Monday 30 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 2 Samuel 6:10-12 
Supporting Texts: 1 Chronicles 13:13-14, Psalm 84:11, Deuteronomy 28:1-2

As we step into the month of October, we declare it to be our month of Supernatural Shift. This is a season where God’s hand will move mightily in our lives, bringing about a sudden and divine change, just like He did for Obededom. In 2 Samuel 6, the Ark of God was brought into Obededom’s house, and within three months, his life experienced a dramatic turnaround. The same Ark that caused Uzzah’s death became the source of life-changing blessings for Obededom and his entire household. His testimony became so remarkable that it spread across the nation.

This month of October, we are believing God for a supernatural shift that will bring us out of obscurity into the spotlight, out of lack into abundance, and out of stagnation into supernatural progress. Just as Obededom prospered within three months, may this last quarter of the year bring about the supernatural shift we have been waiting for.


a) The Unexpected Turnaround 
Obededom was not a man of influence or prestige, but when the Ark of God came to his house, everything changed. The Ark represented the presence of God, and wherever God’s presence is, transformation is inevitable. In just three months, Obededom’s life was completely transformed from obscurity to prosperity (2 Samuel 6:11).

b) The Power of Hosting God’s Presence 
Obededom’s blessing did not come because of who he was, but because of God’s presence in his house. When we welcome the presence of God into our lives, everything changes. Psalm 84:11 says, "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favour and honour; no good thing does He withhold from those whose walk is blameless." When we align ourselves with God’s presence, we position ourselves for supernatural blessings and breakthroughs.

Biblical Example:
The Ark of the Covenant was a symbol of God’s presence and power, just as the presence of God turned Obededom’s life around, we see a similar divine shift in the life of Joseph. In one day, Joseph was promoted from a prisoner to the second-in-command in Egypt (Genesis 41). This is the power of God’s favour and divine presence.


a) The Time Frame for Transformation 
Obededom’s story highlights the fact that God doesn’t need a long time to turn your life around. In just three months, his entire household experienced an outpouring of divine blessings. God specializes in doing the miraculous in a short amount of time. This month of October, we are declaring a supernatural shift that will take place in the last three months of this year, bringing about rapid change, breakthrough, and advancement.

b) Visible and Unstoppable Progress
The blessings on Obededom’s house were so noticeable that King David heard about it (2 Samuel 6:12). When God moves in your life, the results are undeniable. Your progress becomes evident to all, and it becomes a testimony that draws others to the goodness of God. The shift that is coming will be so profound that everyone around you will see it.

Biblical Example: 
In the book of Nehemiah, the walls of Jerusalem were rebuilt in 52 days (Nehemiah 6:15). What had been in ruins for years was restored in a supernatural time frame because of God’s divine intervention. Just as Nehemiah experienced rapid progress, so shall we see supernatural shifts in this season.


a) God Turns Fear into Favour
The Ark of God had caused Uzzah’s death, and many might have thought it would bring harm to Obededom’s house as well. However, God had a different plan. What others feared brought life-changing blessings to Obededom. This is a reminder that God can turn what others reject, fear, or discard into a source of blessing for you. Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

b) God Uses What Seems Impossible
God has the power to use what seems impossible or fearful to others as the very tool of blessing in your life. This month of October, we declare that what others fear will become a source of testimony and blessing for us. The same way the Ark brought prosperity to Obededom, God will use what seems challenging to usher in supernatural breakthroughs.

Biblical Example: 
In Genesis 50:20, Joseph told his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." God turned a difficult situation into a divine setup for Joseph’s elevation. In the same way, God can turn every difficult situation in your life into a stepping stone for your divine shift.


a) Make Room for God’s Presence
The key to Obededom’s blessings was the presence of God. To experience your supernatural shift this October, you need to intentionally invite God’s presence into every area of your life. Just as Obededom hosted the Ark, host God in your life through worship, prayer, and obedience. Psalm 91:1 says, "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." Living in God’s presence is the key to unlocking divine favour and transformation.

b) Align Your Faith and Confession 
Faith is essential for experiencing a supernatural shift. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that "without faith it is impossible to please God." Speak in alignment with God’s promises, and expect His miraculous intervention. Declare that October will be your month of divine change and supernatural increase.

Biblical Example: 
In 1 Chronicles 4:9-10, Jabez prayed for God to bless him and enlarge his territory, and God granted his request. Jabez positioned himself for a supernatural shift by calling on God in faith. In the same way, we must call on God and believe that He will bring about a shift in our lives.

As we enter this month of October, let us declare it to be a month of Supernatural Shift. Like Obededom, whose life was radically transformed in three months, we are trusting God to bring about a divine turnaround in the last quarter of this year. It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past nine months—God can shift everything in an instant. His presence, power, and favour will bring about rapid, visible progress in every area of your life. You will end this year with a testimony of supernatural increase and breakthrough, and the world will see what God has done in your life.

1. Lord, I invite Your presence into my life for a divine turnaround this October. 

2. Father, I declare that October will be a month of supernatural shift and breakthrough. 

3. Lord, let what others fear become a source of blessing and testimony in my life. 

4. Father, turn every challenge and setback in my life into a stepping stone for progress. 

5. Lord, grant me visible, unstoppable progress that will draw others to You. 

6. Father, enlarge my territory and bless me beyond measure, as You did for Obededom. 

7. Lord, let every delay in my life be turned into divine acceleration and favour. 

8. Father, I decree that the last quarter of this year will bring supernatural increase and abundance. 

9. Lord, position me for a divine shift in my career, family, and ministry. 

10. Father, thank You for the supernatural testimonies that will manifest in my life this month.

1. I declare that October will be your month of divine turnaround and supernatural shift! 

2. Just like Obededom, what others fear will bring extraordinary blessings into your life. 

3. Your progress will be visible, undeniable, and unstoppable in this season. 

4. I decree that every challenge you face will turn into a testimony of God’s favour. 

5. This month, the presence of God will bring supernatural increase and abundance into your household. 

6. I declare that God will turn every delay in your life into rapid progress and divine acceleration.

7. Your testimony of supernatural shift will be the talk of your city, just like Obededom’s. 

8. I prophesy that the last three months of this year will bring more blessings than the first nine months combined. 

9. You will end this year with more than enough, and God’s presence will be evident in your life. 

10. I declare that your supernatural shift is now, and no power can stop what God is about to do in your life!

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