Wednesday 25 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Peter 1:15-16 
Supporting Texts: Hebrews 12:14, Romans 12:1-2

Holiness is not merely a concept but a divine calling for every believer. As followers of Christ, we are called to live set apart from the world, reflecting God's character in our daily lives. This sermon will explore the significance of walking in holiness, the means by which we can achieve it, and the impact it has on our relationship with God and others.


a) Definition of Holiness 
Holiness means being dedicated or consecrated to God, living in a way that reflects His purity and righteousness. It encompasses both moral integrity and spiritual devotion.

b) The Call to Holiness 
In 1 Peter 1:15-16, we are instructed to be holy because God is holy. This calling is foundational to our identity as Christians and signifies our commitment to live according to God's standards, not the world's.

Biblical Example: The Life of Joseph 
Joseph exemplified holiness in his life choices, particularly when he resisted Potiphar's wife. His refusal to compromise his integrity illustrates the importance of remaining committed to God’s principles, even in challenging circumstances (Genesis 39:7-12).


a) Our Witness to the World
Walking in holiness sets us apart and serves as a powerful testimony to those around us. Our lives should reflect Christ’s love and righteousness, drawing others to Him.

b) Our Relationship with God
Hebrews 12:14 reminds us that without holiness, no one will see the Lord. Walking in holiness deepens our relationship with God, allowing us to experience His presence more fully and intimately.

Biblical Example: The Israelites 
The Israelites were called to be a holy nation (Exodus 19:6). Their obedience to God’s commands distinguished them from other nations and showcased His glory. When they strayed, their witness was tarnished, leading to judgment and exile.


a) Renewing Our Minds
Romans 12:2 urges us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Engaging with Scripture and meditating on God's Word is essential for aligning our thoughts and actions with His will.

b) Practising Obedience 
Obedience to God’s commands is crucial in walking in holiness. John 14:15 states, "If you love me, keep my commands." Our love for God is demonstrated through our willingness to obey His Word.

Biblical Example: Daniel and His Friends 
Daniel and his friends chose to maintain their dietary laws, rejecting the king’s provisions. Their commitment to holiness not only preserved their identities but also led to God's favour and blessings (Daniel 1:8-20).


a) Peace and Joy
Walking in holiness brings inner peace and joy that transcends circumstances. As we align ourselves with God’s will, we experience the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

b) Transformation of Life 
Holiness results in transformation. As we grow in our walk with God, we become more like Christ, reflecting His character and love to the world. Our lives become vessels of His glory.

Biblical Example: The Woman Caught in Adultery 
Jesus’ encounter with the woman caught in adultery illustrates the transformative power of holiness (John 8:1-11). He did not condemn her but offered her forgiveness and a call to "go and sin no more." This moment changed her life and showcased the grace of holiness.

Walking in holiness is both a privilege and a responsibility for every believer. It impacts our relationship with God, our witness to the world, and our transformation into Christ's image. Let us strive to live set apart, embracing the call to holiness and reflecting God’s character in all we do.

1. Lord, help me to understand the importance of walking in holiness. 

2. I declare that I will be set apart for You in every area of my life. 

3. Renew my mind and transform my heart to align with Your will. 

4. Give me the strength to obey Your commands out of love for You. 

5. Help me to be a witness of Your holiness to those around me. 

6. I pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be evident in my life. 

7. Strengthen my resolve to resist temptation and sin. 

8. May my life reflect Your character and bring glory to Your name. 

9. Lord, grant me the grace to walk in holiness daily. 

10. Thank You for the gift of holiness through Christ!

1. You shall walk in holiness and be a shining light in your community! 

2. Your mind is being renewed, aligning with God's purpose for your life! 

3. You will experience the peace and joy that come from a holy life! 

4. Every chain of sin and temptation is being broken in your life! 

5. Your witness will draw others to Christ as you reflect His love! 

6. You are empowered to live a life of obedience to God's Word! 

7. Your transformation will be evident to all who know you! 

8. You will experience God's favour and blessings as you walk in holiness! 

9. Every area of your life will reflect the character of Christ! 

10. You are set apart for greatness in the Kingdom of God!

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