Friday 27 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: 1 Samuel 16:1-13 
Supporting Texts: Psalm 78:70-72, Luke 1:52-53

In life, our beginnings do not define our destinies. Many people assume that greatness is reserved for those born into privilege and power. However, the Bible is replete with examples of individuals who rose to prominence despite humble beginnings. This sermon will explore the life of David, who was not born in a palace but was still anointed as king. We will discuss how God looks beyond our circumstances to choose us for greatness.


a) The Anointing of David
In 1 Samuel 16, God instructs Samuel to anoint David, a shepherd boy, as king over Israel. David's humble origins did not disqualify him from being chosen by God. This shows that God’s criteria for selection are vastly different from human standards.

**b) God Looks at the Heart** 
In verse 7, God tells Samuel, "For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart." Our character and devotion to God are what truly matter.

Biblical Example: The Calling of Gideon 
Gideon was the least in his family and came from the weakest tribe (Judges 6:15), yet God chose him to deliver Israel from oppression. This demonstrates that God sees potential where others see weakness.


a) From Shepherd to King 
David spent years tending sheep, honing skills of leadership and bravery. This time of preparation was crucial for his future role as king. Just because we are not in a place of prominence now does not mean God is not preparing us for greater things.

b) Embracing Your Journey 
Every challenge and experience in our lives contributes to our growth. Embrace your journey, knowing that God uses every situation to prepare you for your destiny.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Journey 
Joseph went from being a slave to a prisoner before becoming the second-in-command in Egypt (Genesis 41). His trials were part of God’s greater plan.


a) Spiritual Identity 
Though David was a shepherd, he was still a king in God's eyes. Similarly, we must recognise our spiritual identity in Christ. 1 Peter 2:9 calls us a "royal priesthood." Our worth is not based on earthly status but on our relationship with God.

b) Walking in Authority
Understanding our identity as heirs of God empowers us to walk in authority. We can declare and claim the promises of God over our lives, regardless of our current situation.

Biblical Example: The Prodigal Son 
The prodigal son, despite his mistakes, was still recognised as a son upon his return (Luke 15:22-24). Our identity in God is unchangeable.


a) The Fulfillment of David’s Destiny 
David's rise from a shepherd to king illustrates that our backgrounds do not limit what God can accomplish through us. After being anointed, he faced challenges, yet he eventually ascended to the throne.

**b) God’s Timing is Perfect** 
While we may not see immediate results, we must trust that God’s timing is perfect. He orchestrates events in our lives to align with His divine purpose.

Biblical Example: Esther’s Rise to Queenship 
Esther was an orphan and a foreigner but became queen of Persia (Esther 2:17). Her position enabled her to save her people, demonstrating that God places us where we are needed most.

Our beginnings may not be glamorous, but they do not dictate our potential. Like David, we can rise from obscurity to greatness through God’s calling and preparation. Recognise your worth in Christ and walk confidently in your destiny. Remember, you may not have been born in the palace, but you are still destined for greatness.

1. Lord, thank You for choosing me despite my background. 

2. I declare that I will embrace my journey and trust Your preparation. 

3. Help me to recognise my royal identity in You. 

4. I renounce any thoughts that belittle my potential in Christ. 

5. Lord, grant me the courage to walk in authority as Your heir. 

6. I pray for divine alignment in my life according to Your purpose. 

7. Thank You for the trials that shaped me for greatness. 

8. I declare that my destiny shall be fulfilled in Your perfect timing.
9. Help me to be a vessel of Your glory, regardless of my past. 

10. I pray for wisdom and strength as I navigate my journey to greatness.

1. You are not defined by your past but by the greatness that God has placed within you! 

2. Every limitation imposed by your background is being broken!
3. You will rise from obscurity to fulfil your divine destiny! 

4. God is preparing you for a position of influence and authority! 

5. Your journey is leading you to the throne that God has for you! 

6. You shall walk in confidence, knowing you are a child of the King! 

7. Every challenge you face is an opportunity for divine preparation! 

8. You are destined for greatness, regardless of your starting point!
9. God’s timing for your breakthrough is now! 

10. Your life will declare the goodness and faithfulness of God to all!

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