Tuesday 24 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 38:1-5 
Supporting Texts: 1 Samuel 3:11-18, 1 Samuel 2:27-36, Psalm 34:19, James 5:16-18

Life is full of challenges, and how we respond to them makes all the difference. Some challenges may seem overwhelming, but the Bible teaches us that God is always available to help us in our time of need. In Isaiah 38:1-5, we see Hezekiah faced with the challenge of impending death. However, he responded by turning to God in prayer, and his life was extended by 15 years. In contrast, Eli, the high priest, received a prophecy of doom regarding his family but did nothing to seek God’s intervention. This sermon compares these two men’s responses to life's challenges and highlights the importance of actively seeking God in difficult times.


a) A Prophecy of Death 
In Isaiah 38:1, Hezekiah was told by the prophet Isaiah, "Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live." This was a direct and severe challenge. Hezekiah was facing the end of his life, and this prophecy seemed final.

b) Hezekiah’s Response: Prayer and Faith
Rather than accepting the prophecy passively, Hezekiah turned to God in prayer. He "turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord" (Isaiah 38:2). His prayer was not one of resignation but of fervent petition, reminding God of his faithfulness and seeking mercy.

Biblical Example: Elijah’s Prayer for Rain (James 5:16-18) 
Elijah faced a challenge of drought, but he responded by praying fervently until rain came. The "fervent prayer of a righteous man" avails much. Like Elijah, Hezekiah’s prayer moved the hand of God.


a) A Prophecy of Judgment 
In 1 Samuel 3:11-18, Eli received a prophecy of doom concerning his family due to the wickedness of his sons. Despite this grave warning, Eli responded with passive resignation, saying, "He is the Lord; let Him do what seems good to Him" (1 Samuel 3:18). Eli’s response showed no effort to intercede, repent, or seek God's mercy.

b) Eli’s Response: Passive Acceptance
Eli did not actively seek God’s intervention or take steps to avert the judgment. His lack of response demonstrated a dangerous form of spiritual passivity that led to the fulfillment of the prophetic doom.

Biblical Example: King Saul’s Passivity (1 Samuel 15:22-23) 
When Saul was rebuked for his disobedience, instead of repenting with a sincere heart, he gave excuses. Like Eli, Saul’s passivity toward God’s warnings resulted in his downfall and the loss of his kingdom.


a) Hezekiah’s Prayer Changed His Situation
God responded to Hezekiah’s prayer by adding 15 more years to his life (Isaiah 38:5). This shows the power of prayer and intercession in turning the tides of difficult situations. God’s word through Isaiah was altered because of Hezekiah's humility, prayer, and faith.

b) The Consequences of Eli’s Passivity 
In contrast, Eli's failure to act led to the fulfillment of the judgment on his house. His sons died in battle, the Ark of the Covenant was captured, and Eli himself died in grief. His passivity shows that neglecting to handle challenges with spiritual vigour can have devastating consequences (1 Samuel 4:17-18).

Biblical Example: Nineveh’s Repentance (Jonah 3:5-10) 
When Nineveh heard Jonah’s prophecy of destruction, the people, from the king down to the lowest citizen, repented in sackcloth and ashes. God saw their repentance and withheld the judgment. This stands in contrast to Eli’s response, showing that repentance can change even the most dire of situations.


a) Faith and Prayer Make a Difference
Hezekiah’s story teaches us that no matter how hopeless a situation appears, we must turn to God in faith and prayer. God can reverse the irreversible. Our faith-filled response to challenges opens the door for divine intervention.

b) Spiritual Apathy Leads to Defeat
Eli’s story is a warning that passivity in the face of challenges can lead to defeat. When we resign ourselves to failure without seeking God’s help, we miss the opportunity for God to show His power in our lives. Challenges are a call to action, not apathy.

Biblical Example: The Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8) 
Jesus taught the parable of the persistent widow to show that we "ought always to pray and not lose heart." The widow’s persistence moved the unjust judge to grant her justice. If persistence can move an unjust judge, how much more will it move our righteous and loving Father?


a) Cry Out to God in Prayer 
Hezekiah cried out to God, and God heard him. In our challenges, we must learn to seek God’s face earnestly. Psalm 34:19 says, "Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all." Prayer is our connection to divine help.

b) Don’t Accept Defeat
Eli accepted the doom without a fight, but we must not allow challenges to defeat us. Even when the odds are against us, we must stand in faith and believe that God can turn things around.

Biblical Example: Hannah’s Prayer for a Child (1 Samuel 1:10-20) 
Hannah faced the challenge of barrenness, but she did not accept it as final. She cried out to God in the temple, and God blessed her with a son, Samuel, who became a great prophet. Like Hannah, we must refuse to give up in the face of challenges.

The way we handle our challenges determines the outcome. Hezekiah cried out to God, and God added 15 years to his life. Eli, on the other hand, accepted doom without interceding, and his family faced judgment. Let us learn from these two examples: when challenges come, we must rise up in faith and seek God’s intervention. Don’t give up or resign to fate—God is ready to deliver, restore, and bring victory when we cry out to Him.

1. Lord, give me the grace to respond in faith to every challenge I face. 

2. Father, remove every spirit of passivity and spiritual apathy from my life. 

3. Lord, teach me to cry out to You in my time of need and not accept defeat. 

4. Father, turn every situation of doom in my life into a testimony of Your power. 

5. Lord, I reject spiritual resignation; I embrace a heart of intercession and faith. 

6. Father, deliver me from every challenge that seems too hard to bear. 

7. Lord, restore everything that has been lost due to spiritual passivity. 

8. Father, empower me to overcome every trial and affliction through Your strength. 

9. Lord, give me a heart of faith like Hezekiah, that I may always seek Your face. 

10. Father, let Your mercy speak over every situation of my life.

1. I declare that every challenge you face will turn into a testimony of God’s power. 

2. You will not accept defeat; God will give you the strength to overcome. 

3. Every prophecy of doom against your life is cancelled in the name of Jesus. 

4. The Lord will extend your life, your opportunities, and your favour in Jesus’ name. 

5. Your prayers will open the heavens, and God will intervene in your situation. 

6. You will rise above every challenge with the power of God at work in you. 

7. Where there was sorrow, joy will overflow in your life. 

8. Like Hezekiah, you will receive a divine turnaround in every difficult situation. 

9. Every lost opportunity will be restored in double portion. 

10. The Lord will make you victorious in every battle, and you will not fail in Jesus’ name.

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