open new doors and make ways where there seem to be none.

Biblical Example: The Israelites Leaving Egypt (Exodus 14:10-15) 
When the Israelites left Egypt, they faced the Red Sea, and some wanted to return to Egypt out of fear. But Moses encouraged them to move forward. When we let go of the past, God makes a way for us to step into a new season of deliverance and victory.


a) Moving with Faith in God’s Promises
To move to the next level, we must step out in faith, believing in the promises of God. Faith is the currency that moves us from one dimension to another. Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. Faith fuels our forward motion into new realms of blessings.

b) Overcoming Fear and Doubt 
Fear and doubt are major barriers to progress. The Israelites doubted God's ability to bring them into the Promised Land, and as a result, many did not enter. To move to the next level, we must reject fear and doubt, trusting that God is faithful to fulfil His promises.

Biblical Example: Peter Walking on Water (Matthew 14:28-31) 
Peter took a step of faith and walked on water when Jesus called him. Though fear caused him to sink, as long as he focused on Jesus, he was able to do the impossible. Moving to the next level requires us to keep our eyes on Christ, the author and finisher of our faith.


a) Spiritual Growth and Maturity 
As God calls us to the next level, we must be prepared spiritually. Growth in prayer, the Word, and our relationship with God is essential to sustain us in higher levels. To whom much is given, much is required (Luke 12:48). Preparation precedes promotion.

b) Embracing Change and Challenges 
Moving to the next level often involves change and new challenges. We must be willing to embrace the new responsibilities and opportunities that come with new levels. With God's grace, we can overcome any challenges that arise.

Biblical Example:Joseph’s Journey (Genesis 41:41-46) 
Joseph moved from the prison to the palace, but his journey involved many challenges and preparation along the way. His faithfulness in every season prepared him for his next level of leadership and influence.

God desires that we move forward and experience new levels of His grace, blessings, and glory. To move to the next level, we must recognise when it’s time to advance, let go of the past, take steps of faith, and prepare for the challenges that come with new seasons. As we trust in God’s promises and walk in obedience, we will see breakthroughs and victories in every area of our lives. Don’t settle for less—move forward to the next level that God has prepared for you!

1. Father, thank You for the call to move forward and grow in You. 

2. Lord, help me to recognise when it’s time to move to the next level in my life. 

3. Father, I let go of every past hurt, mistake, or success that is holding me back. 

4. Lord, increase my faith to step out into the new things You have for me. 

5. Father, remove every fear and doubt that seeks to hinder my progress. 

6. Lord, prepare me spiritually for the next level You are calling me to. 

7. Father, I declare that I will embrace the challenges of new levels with grace. 

8. Lord, open doors of favour and opportunity as I move forward in faith. 

9. Father, let every stagnation in my life be broken as I step into new dimensions. 

10. Lord, I declare that I am advancing into new levels of blessings, breakthroughs, and glory.

1. I declare that you are moving to the next level of victory and success in Jesus’ name! 

2. Every barrier that has kept you stagnant is broken today in the name of Jesus. 

3. You shall advance into new realms of favour and prosperity. 

4. I prophesy that the past will not hold you back; you are stepping into new beginnings. 

5. Your faith will propel you into new levels of supernatural breakthroughs. 

6. I decree that doors of opportunity are opening for you in this new season. 

7. The Lord will make a way for you in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. 

8. You will walk on new heights, and every challenge will be turned into a testimony. 

9. Every limitation is removed from your path as you move forward in the power of God. 

10. I declare that you will experience divine promotion and elevation in every area of your life!

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