Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 30:1-8 
Supporting Texts: Jeremiah 33:3, Hosea 4:6, Proverbs 2:3-5

In life, there are times when we experience loss—whether in our health, relationships, finances, or even our spiritual zeal. The good news is that God has a plan for our recovery. However, before we can recover, we must first discover what has been lost, why it was lost, and how to regain it. This sermon will explore how we can partner with God to discover the necessary steps that lead to recovery in every area of our lives.


a) Knowledge is Key to Recovery 
One of the reasons people remain in a state of loss or lack is ignorance. Hosea 4:6 says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Without the right knowledge or understanding, it is impossible to recover what has been lost. Discovery involves seeking God for insight and revelation into the root cause of the issue and the path to restoration.

b) Seeking God for Revelation
David is a great example of someone who sought God’s guidance before attempting to recover what was lost. After the Amalekites attacked Ziklag, David inquired of the Lord, and God revealed the steps he needed to take for recovery (1 Samuel 30:8). We, too, must inquire of God, asking for wisdom and direction to regain what we have lost.

Biblical Example: David at Ziklag (1 Samuel 30:1-8) 
David discovered the will of God before pursuing the Amalekites, and God gave him the strategy for recovery.


a) Recognising the Enemy’s Tactics 
To recover, we must first identify the enemy’s strategies that led to the loss. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). Whether it’s through sin, distraction, or spiritual attacks, the enemy seeks to rob us of our peace, joy, and blessings. Discovery begins when we recognise the tactics the enemy has used to keep us in a place of defeat.

b) Evaluating Personal Responsibility
While the enemy plays a part in our loss, there are times when our own actions or inactions have contributed to it. Whether through disobedience, poor choices, or neglect, we may have opened the door to the enemy. As part of the discovery process, we must honestly evaluate our role and seek forgiveness and direction from God (Jeremiah 33:3).

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24) 
The prodigal son lost his inheritance because of poor choices, but when he "came to his senses," he discovered the way back to his father and was restored.


a) Following God’s Instructions 
After discovery comes obedience. Once David received a word from the Lord to pursue the Amalekites, he did not delay but immediately acted on God’s instructions (1 Samuel 30:9). Many times, our recovery is delayed because we hesitate to follow the steps God has revealed. Obedience is key to unlocking the door to recovery.

b) Trusting God’s Timing
Recovery may not always happen instantly, but we must trust that God’s timing is perfect. David pursued the Amalekites, and though the journey was long and difficult, he eventually recovered everything that was stolen. Trusting God’s process and persevering through challenges will lead to complete recovery.

Biblical Example: Naaman’s obedience (2 Kings 5:1-14) 
Naaman discovered his path to healing when he followed the prophet Elisha’s instructions, even though it did not make sense to him initially.


a) Faith in God’s Promises 
Faith is essential to recovery. No matter how great the loss, we must believe that God is able to restore us. David's confidence in God was evident when he asked, "Shall I pursue this troop? Shall I overtake them?" His faith in God’s ability to bring recovery was rewarded when God told him, "Pursue, for you shall surely overtake them and recover all" (1 Samuel 30:8). We must approach our recovery journey with faith that God will bring about restoration.

b) Persistence in the Face of Opposition
Recovery is not always easy. There will be obstacles, delays, and opposition, but we must persist in our pursuit. Like David, who overcame exhaustion, the loss of his family, and the threat of mutiny from his men, we must remain determined to recover what has been taken (1 Samuel 30:6). Persistence, coupled with faith, will lead to victory.

Biblical Example: The woman with the issue of blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
This woman faced years of suffering but did not give up. Her persistence in seeking healing led her to Jesus, and her faith made her whole.


a) God’s Plan for Complete Restoration
When God brings recovery, it is often more than what we expect. David not only recovered all that was taken, but he also gained additional spoils from the Amalekites (1 Samuel 30:19-20). God’s restoration is always abundant, exceeding what we may have lost. Joel 2:25 declares, "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten." God’s plan is to restore beyond what was lost.

b) Living in the Overflow
Once we discover God’s path to recovery and follow it, we enter a season of abundance. Like Job, who lost everything but was restored double for his trouble (Job 42:10), God can turn our losses into a season of overflowing blessings.

Biblical Example: Job’s double restoration (Job 42:10) 
Job’s recovery was far greater than his initial loss. God gave him twice as much as he had before.

Every setback in life is an opportunity for a comeback. God desires for us to recover everything that has been lost, whether it’s peace, health, or financial stability. However, we must first discover the cause of the loss, seek God’s direction, and follow His instructions with faith and persistence. As we partner with God in the recovery process, He will restore to us more than we can imagine. Let us seek Him today and trust that our season of recovery has begun.

1. Lord, give me the wisdom to discover the root of every loss in my life. 

2. Father, reveal the enemy’s tactics and strategies that have caused repeated losses in my life. 

3. I break every cycle of loss and defeat in Jesus’ name. 

4. Lord, give me the strength to obey Your instructions as I pursue recovery. 

5. Father, restore to me everything the enemy has stolen from me. 

6. I declare that every lost opportunity is being restored to me in double measure. 

7. Lord, strengthen my faith and persistence as I pursue total recovery. 

8. I cancel every plan of the enemy to hinder my restoration in Jesus’ name. 

9. Father, open doors of abundance and overflow in my life. 

10. Lord, turn every setback in my life into a divine comeback.

1. I declare that you shall discover the path to your complete recovery in Jesus’ name. 

2. Every hidden plan of the enemy against your life is being exposed and destroyed. 

3. I decree that the season of loss is over in your life; it is time for restoration. 

4. As you seek the Lord, He will give you divine strategies for recovery. 

5. You shall recover everything that has been stolen from you, and more! 

6. I declare that God is turning your pain into purpose and your loss into gain. 

7. Every obstacle to your recovery is being removed right now in Jesus’ name. 

8. From today, you will walk in abundance and overflow beyond your expectations. 

9. The years the enemy has stolen from you are being restored in double measure. 

10. You are entering a season of victory, restoration, and breakthrough!

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