Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Revelation 21:4 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 56:8, 2 Kings 20:5, John 16:20

Tears are a natural expression of human emotion, often arising from pain, loss, and disappointment. However, God's promise to wipe away every tear assures us that there will come a time when sorrow and suffering will cease. This sermon explores the hope and healing that God offers, reminding us that our tears have a purpose and that God is intimately aware of our struggles.


a) Tears of Pain and Suffering 
Life is filled with challenges that can lead to tears. Whether it's illness, loss of a loved one, or personal failures, these experiences often leave us feeling broken and desolate. Psalm 56:8 reminds us that God collects our tears, signifying His deep compassion for our pain.

b) Tears of Regret and Shame
We may also shed tears due to regret for past actions or shame from our failures. In 2 Kings 20:5, God heard Hezekiah's prayer and saw his tears, demonstrating that God cares about our repentant hearts and desires to bring healing and restoration.

Biblical Example: Peter’s Tears (Luke 22:61-62) 
Peter wept bitterly after denying Jesus. His tears were a mix of regret and sorrow, yet they ultimately led him to repentance and restoration, showing that tears can lead to transformation.


a) God's Assurance of Comfort 
In Revelation 21:4, God promises that there will be no more tears in heaven. This is a profound assurance that all pain, suffering, and sorrow will be eradicated in His eternal presence. God desires to comfort us in our current pain while promising a future free from tears.

b) The Transformative Power of God
God not only comforts us but also has the power to turn our sorrow into joy. John 16:20 tells us that while we may experience sorrow now, our joy will be complete. God's ability to transform our situations reminds us that tears are not the end of our story but rather a part of our journey towards healing.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Nain (Luke 7:11-15) 
When Jesus encountered the widow, He was moved with compassion and raised her son from the dead. In that moment, her tears of grief turned into tears of joy, exemplifying God's power to restore and bring hope.


a) Finding Strength in God’s Presence
In times of sorrow, seeking God’s presence can bring healing and peace. When we bring our tears before God, He promises to provide strength and comfort. Psalm 34:18 assures us that the Lord is near to the broken-hearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

b) Embracing Healing and Restoration 
We must remember that healing is a process. God invites us to bring our pain to Him, allowing Him to work in our hearts. As we surrender our tears to Him, we open ourselves to His transformative power.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
She experienced years of suffering and shame but found healing through faith in Jesus. Her encounter turned her tears of pain into tears of joy, reminding us that faith can lead us to a place of restoration.


a) Sharing in Each Other's Pain 
As we experience God's comfort, we are called to share that comfort with others. 2 Corinthians 1:4 reminds us that we comfort others with the comfort we receive from God. Our experiences can be a source of encouragement and hope for those who are hurting.

b) A Community of Healing
In the body of Christ, we are called to bear one another’s burdens. When we support each other through trials, we create an environment where healing can flourish. Encouraging one another in times of sorrow can help turn tears into testimonies.

Biblical Example: Job's Friends (Job 2:11-13) 
Job's friends came to comfort him in his sorrow. Though they struggled to find the right words, their presence during his time of grief demonstrates the importance of supporting one another through difficult times.

God’s promise of "no more tears" assures us that our current struggles are temporary and that He has a plan for our healing and restoration. While we may experience sorrow in this life, we can take comfort in knowing that God sees our tears and collects them. Let us lean into His presence, find strength in Him, and share the hope of healing with others.

1. Father, help me to bring my tears before You, knowing You care for my pain. 

2. Lord, grant me strength and comfort as I navigate through difficult times. 

3. I pray for healing in every area of my life that has caused me to weep. 

4. Father, let Your joy replace my sorrow as I trust in Your promises. 

5. Lord, help me to be a source of comfort for others who are hurting. 

6. Father, may my tears lead me closer to You and bring about transformation in my life. 

7. I declare that every spirit of heaviness is lifted from my life today. 

8. Lord, help me to remember that my tears are not the end but a part of my journey. 

9. Father, strengthen my faith as I wait for Your promises to manifest in my life. 

10. I declare that joy will come in the morning, and my sorrow will be turned into dancing!

1. I declare that God is wiping away every tear from your eyes and bringing joy to your heart! 

2. The pain of your past will not dictate your future; God is turning your sorrow into joy. 

3. I prophesy that healing is coming to every area of your life where you have wept. 

4. You will experience the comfort of God in ways that surpass your understanding! 

5. The heaviness you have carried is being lifted, and you will walk in freedom and joy. 

6. I declare that you are entering a season of restoration and healing; no more tears! 

7. Your tears have been noted by God, and He is working all things together for your good. 

8. The joy of the Lord will be your strength, and you will not be overwhelmed by sorrow. 

9. I prophesy that your story will change from sorrow to joy, and you will testify of God's goodness! 

10. From this day forward, you will walk in the assurance that God is with you, and your tears will be turned into joy!

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