Saturday 28 September 2024



By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text:  Psalm 126:1-3 
Supporting Texts: Isaiah 61:7, Zephaniah 3:17, Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

Celebration is a significant aspect of human life, marking moments of joy, victory, and breakthrough. In Psalm 126, we read about the return of Israel from captivity and how their mouths were filled with laughter and their hearts with joy. The journey of life may include seasons of weeping and waiting, but God promises that joy and celebration are inevitable for those who trust in Him. Today, I declare to you, “It’s your turn to celebrate!” No matter the trials you have faced, God is bringing you into a season of laughter, victory, and overflowing joy.


a) A Time to Rejoice 
Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 reminds us that there is a time for everything, including a time to weep and a time to laugh. Whatever season of difficulty or waiting you’ve been in, it will give way to celebration. When God turns things around, the same places where you cried will become places of rejoicing (Psalm 30:5).

b) Divine Turnaround
Psalm 126:1 speaks of how the Israelites felt like they were dreaming when the Lord restored their fortunes. God’s intervention in our lives can be so sudden and miraculous that it feels unreal. He specializes in turning situations around in ways that surpass our expectations.

Biblical Example: Job’s Restoration (Job 42:10) 
After all Job had lost, God restored him with double blessings. His season of mourning was replaced with a season of celebration. Likewise, God is about to turn your mourning into dancing.


a) A Double Portion 
Isaiah 61:7 declares that instead of shame and dishonour, God’s people will receive a double portion and everlasting joy. For all the pain, struggles, and losses you have experienced, God promises a double portion of blessings. It’s your turn to be celebrated.

b) Restoration and Celebration
God not only restores what was lost, but He also adds His favour, making your latter days better than the former. Celebration comes when God takes the ashes of your past and replaces them with beauty (Isaiah 61:3). Your time of sorrow is ending, and the Lord is ushering you into a season of unending joy.

Biblical Example: Joseph’s Rise to Prominence (Genesis 41:41-43) 
Joseph suffered betrayal, false accusation, and imprisonment, but when God’s timing came, he was elevated to a place of honour. He went from the pit to the palace, and Egypt celebrated him. Your journey may have had setbacks, but it’s time for your promotion and celebration.


a) Heaven’s Joy 
Zephaniah 3:17 tells us that the Lord rejoices over His people with singing. Your celebration is not just on earth; heaven rejoices when God blesses you. When you step into your breakthrough, there is a divine celebration taking place over you.

b) Joy Unspeakable 
When God celebrates you, He doesn’t do it in a small way. His joy overflows in ways that are beyond human comprehension. As you enter this season of celebration, expect God’s blessings to be pressed down, shaken together, and running over (Luke 6:38).

Biblical Example: The Return of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:22-24) 
When the prodigal son returned home, his father threw a grand celebration for him, symbolizing God’s joy over every restoration. No matter where you have been, it’s your turn to celebrate, for God has great things in store for you.


a) Public Honour
When God decides to celebrate someone, it is not hidden. He makes a public show of His favour and blessings upon your life. In the story of Mordecai, we see that after years of serving unnoticed, God caused the king to publicly honour him (Esther 6:10-11). Likewise, God is going to showcase His glory in your life for all to see.

b) Victory Over Your Enemies 
Celebration also comes when God gives you victory over those who have opposed or oppressed you. Psalm 23:5 declares that God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. This means your victory and celebration will be undeniable to all, even those who once opposed you.

Biblical Example: David’s Victory Parade (1 Samuel 18:6-7) 
After David defeated Goliath, the people of Israel celebrated him with songs of joy. His victory brought about a new season of celebration in his life. Your battles are leading you to your time of public celebration.


a) Remembering the Lord’s Faithfulness
Celebration is not just about what we receive but also about acknowledging God’s goodness and faithfulness. Psalm 126:3 says, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” As you step into your season of celebration, take time to reflect on the goodness of God in your life.

b) Gratitude and Praise
Celebration is the natural response to answered prayers and divine interventions. It’s a time to offer God the praise and thanksgiving He deserves. As you celebrate, let your heart be filled with gratitude for all that God has done.

Biblical Example: Miriam’s Song of Celebration (Exodus 15:20-21) 
After the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, Miriam led the women in a song of praise and celebration, acknowledging God’s victory over the Egyptians. When God brings you through your Red Sea, be ready to lift a song of praise for the victory He has given you.

It’s your turn to celebrate! The season of weeping is over, and God is bringing you into a new season of joy and breakthrough. Just like the Israelites in Psalm 126, you will look back and say, “The Lord has done great things for me!” Get ready to dance, sing, and rejoice because God is lifting you up, restoring all that was lost, and giving you double for your trouble. Your time of celebration has come!

1. Lord, I thank You for bringing me into my season of celebration. 

2. Father, turn every sorrow in my life into joy and dancing. 

3. Lord, grant me double blessings for every trouble I’ve faced. 

4. Father, restore all that has been lost in my life and bring me into my season of laughter. 

5. Lord, let Your favour locate me and cause me to be publicly celebrated. 

6. Father, give me victory over every opposition and let my enemies witness my celebration.
7. Lord, fill my mouth with laughter and my heart with joy. 

8. Father, let every delay in my life be turned into sudden breakthroughs. 

9. Lord, let Your joy overflow in my life and bring lasting celebrations. 

10. Father, crown this season with Your goodness and faithfulness.

1. I declare that your season of celebration has begun. 

2. I prophesy that every sorrow in your life is turning to joy. 

3. I declare that you will receive double for every trouble. 

4. I prophesy that you will be publicly honoured and celebrated. 

5. I declare that your days of weeping are over, and laughter will fill your home. 

6. I prophesy that God will restore everything that was lost in your life. 

7. I declare that you will dance and rejoice over your victories. 

8. I prophesy that the Lord is preparing a table for you in the presence of your enemies. 

9. I declare that your testimony will be so great that it will be like a dream. 

10. I prophesy that this season will be filled with divine breakthroughs and overflowing joy.

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