Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 16:7 
Supporting Texts:  Jeremiah 29:11, Galatians 3:28, Philippians 4:13

Many individuals feel limited by their backgrounds, whether due to poverty, family issues, or societal expectations. However, God does not measure us by our backgrounds but by our potential in Him. This sermon explores how our past does not determine our future and how we can rise above our circumstances to fulfil God's purpose for our lives.


a) The Pitfalls of a Negative Background
Our backgrounds can often lead us to believe that we are unworthy or incapable of achieving greatness. Many people carry the weight of their upbringing and let it define their identity and potential.

b) Biblical Examples of Overcoming Backgrounds
David, the shepherd boy from an obscure family, was chosen to be king despite his humble beginnings. In 1 Samuel 16:7, God reminds Samuel that He looks at the heart, not outward appearances.

Biblical Example: The Life of David (1 Samuel 16:1-13) 
David was not even considered among his brothers when Samuel came to anoint a king. Yet, he was chosen because of his heart for God.

Example 2: Jephthah (Judges 11)
Jephthah was born of a harlot and was driven from his inheritance and home. He went on to become great and those who rejected him went to look for him.


a) God's Plans are Greater than Our Past
In Jeremiah 29:11, God assures us that His plans for us are good and filled with hope, irrespective of our backgrounds. This promise should empower us to believe that we can rise above our past.

b) The Transformative Power of Christ 
In Galatians 3:28, Paul emphasises that in Christ, there is no distinction based on ethnicity, social status, or gender. This means that our backgrounds do not limit our access to God's promises and blessings.

Biblical Example: The Apostle Paul (Philippians 3:5-6) 
Paul had a background as a Pharisee, persecuting Christians. Yet, God transformed him and used him powerfully for the Gospel.


a) Finding Strength in Our New Identity 
Philippians 4:13 tells us that we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Our identity in Christ empowers us to overcome the limitations imposed by our backgrounds.

b) The Importance of Faith and Determination 
To break free from the shackles of our backgrounds, we must have faith in God’s promises and the determination to pursue our God-given destinies.

Biblical Example: Rahab the Harlot (Joshua 2:1-24) 
Despite her background as a prostitute, Rahab’s faith in God led to her being included in the lineage of Jesus. Her past did not define her future.


a) Steps Towards Realising Our Potential
We must take proactive steps to align our lives with God’s calling. This may include seeking God in prayer, studying His Word, and surrounding ourselves with supportive believers.

b) The Role of Perseverance
Overcoming our backgrounds requires perseverance. We must continue to press on, regardless of setbacks or discouragements.

Biblical Example:  Joseph (Genesis 37-50) 
Joseph faced numerous challenges due to his background and family dynamics. However, through faith and perseverance, he rose to power in Egypt and saved many from famine.

Our backgrounds do not have to dictate our futures. Through faith in Christ, we can break free from past limitations and embrace the destiny God has for us. God sees our potential and calls us to rise above our circumstances, fulfilling His purpose in our lives. Let us walk boldly in our identity as children of God, unashamed of our past and confident in our future.

1. Father, help me to see beyond my background and recognise my potential in You. 

2. Lord, renew my mind and help me embrace my identity as Your child. 

3. I pray for strength to overcome the limitations of my past. 

4. Lord, grant me the courage to pursue my dreams and purpose without fear. 

5. I declare that every negative influence from my background is broken in my life. 

6. Father, fill me with faith to believe in Your promises for my future. 

7. I pray for divine connections that will help me fulfil my God-given destiny. 

8. Lord, teach me to persevere through challenges and setbacks. 

9. I declare that I will rise above my circumstances and shine for Your glory. 

10. Father, help me to encourage others who feel limited by their backgrounds.

1. I declare that your past will not define your future; you are destined for greatness! 

2. God is breaking every chain of limitation from your life today. 

3. You will rise above your background and fulfil the purpose God has for you! 

4. I prophesy that you will find strength and confidence in your identity in Christ. 

5. Every setback you have faced will become a setup for a greater breakthrough! 

6. God will provide divine opportunities that will elevate you beyond your background. 

7. I declare that your faith will move mountains and open doors to your destiny. 

8. You will be a beacon of hope for others who feel trapped by their past. 

9. I prophesy that you will walk in confidence, knowing that God is with you. 

10. Your life will testify to the transformative power of God's grace and love!

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