Friday 20 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Romans 8:28 

Supporting Texts: Genesis 50:20, 2 Corinthians 12:9-10, 1 Timothy 1:12-14


Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes we find ourselves in situations that feel like a complete mess—circumstances that seem chaotic, painful, or confusing. Yet, one of the most powerful truths in Scripture is that God can turn even the most difficult and broken situations into something beautiful. He takes the mess of our lives and transforms it into a message of hope, redemption, and His glory. No matter how deep the pit may seem, God has the power to rewrite your story.

In this sermon, we will explore how God can take what was meant for evil and turn it into good. He transforms our mess into a testimony that can encourage others and bring glory to His name.


a) Understanding Romans 8:28 
Romans 8:28 reminds us, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose." This verse is a profound promise that no matter what mess we face, God is weaving every piece together for our good. The good news is that God doesn’t waste any part of our journey—not even the painful or messy parts. He is the ultimate master in turning tragedy into triumph and pain into purpose.

b) Trusting God in the Mess
To experience God's transformation, we must trust Him in the midst of the mess. Our mess may not make sense, but we are assured that God is always working behind the scenes. Joseph in the Bible is a perfect example of this. His life was a mess—betrayed by his brothers, sold into slavery, falsely accused, and imprisoned. But at the end of his journey, Joseph was able to say to his brothers, "You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good" (Genesis 50:20).


a) Paul’s Example of Grace in Weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10)
The Apostle Paul had a "thorn in the flesh," a weakness that made him rely on God’s grace. Instead of removing the thorn, God said, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Paul learned to boast in his weakness because it was through that weakness that God’s power was revealed. Sometimes, our mess and brokenness become the very platform through which God demonstrates His power and grace.

b) From Weakness to Witness
God can take our weakest moments and use them as a witness to others. Your mess can serve as a testimony of God’s grace. The areas where we feel the most broken or inadequate are often the places where God’s strength shines through the brightest. Paul turned his weakness into a message that has encouraged countless people throughout history. God can do the same with your life.


a) Redemption of the Past (1 Timothy 1:12-14)
Paul’s past was filled with mistakes—he persecuted the church and opposed Jesus. But after his conversion, Paul’s past became a powerful part of his testimony. In 1 Timothy 1:12-14, Paul expresses gratitude to Christ for showing him mercy despite his past. His life is a reminder that no matter how much we have messed up, God can redeem our past and use it for His purpose.

b) Your Past Does Not Define You 
We often feel like our past disqualifies us from being used by God, but the opposite is true. God specializes in taking broken people and turning them into vessels of honor. Don’t let your past mistakes hold you back from the great things God has in store for you. God will take your past mess and turn it into a powerful message of His redeeming love.


a) Testimonies Bring Encouragement 
When God turns your mess into a message, it becomes a testimony that can bring hope to others. Revelation 12:11 says, "They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony." Your story of God’s faithfulness, even in the darkest times, can encourage others who are going through similar challenges.

b) Sharing Your Message for God’s Glory
Don’t be afraid to share your story. Your mess, once turned into a message, has the power to lead others to Christ. People are often more impacted by our weaknesses and how God has brought us through tough times than by our strengths. Your message can be the key to someone else’s breakthrough.


a) Discovering Purpose Through Pain 
Many people discover their God-given purpose through the messes of life. The very challenges that were meant to break us can propel us into our purpose. Just as Joseph’s mess became the path to his destiny, so can yours. God uses every part of our journey to mold us into the people He has called us to be.

b) Walking in Your Calling 
When you allow God to turn your mess into a message, you begin to walk in your calling with purpose. You start to see how your pain can be used to help others. God doesn’t just want to deliver you from the mess—He wants to transform it into a ministry that impacts others.


Whatever mess you may find yourself in today, know that God can turn it into a message of hope, healing, and restoration. The messes we go through in life are not the end of the story. God is writing a beautiful message out of your pain, your struggles, and your weaknesses. Trust Him to transform your mess into something that will glorify Him and bring hope to others.


1. Lord, help me to trust You even in the midst of my mess. 

2. Father, turn my weakness into a witness of Your grace. 

3. Lord, redeem my past and use it for Your purpose. 

4. Father, give me the courage to share my testimony with others. 

5. Lord, transform my mess into a message that brings hope to others. 

6. Father, reveal Your purpose in my pain and challenges. 

7. Lord, help me to see Your hand at work in every part of my life. 

8. Father, strengthen me to walk in my calling and purpose. 

9. Lord, use my life as a testimony of Your goodness and faithfulness. 

10. Father, give me peace and hope as You turn my mess into a message.


1. I declare that my mess is turning into a message of hope. 

2. I declare that God is working all things together for my good. 

3. I declare that my weaknesses are being transformed into a testimony of God's strength. 

4. I declare that my past does not define me—God is using it for His glory. 

5. I declare that my life will be a witness of God's grace and redemption. 

6. I declare that God is using my story to bring hope to others. 

7. I declare that I am stepping into my God-given purpose and calling. 

8. I declare that every mess in my life is being turned into a ministry for others. 

9. I declare that my testimony will bring glory to God and lead others to Christ. 

10. I declare that God's grace is sufficient for me, and I will walk in victory.

No matter what you are going through, remember that God is the author of your story. He can turn any mess into a message that will inspire and uplift others. Trust Him to use your journey for His glory and the benefit of those around you.

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