Saturday 28 September 2024


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Kings 4:1-7 
Supporting Texts: Matthew 14:17-21, Luke 16:10, Zechariah 4:10

Many times, we feel inadequate because we do not seem to have enough resources, talent, or ability to accomplish what God has placed in our hearts. However, God has a pattern of using what seems small and insignificant to bring about mighty results. In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we see a widow who was in desperate need, but through the little she had—a small jar of oil—God brought an overflow of provision. This sermon explores how God multiplies the little we have when we step out in faith, trust Him, and take action.


a) See the Potential in What Seems Small 
Often, we focus on what we lack and overlook what we have. The widow initially only saw the small jar of oil, not realizing its potential. It’s easy to despise small beginnings or see them as insignificant, but God can use the little we have to accomplish great things. Zechariah 4:10 says, "Do not despise the day of small beginnings."

b) Faithfulness with the Little 
In Luke 16:10, Jesus said, "Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much." God is looking for faithfulness, even in the small things. When we honour and use what we have, God opens doors for greater opportunities and increases.

Biblical Example: The Feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:17-21) 
When Jesus was faced with feeding 5,000 people, the disciples only had five loaves and two fish. While it seemed too small, Jesus took it, blessed it, and multiplied it to feed the multitude. What seemed insufficient became more than enough in the hands of Jesus.


a) Step Out in Faith
The widow in 2 Kings 4 obeyed the instructions of Elisha. Even though the oil seemed too little, she began to pour it out in faith. Faith requires action, even when what we have seems small. When we step out in faith, trusting God to work, He multiplies our efforts.

b) God Multiplies What You Use
God blesses what is placed in His hands, but He can only multiply what is used. The widow poured out her oil into jars, and as long as there were jars to fill, the oil continued to flow. The miracle of multiplication happened as she acted. Similarly, God can multiply our gifts, talents, and resources when we use them for His glory.

Biblical Example: The Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30) 
In this parable, the servant who was given five talents and the one with two talents used them and saw multiplication. However, the servant who did nothing with his one talent lost it. The key is to use what you have, trusting that God will bring the increase.


a) God Is the Source of Increase
The widow’s little jar of oil did not multiply by her own power, but by God’s divine intervention. We must remember that God is the source of all increase. He is able to take our little and do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or imagine (Ephesians 3:20).

b) Stay in Obedience to God’s Word
God’s multiplication comes when we walk in obedience. The widow followed Elisha’s instructions precisely, and as a result, her debt was paid, and she had more than enough to live on. Obedience positions us to receive God’s blessings and provision.

Biblical Example: The Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-16) 
During a famine, Elijah asked the widow of Zarephath to make him a small cake from her last bit of flour and oil. Though it seemed too little, she obeyed, and her resources were supernaturally multiplied, lasting throughout the famine.


a) Do Not Despise Small Beginnings 
Great things often start small. Whether it is a small business, a small ministry, or a small amount of resources, God is able to bring increase and turn it into something great. The little you have today may be the seed for a great harvest tomorrow.

b) Trust God’s Timing 
Sometimes, it takes time to see the full fruit of what we have started. Like the widow who gathered many jars before the oil started flowing, we need to prepare and be patient as God brings the increase in His time.

Biblical Example: David’s Small Beginning as a Shepherd (1 Samuel 16:11-13) 
David was a young shepherd, seemingly insignificant, but God saw his heart and anointed him to be king. His small beginning as a shepherd prepared him for the greatness God had in store for him. In the same way, God uses small beginnings to prepare us for greater things.

No matter how small or insignificant what you have may seem, God can use it for great exploits. Like the widow in 2 Kings 4, recognize what you have, take action in faith, and trust God for the increase. God delights in turning small beginnings into great blessings. Do not despise the little you have, for in God’s hands, it can be multiplied beyond measure.

1. Lord, help me to recognize the potential in what You have given me. 

2. Father, give me the faith to act on what I have, trusting You for increase. 

3. Lord, remove every spirit of fear and doubt that hinders me from using my gifts. 

4. Father, multiply the little I have and turn it into an overflow. 

5. Lord, help me to be obedient to Your Word in all things. 

6. Father, bless the works of my hands and let them produce great results. 

7. Lord, teach me not to despise small beginnings but to trust Your process. 

8. Father, position me for supernatural increase and breakthroughs. 

9. Lord, let my faith and obedience bring about generational blessings. 

10. Father, open my eyes to the opportunities You have placed before me.

1. I declare that the little you have will be multiplied in God’s hands.
2. You will not despise small beginnings, for God is preparing you for great things. 

3. Every gift, talent, and resource you possess will be used mightily for God’s glory. 

4. The season of supernatural increase is upon you, and you will not lack. 

5. The Lord will turn your little into an overflow, and you will testify of His abundance. 

6. You will step out in faith and see the hand of God multiply your efforts. 

7. Your obedience will open doors for divine provision and breakthroughs. 

8. God will use what seems insignificant to bring about great blessings in your life. 

9. The oil of grace will never run dry in your life; it will continue to flow. 

10. In this season, you will experience divine multiplication and favour in Jesus' name.

Go forth with confidence, knowing that the little you have is enough for God to work mighty miracles!

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