Sunday 15 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Mark 7:31-37 
Supporting Texts:  Isaiah 35:5-6, Revelation 3:8, John 10:9, Isaiah 22:22

The word "Ephphatha," which means "Be Open," was spoken by Jesus when He healed a deaf man with a speech impediment in Mark 7:34. It was more than a physical healing—it was a declaration of divine access and breakthrough. The command “Be Open” symbolizes the opening of closed doors, blocked opportunities, and impossible situations. In this message, we will explore how God is calling us into a season where what has been closed off in our lives will be opened by His power. When God says "Ephphatha," no man or force can keep you shut out of His divine plan for your life.


a) Physical Healing and Restoration 
In Mark 7:31-37, Jesus used "Ephphatha" to restore a man’s hearing and speech. This signifies that when God speaks over your life, all physical ailments, disabilities, and limitations must be healed and restored. What seemed impossible is possible with God (Luke 1:37).

b) Spiritual Opening 
"Ephphatha" also has spiritual connotations. It signifies the opening of spiritual eyes and ears to hear and understand God’s will. In Isaiah 35:5-6, the prophet speaks of the eyes of the blind being opened and the ears of the deaf being unstopped. God wants to open your spiritual senses to discern His voice and direction.

c) Breaking Closed Doors 
When God declares "Ephphatha," it is a prophetic declaration of open doors. In Revelation 3:8, God says, “See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.” When God opens a door for you, no adversary or circumstance can shut it.


a) Peter's Prison Break (Acts 12:5-11)
When Peter was imprisoned, the church prayed earnestly, and God opened the prison doors. Even when Peter was chained and guarded by soldiers, the angel of the Lord brought him out. This shows that no barrier can hold you back when God declares "Be Open."

b) The Red Sea Opens (Exodus 14:21-22) 
When the Israelites were trapped by the Red Sea, God told Moses to stretch out his hand, and the sea parted. This miraculous opening shows that God can open any situation, no matter how impossible it looks.

c) Paul and Silas in Prison (Acts 16:25-26) 
Paul and Silas were in prison, but as they praised and prayed, God caused an earthquake that opened the prison doors. Praise and worship can cause God to open the doors of deliverance in your life.


a) Lack of Faith
Jesus said to the man’s father in Mark 9:23, “Everything is possible for one who believes.” Faith is the key to receiving open doors. If we doubt, we hinder the manifestation of God’s promises in our lives. Doubt can block us from experiencing the full power of "Ephphatha."

b) Disobedience 
In Deuteronomy 28:15, the Bible warns that disobedience can lead to closed doors and curses. To experience the fullness of God’s open doors, we must walk in obedience to His Word and His leading.

c) Negative Confessions 
Our words have power. Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” Negative confessions about your circumstances can prevent you from walking into the open doors God has for you. Instead, speak life, blessings, and opportunities into your situation.


a) Speak with Authority
Jesus spoke with authority when He said, "Ephphatha." We have been given the same authority in Christ to declare open doors and breakthroughs. Matthew 16:19 reminds us that what we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and what we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.

b) Pray Fervently
Persistent, fervent prayer is key to seeing closed situations open up. In Luke 18:1-8, Jesus teaches about the persistent widow who continually sought justice. Her persistence eventually opened the door for her. Do not stop praying until you see your miracle.

c) Align Your Actions with God's Word 
Faith without works is dead (James 2:26). If we believe God to open doors, our actions must align with His Word. Prepare yourself spiritually, physically, and mentally for the opportunities that God is opening in your life.


a) Divine Opportunities
When God opens a door, it leads to divine opportunities that can change your life. In John 10:9, Jesus says, “I am the door; whoever enters through me will be saved.” God’s open doors bring salvation, favour, and divine appointments that lead to His purpose for your life.

b) Restoration of What Was Lost
"Ephphatha" brings restoration. Just as the deaf man’s hearing and speech were restored, God is able to restore everything that has been lost or stolen from you. Joel 2:25 promises that God will restore the years that the locusts have eaten.

c) Testimonies and Glory to God 
In Mark 7:36-37, the people were overwhelmed with amazement at the miracle Jesus performed. When God opens doors in your life, it will not only bless you but also bring glory to His name. Your testimony will encourage others and draw them closer to God.

When Jesus says "Ephphatha," every closed door, every impossible situation, and every blocked opportunity must be opened. God is calling you into a season of open doors, breakthroughs, and divine access. Do not allow doubt, disobedience, or negative confessions to keep you from walking into the fullness of what God has for you. Declare "Be Open" over every area of your life and watch God move in powerful ways.


1. Father, I declare that every closed door in my life must be opened in Jesus' name.

2. Lord, open my spiritual eyes and ears to hear and see Your will for my life.

3. Father, I bind every spirit of doubt and unbelief that may hinder my breakthrough.

4. Lord, by Your power, open doors of divine opportunities and favour in my life.

5. Father, let every barrier to my success and progress be removed in Jesus' name.

6. Lord, restore everything that has been lost or stolen from me by the enemy.

7. Father, grant me the grace to walk in obedience and align my actions with Your Word.

8. Lord, let every closed door of healing, prosperity, and promotion in my life be opened.

9. Father, open doors of testimony and glory that will bring others to know You.

10. Lord, give me the strength to persist in prayer and faith until I see my miracle manifest.


1. I declare that every door that was once closed is now open in Jesus' name.

2. I prophesy that new opportunities and breakthroughs are manifesting in my life.

3. I decree that no force of darkness can shut the doors God has opened for me.

4. I declare that my faith will unlock every door of blessing and favour.

5. I prophesy that restoration is coming to every area of my life where there has been loss.

6. I decree that the heavens are open over me, and God’s blessings are pouring out.

7. I declare that I am walking through the doors of healing, prosperity, and success.

8. I prophesy that every limitation in my life is being removed by God’s power.

9. I declare that my testimony of open doors will bring glory to God and inspire others.

10. I decree that this is my season of "Ephphatha"—my season of divine openings and manifestations.

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