Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 10:1-7 
Supporting Texts: Ephesians 6:12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-5

In our lives, we often encounter situations that can only be described as nonsense—behaviours, patterns, and challenges that are contrary to God’s will and purpose for us. These issues can manifest as spiritual attacks, personal struggles, or societal injustices. Today, we will explore how to confront and put an end to these nonsensical situations, asserting our authority in Christ and declaring that enough is enough.


a) Identifying What is Unacceptable
Many times, we tolerate situations that are unacceptable in our lives, believing they are normal. This can include negative habits, toxic relationships, and persistent sin.

b) Biblical Examples of Nonsense 
In 1 Samuel 10:1-7, Saul was anointed king, yet he faced immediate opposition and nonsense from those who doubted him. God gave him signs to confirm his anointing, but he had to be courageous enough to stand against the negativity.

Biblical Example: The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 1:8-14) 
The Israelites endured slavery and oppression for years. This nonsense of oppression needed to be addressed, leading to their eventual deliverance.


a) The Nature of Our Struggles
In Ephesians 6:12, we are reminded that our battles are not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil. Recognising the spiritual roots of our challenges is essential to addressing them effectively.

b) The Weapons of Our Warfare
2 Corinthians 10:3-5 reminds us that we have divine weapons at our disposal to demolish strongholds and arguments that set themselves against the knowledge of God.

Biblical Example: David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) 
David faced a giant, a clear representation of nonsense that intimidated the entire Israelite army. His faith and the weapons of the Spirit (a slingshot and five stones) led to victory.

Example 2: Jabez
Jabez rejected the nonsense in his destiny and prayed.

Example 3: Hannah
Hannah refused to tolerate the nonsense of barrenness and she prayed and got a result.


a) The Importance of Boldness 
To stop the nonsense in our lives, we must be bold and decisive, just as Saul was encouraged to be in 1 Samuel 10:7.

b) Declaring Enough is Enough 
We have the authority to declare that certain behaviours, circumstances, or influences must cease. We must confront them with prayer and action.

Biblical Example: Jesus Cleansing the Temple (Matthew 21:12-13) 
When Jesus saw the nonsense occurring in the temple, He took action, driving out the merchants and declaring that His Father’s house was a house of prayer.


a) Embracing Our Identity in Christ
When we take a stand against nonsense, we reaffirm our identity as children of God, who have been given authority over every negative influence in our lives.

b) Walking in the Spirit
To sustain this victory, we must walk in the Spirit daily, keeping ourselves aligned with God’s purpose and avoiding any return to previous nonsense.

Biblical Example: The Early Church (Acts 4:29-31) 
The early believers faced significant opposition, yet they prayed for boldness and were empowered by the Holy Spirit to continue their mission without fear.

Today, we must declare that this nonsense in our lives must stop. With God's power and authority, we can confront every negative situation, influence, and mindset that contradicts His plan for us. Let us be bold in our faith, take action, and trust that God will bring about the change we seek.

1. Lord, I declare that every form of nonsense in my life must stop today. 

2. I renounce every negative influence and declare freedom in Jesus’ name. 

3. Father, give me the boldness to confront the challenges I face. 

4. I break every stronghold that has kept me in bondage. 

5. Lord, help me to walk in the Spirit and avoid returning to past behaviours. 

6. I declare that I am a child of God, and I have authority over my circumstances. 

7. Father, empower me to take action against every form of oppression. 

8. I pray for a spirit of discernment to identify what is unacceptable in my life. 

9. Lord, I ask for Your guidance as I confront these challenges. 

10. I believe in the victory of Jesus over every situation that seeks to hinder my progress.

1. I declare that every nonsense in your life will cease today! 

2. You are equipped with authority to confront and overcome challenges! 

3. God is giving you the boldness to declare change in your circumstances! 

4. I prophesy that strongholds are being demolished in your life! 

5. The chains of oppression are breaking off you now! 

6. You will no longer be defined by your struggles but by God’s grace! 

7. God is empowering you to take action and achieve victory! 

8. Your faith will lead to miraculous breakthroughs in your life! 

9. You are walking in the Spirit, and every negative influence must leave! 

10. Your testimony will inspire others to stand against the nonsense in their lives!

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