Friday 20 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 61:1-3 
Supporting Texts: Genesis 26:12-13, 2 Kings 4:1-7, Acts 2:41-47

Supernatural increase refers to growth, abundance, and prosperity that surpasses human effort and understanding. It is God’s divine intervention in the lives of His people to bring about extraordinary multiplication. The anointing for supernatural increase empowers believers to experience God’s provision and abundance in ways that defy natural limitations. In this sermon, we will explore how the anointing enables supernatural increase and how we can position ourselves to receive this divine blessing.


a) God's Desire for Increase (Genesis 1:28) 
From the beginning, God’s desire for humanity has been fruitfulness, multiplication, and increase. He blessed Adam and Eve with the command to "be fruitful and multiply." This blessing of increase extends to every aspect of our lives—spiritually, materially, and relationally.

b) The Anointing Brings Abundance (Isaiah 61:1-3)
The anointing of the Holy Spirit is the divine empowerment that breaks yokes, sets captives free, and releases God’s abundance. When God’s anointing is upon a person, it brings transformation, favour, and supernatural provision.


a) Isaac's Supernatural Harvest (Genesis 26:12-13)
In the midst of famine, Isaac sowed in the land and reaped a hundredfold because of the Lord's blessing. This is a prime example of supernatural increase—Isaac experienced abundance when the natural circumstances suggested otherwise. The anointing caused his harvest to multiply beyond the expected yield.

b) The Widow’s Oil (2 Kings 4:1-7)
The widow of a prophet was in desperate need, but the anointing released through the prophet Elisha caused her small jar of oil to multiply. As long as she had vessels to fill, the oil continued to flow. This demonstrates how the anointing can cause even the smallest resource to experience supernatural increase when surrendered to God.

c) The Early Church’s Multiplication (Acts 2:41-47)
After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the early church experienced supernatural growth. In one day, 3,000 people were added to the church, and their numbers continued to increase daily. This increase was not due to human effort alone but the result of the anointing of the Holy Spirit.


a) The Power of Obedience (Deuteronomy 28:1-2) 
Obedience to God’s Word is a key factor in unlocking supernatural increase. When we follow God’s instructions, even when they seem illogical, we open ourselves up to divine provision. Just as Isaac obeyed God by sowing in famine and the widow followed Elisha’s command to gather vessels, our obedience positions us for increase.

b) Faith in God’s Ability (Hebrews 11:6)
Supernatural increase requires faith in God’s ability to provide beyond natural means. It is believing that God can multiply the little we have, just as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fish to feed 5,000 people. Faith activates the anointing for increase, causing us to step out in expectation of God’s miraculous provision.

c) The Power of Sowing and Reaping (Galatians 6:7-9)
The principle of sowing and reaping plays a crucial role in supernatural increase. When we sow generously, whether it be in finances, time, or service, we position ourselves to receive a multiplied harvest. The anointing causes our seeds to grow in ways we cannot explain, bringing an increase that only God can orchestrate.


a) Stay Connected to the Source (John 15:4-5) 
Jesus is the source of all increase. He told His disciples to abide in Him because apart from Him, they could do nothing. The anointing for increase flows through our relationship with Christ. When we stay connected to Him, we tap into the divine flow of provision and abundance.

b) Speak Words of Faith (Proverbs 18:21)
Our words have the power to shape our reality. To experience supernatural increase, we must speak words of faith and declare God’s promises over our lives. Instead of speaking lack and limitation, we should proclaim abundance, favour, and multiplication. The anointing works in conjunction with the words we release in faith.

c) Align Yourself with God’s Purpose (Matthew 6:33)
Supernatural increase is not just about material blessings; it is about fulfilling God’s kingdom purpose. When we align ourselves with God’s plan and prioritize His kingdom, He adds to us everything we need. The anointing for increase flows when we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.


a) To Bless Others (2 Corinthians 9:8)
Supernatural increase is not just for personal gain; it is meant to bless others. God blesses us so that we can be a blessing. When we receive supernatural increase, we should look for opportunities to give and sow into the lives of others, knowing that the more we give, the more God multiplies.

b) To Advance God’s Kingdom (Philippians 4:19)
God provides supernatural increase to resource His kingdom work. As we experience increase, we are called to use it to advance the gospel, support missions, and meet the needs of the church. The anointing for increase empowers us to be stewards of God’s resources for the expansion of His kingdom.

The anointing for supernatural increase is available to every believer who walks in obedience, faith, and alignment with God’s purpose. As we sow in faith, speak words of life, and stay connected to Christ, we will experience multiplication beyond our natural efforts. Supernatural increase is not just about material wealth, but about seeing God’s divine hand in every area of our lives, enabling us to fulfill His purpose and bless others.

1. Father, anoint me for supernatural increase in every area of my life. 

2. Lord, give me the faith to trust You for supernatural provision. 

3. Father, help me to sow in obedience and expect a multiplied harvest. 

4. Lord, teach me to speak words of faith that align with Your promises. 

5. Father, I declare supernatural increase in my finances, family, and ministry. 

6. Lord, help me to stay connected to You, the source of all increase. 

7. Father, let every limitation in my life be broken by Your anointing. 

8. Lord, use me to be a blessing to others through the increase You provide. 

9. Father, release Your divine favor and abundance upon my life. 

10. Lord, let Your anointing flow through me to bring increase to Your kingdom.

1. I declare that you are anointed for supernatural increase. 

2. You will reap a multiplied harvest in every area of your life.
3. Your faith will activate God’s provision in supernatural ways. 

4. You will experience divine multiplication even in times of scarcity. 

5. Every seed you sow will bring forth a bountiful harvest. 

6. You are blessed to be a blessing, and through you, many will be blessed. 

7. The anointing for increase will flow through you in your finances, family, and ministry. 

8. You will walk in divine favour and abundance. 

9. You will experience supernatural breakthroughs that defy natural logic. 

10. I declare that your life will be a testimony of God’s supernatural provision and increase.

Step into the anointing for supernatural increase and experience God’s abundant provision in every area of your life! Amen.

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