Tuesday 17 September 2024



By Rev Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Mark 10:45 - "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many." 

Service is a foundational principle of the Christian faith. It is a divine calling and an expression of God's love to humanity. Jesus Christ, our perfect example, came not to be served but to serve, demonstrating that greatness in the Kingdom of God is measured by our willingness to serve others. In a world where personal ambition and self-centeredness are often celebrated, the Bible challenges us to adopt a servant’s heart. This sermon explores the power of service—its essence, the blessings that accompany it, and how we can effectively serve God and others in our daily lives.


a) Service as an Act of Worship (Romans 12:1)
Service is not just about doing tasks or fulfilling obligations; it is an act of worship to God. Romans 12:1 urges us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. When we serve others, we are serving God, and it becomes a sweet-smelling offering to Him. True service flows from a heart that loves God and desires to glorify Him in every action.

b) Serving Others Is Serving God (Matthew 25:40)
Jesus taught that whatever we do for the least of His brethren, we do it for Him. This shows that serving others is synonymous with serving God. Whether it is feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, or offering a listening ear, every act of kindness done in Christ’s name is noted in heaven.

c) Service Demonstrates Christ’s Love (John 13:14-15)
When Jesus washed His disciples' feet, He demonstrated the power of humble service. By this act, He taught us that no task is too small or menial in the service of others. Service, when done with humility, is a powerful demonstration of the love of Christ and breaks down barriers, builds relationships, and draws people closer to God.


a) Service Brings Promotion and Honour (Proverbs 22:29; Luke 14:11) 
Proverbs 22:29 states that a diligent person in their service will stand before kings. Service brings elevation. When we serve faithfully, God takes notice and brings honour and promotion. Jesus also stated that those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:11).

b) Service Brings Fulfillment and Joy (Acts 20:35) 
Acts 20:35 tells us that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Serving others brings a deep sense of fulfilment and joy that material possessions cannot provide. When we focus on others' needs, we find purpose and meaning in life. The joy of service is the joy of being like Christ.

c) Service Opens Doors to Divine Favour (1 Kings 17:8-16; Ruth 2:11-12)
When we serve others selflessly, we position ourselves for divine favour. The widow of Zarephath received provision during a famine because she served Elijah with her last meal. Ruth found favour in Boaz’s field because she served Naomi selflessly. Service positions us for unexpected blessings and favor from God and man.


a) Joseph: Serving with Excellence Even in Difficult Circumstances (Genesis 39:4; 41:40)
Despite being sold into slavery and later imprisoned, Joseph served with diligence and excellence. His faithful service in Potiphar's house and in prison led to his divine promotion as the second in command in Egypt. Joseph’s life illustrates that faithful service, even in adversity, brings divine reward.

b) Jesus Christ: The Ultimate Example of Service (Philippians 2:5-8) 
Jesus left His glory in heaven and took the form of a servant to serve humanity, even to the point of dying on the cross. His service was sacrificial and selfless. We are called to have the same mindset as Christ, to serve others with humility, love, and sacrifice.

c) Stephen: A Heart of Service and Boldness (Acts 6:2-8)
Stephen was chosen to serve tables in the early church, but his service did not stop there. He was also filled with the Spirit, performing great wonders and signs. Stephen’s example shows that service in God’s kingdom is both practical and spiritual, leading to divine power and impact.


a) Serve with a Pure Heart and Right Motive (Colossians 3:23-24) 
Whatever we do, we must do it with a pure heart and the right motives, as unto the Lord and not for human approval. God looks at the heart, and only service rendered with sincerity and love will yield a lasting reward.

b) Serve with Humility and Love (Philippians 2:3-4)
True service is born out of humility and love. We must esteem others better than ourselves and look out for their interests. Serving others with a genuine heart fosters unity and reflects the character of Christ.

c) Serve Diligently and Faithfully (1 Corinthians 15:58) 
Service requires diligence and faithfulness. Paul encourages believers to be steadfast and always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that our labour in the Lord is not in vain. Consistent and committed service attracts God’s blessings and favour.

Service is a powerful key to unlocking God's blessings and fulfilling His purpose in our lives. It is an act of worship, an expression of love, and a pathway to divine favour and promotion. As we serve others, we serve God, and in doing so, we become like Christ. Let us commit to a life of service, knowing that it brings joy, fulfilment, and eternal reward.


1. "Lord, give me a heart of service and humility, just like Jesus."

2. "Father, help me to serve others selflessly and faithfully."

3. "O God, grant me the grace to serve You with sincerity and love."

4. "Lord, let my service bring honour and glory to Your name."

5. "Father, open doors of favour and promotion as I serve diligently."

6. "Lord, help me to serve with joy and gladness, not out of compulsion."

7. "O God, let my service to others be a reflection of Your love."

8. "Father, bless the works of my hands as I serve You and Your people."

9. "Lord, give me strength to serve even in challenging circumstances."

10. "Father, use my service to impact lives and advance Your Kingdom."


1. I declare that you will serve the Lord with a heart of humility and love.

2. I decree that your service will bring divine promotion and honour in Jesus’ name.

3. I proclaim that as you serve faithfully, doors of favour and opportunities will open to you.

4. I declare that the joy of the Lord will fill your heart as you serve others.

5. I decree that your labour in the Lord will never be in vain; it will yield abundant fruit.

6. I declare that you will be a shining example of Christ-like service in your community.

7. I proclaim that God’s grace will empower you to serve even in difficult times.

8. I decree that your service will break barriers and bring healing and restoration to others.

9. I declare that you will find fulfilment and purpose in serving God and His people.

10. I proclaim that your service will leave a lasting legacy of faith and love for generations to come.

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