Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 10:27 
Supporting Texts: Galatians 5:1, Zechariah 4:6-7, John 8:36

Limitations are barriers that restrict or hinder a person from achieving their full potential in life. These limitations can come in various forms: spiritual, physical, emotional, or even financial. God's will for His children is to live in freedom and fulfil their divine purpose. Today, we will explore how to break free from the yoke of limitation through the power of God.


a) The Nature of Limitations 
Limitations are anything that confines, restrains, or holds back a person from progressing in life. These can be external forces, such as circumstances or demonic attacks, or internal forces, like fear, unbelief, or sin. Regardless of the source, they are contrary to God's plan for us.

b) Spiritual Yokes
A yoke is a symbol of bondage and oppression. In Isaiah 10:27, God promises that the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing. Spiritual yokes, such as generational curses or demonic oppression, are common sources of limitation. However, the anointing of God is powerful enough to break every yoke.

Biblical Example: The Israelites in Egypt (Exodus 3:7-8) 
The Israelites were bound by the yoke of slavery in Egypt, but God intervened and broke the chains of their limitation, bringing them into a land of promise and freedom. God’s desire is to deliver His people from every form of bondage and limitation.


a) Generational and Foundational Issues
Many people are limited by generational curses or foundational issues stemming from their family background. These can manifest as recurring patterns of failure, poverty, sickness, or delay. In Galatians 3:13, we are reminded that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, and through Him, we can break free from any generational limitations.

b) Self-Imposed Limitations 
Sometimes, the limitations we face are due to our own mindsets and beliefs. Fear, doubt, and a lack of confidence can keep us from reaching our full potential. The Bible encourages us to renew our minds (Romans 12:2) and to trust in God’s promises. 

Biblical Example: The Israelites' Fear of the Promised Land (Numbers 13:31-33) 
When the Israelites were on the verge of entering the Promised Land, they limited themselves by doubting God's promise and believing they were too weak to overcome the giants. As a result, they wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Limitation is often self-imposed through doubt and fear.


a) The Power of the Anointing
Isaiah 10:27 tells us that the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing. The anointing of God breaks every form of limitation. When the Spirit of God comes upon a person, He empowers them to rise above every barrier and fulfil their divine destiny.

b) Walking in Freedom
Galatians 5:1 declares that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free, and we should not return to a yoke of bondage. We must walk in the liberty Christ has provided, rejecting every form of limitation that the enemy tries to impose on us. This requires faith and persistence.

Biblical Example: The Woman with the Issue of Blood (Mark 5:25-34) 
This woman faced a 12-year-long limitation of sickness, but she broke free through faith. She believed that if she could just touch the hem of Jesus’ garment, she would be healed. Her faith broke the yoke of limitation in her life, and she received her healing.


a) Prayer and Fasting 
Certain yokes and limitations can only be broken through prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21). Persistent, fervent prayer is key to breaking spiritual barriers. Fasting strengthens our spirit and aligns us with God's will, giving us the power to overcome limitations.

b) The Word of God
The Word of God is a weapon against limitations. As we speak and declare the promises of God over our lives, we enforce our victory and break every yoke. God's Word is a hammer that breaks rocks into pieces (Jeremiah 23:29), and it can shatter every barrier in our lives.

c) Faith in Action 
Faith without works is dead (James 2:26). To break the yoke of limitation, we must step out in faith and take action. When we act on the promises of God, He moves in our favour and removes every barrier.

Biblical Example: The Four Lepers (2 Kings 7:3-8) 
The four lepers broke free from their limitations by stepping out in faith. Instead of staying in their place of misery, they moved forward, and God worked a great miracle of provision for them. When we step out in faith, God breaks the yoke of limitation.

Limitations are not part of God’s plan for your life. Jesus Christ has paid the price to set you free from every form of bondage and limitation. As you trust in His power, take steps of faith, and apply the principles of prayer, fasting, and the Word, every yoke in your life will be broken. This is your season to rise above every limitation and walk in the fullness of God’s plan for you!

1. Father, I thank You for breaking every yoke of limitation in my life. 

2. Lord, I command every generational curse and foundational issue limiting me to be broken in Jesus’ name. 

3. Father, by Your anointing, destroy every spiritual yoke holding me back. 

4. Lord, help me to let go of fear and doubt that limits my progress. 

5. Father, open doors of opportunity for me to advance beyond my current limitations. 

6. Lord, strengthen me to break free from self-imposed limitations and walk in Your promises. 

7. Father, I declare that every barrier before me is destroyed by Your power. 

8. Lord, give me the grace to persist in prayer and fasting to overcome all limitations. 

9. Father, I decree that no weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every yoke is broken. 

10. Lord, by faith, I declare that I am walking in freedom, progress, and divine favour.

1. I declare that every yoke of limitation over your life is broken by the anointing in Jesus’ name! 

2. You are moving forward into a season of unlimited possibilities and progress. 

3. Every generational curse and foundational limitation is destroyed in your life today. 

4. I prophesy that you are stepping out of every self-imposed limitation and walking in God’s promises. 

5. By the power of God, every barrier standing before you is shattered. 

6. I decree that you are walking in divine freedom and the fullness of your potential. 

7. Every form of spiritual, financial, and physical limitation in your life is broken today. 

8. You will break forth on every side.

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