Tuesday 24 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Psalm 7:13 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 54:17, Psalm 91:5-6, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Evil arrows represent the attacks, afflictions, and spiritual warfare that the enemy sends to harm believers. These arrows can manifest as sickness, financial crisis, stagnation, or failure. However, as believers in Christ, we have the authority to return these arrows to their sender. Scripture is clear that no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). This message will explore the nature of evil arrows, their spiritual origins, and how to send them back to the sender through prayer and faith.


a) Nature and Manifestations of Evil Arrows 
Evil arrows are spiritual attacks launched by the enemy to cause harm in various areas of life, including health, finances, relationships, and mental well-being. These attacks may manifest suddenly or gradually and are intended to derail the destinies of God’s children.

b) The Purpose of Evil Arrows 
The primary aim of evil arrows is to weaken believers and divert them from their God-given purposes. However, through spiritual awareness and prayer, we can nullify these attacks and send them back to their origin.

Biblical Example: Saul’s Attack on David (1 Samuel 18:10-11) 
Saul attempted to harm David by throwing a spear at him out of jealousy and fear. This is symbolic of spiritual attacks that arise from envy and hatred. However, David was protected by God, and Saul’s attacks failed.


a) Enemies of Destiny
There are spiritual forces and human agents that become instruments of evil arrows against a person’s life. These enemies may arise out of envy, jealousy, or malice (Ephesians 6:12).

b) Witchcraft and Occultic Powers 
Evil arrows are often linked to demonic operations, witchcraft, and curses. They are aimed at bringing confusion, failure, and oppression into the lives of believers (Numbers 22:6).

Biblical Example: Balaam and Balak’s Curse (Numbers 23:23) 
Balak hired Balaam to curse Israel, hoping to send evil arrows of destruction against them. However, God’s protection over His people ensured that no evil arrow could prosper against them.


a) Symptoms and Patterns of Evil Arrows
Evil arrows can manifest as repeated failure, inexplicable sickness, confusion, or sudden losses. These events may seem ordinary, but when they form negative patterns, they indicate a spiritual attack (Psalm 7:14-16).

b) Dreams and Spiritual Warnings 
Evil arrows may also reveal themselves through disturbing dreams, such as being chased, attacked, or oppressed in the dream realm. These are often signs of a spiritual attack that requires immediate prayer and action.

Biblical Example: Job’s Afflictions (Job 1:13-19) 
Job faced a series of devastating attacks on his family, wealth, and health, which were spiritual arrows allowed by Satan. Despite these afflictions, Job remained steadfast in faith, and God ultimately restored him.


a) Authority in Christ to Send Back Evil Arrows
As believers, we are empowered by Christ to send every evil arrow back to its sender. Jesus has given us authority over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19), and by invoking His name, we can cancel and reverse every demonic attack (Isaiah 54:17).

b) The Power of Persistent Prayer and Declarations
To counteract evil arrows, it is necessary to engage in fervent prayer and prophetic declarations. By speaking the Word of God and using the blood of Jesus, we can neutralize every evil sent against us (Revelation 12:11).

Biblical Example: Haman’s Plot Against Mordecai (Esther 7:10) 
Haman devised an evil plan to hang Mordecai, but through divine intervention, the arrow of destruction that Haman aimed at Mordecai returned to him. Haman was hanged on the very gallows he had prepared for Mordecai.


a) Use of Spiritual Weapons
The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God for pulling down strongholds (2 Corinthians 10:4). These include prayer, the Word of God, the blood of Jesus, and the name of Jesus. By using these weapons, we can destroy every evil arrow sent our way.

b) Victory Through Divine Protection 
Psalm 91 assures us that we are protected from the arrows that fly by day and the terrors by night. God’s divine protection shields us from harm, and when we stand firm in faith, no evil plan can prevail against us.

Biblical Example: Jehoshaphat’s Victory Over His Enemies (2 Chronicles 20:15-24) 
Jehoshaphat and Judah faced an overwhelming enemy army, but through prayer and divine intervention, the enemies turned on themselves. The arrows of war aimed at Judah were reversed, and Judah claimed victory without even fighting.

Evil arrows are a reality in spiritual warfare, but as children of God, we are not helpless. With faith, prayer, and the authority of Jesus, we can send every evil arrow back to its sender. God has promised that no weapon formed against us shall prosper, and as we stand on His Word, we can live in victory, free from the attacks of the enemy.

1. Every evil arrow fired against me, return to sender in Jesus’ name. 

2. Lord, cancel every demonic attack against my health, finances, and family. 

3. Father, by Your power, neutralize every weapon of the enemy aimed at my destiny. 

4. I declare divine protection over my life and household in Jesus' name. 

5. Every arrow of failure, go back to your sender in Jesus’ name.
6. Lord, destroy every evil altar sending arrows against me. 

7. By the blood of Jesus, I cancel every curse and evil pronouncement against my life. 

8. Father, expose and frustrate every hidden enemy firing arrows against me. 

9. Lord, let every plan of the enemy against me be turned into my promotion. 

10. Father, I declare that I am covered by the blood of Jesus, and no evil shall prevail against me.

1. Every arrow of affliction sent against you is returned to its sender in Jesus’ name. 

2. You will walk in victory and divine protection, untouched by the schemes of the enemy. 

3. No evil plan formed against your family shall prosper; God’s favour surrounds you. 

4. Every arrow of failure in your career is broken, and you will rise to new levels of success. 

5. The Lord will expose every hidden enemy working against you, and their plans will fail. 

6. You will enjoy supernatural breakthroughs, and every barrier to your progress will be removed. 

7. Every curse spoken against you is nullified, and God’s blessings will overflow in your life. 

8. I declare that the arrows of sickness and disease will not touch you or your loved ones. 

9. The enemies plotting your downfall will fall into their own traps, and you will triumph. 

10. From this day forward, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and you will live in divine protection and favour in Jesus' name.

Victory is yours in Christ. Every evil arrow shall go back to its sender, and you will experience the power of God’s protection!

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